Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 18

C18 – Monsters

Item: Seven-star Sword Technique

Quality: S

Description: The Seven-star Sword Technique encompasses the Dubhe Sword, Sky Jade Sword, Phecda Sword, Megrez Sword, Jade Sword, Sun-splitting Sword, and the Light Saber. These seven formidable sword techniques wield immense power.

Qiang Nantie’s eyes bulged with astonishment.

He had actually secured an S-grade sword technique!

Qiang Nantie was ecstatic, knowing that any Grade S item could fetch at least several billion spirit coins.

Selling this sword technique would easily net him a fortune in spirit coins!

Moreover, the appearance of a Grade S item always sparked a frenzied competition among countless individuals.

“The Bronze Bird Terrace is indeed a place of thrilling discoveries!”

Qiang Nantie was overjoyed. Items of Grade S were extraordinarily valuable, each worth a king’s ransom.

Naturally, this was linked to the Bronze Bird Terrace being a top-tier structure.

The higher the quality of the building, the more treasures it yielded. His territory had the capability to boost the chances of special items appearing by 10%, making his acquisition of this sword technique quite logical.

This sword technique promised to be a significant asset to him.

Qiang Nantie grasped the skill book and commenced his study.

“I’m now beginning the S-Level Seven-star Sword Technique!”

The skill transformed into a stream of golden light and surged into Qiang Nantie’s brain. With closed eyes, he visualized the various applications and intricacies of the Seven-star Sword Technique.

Yet, to maximize the Seven-star Sword Technique’s potential in combat, he needed to diligently practice and enhance his proficiency with the technique.

“If I could combine the Seven-star Sword Technique with a cultivation method, its potency could multiply several-fold.”

Post-study, Qiang Nantie harbored a tinge of regret.

A cultivation method could significantly boost one’s physical attributes and amplify the strength of various skills.

However, advanced cultivation methods were exceedingly rare.

“If I fail to acquire a cultivation method during the Trial, I’ll have to settle for an interim method.”

The more potent the cultivation method, the quicker the training pace and the more explosive the unleashed power.

Cultivation methods were far more valuable than mere skills. If this skill book were a Grade S cultivation method, its worth would triple at the very least, with prices starting from a staggering ten billion spirit coins.

Many people work tirelessly for centuries and still can’t amass such a wealth of spirit coins. Yet, a single item of high quality can catapult someone into affluence.

That’s the thrill of a Lord venturing into the unknown to unearth treasures.

Soul coins are handy, but they tend to be spent quickly.

Even though he had several hundred spirit coins left, that amount was insufficient for an Intermediate Summoning.

Once the summoning was complete, Qiang Nantie headed to the trading hall to offload the gear he no longer needed.

The sooner he sold the equipment, the more valuable it would be. As everyone’s inventory grew, the value of such items would plummet.

He set a fair price based on the market trends. But before he could finish preparing all the gear for sale, he heard that his items had already been snapped up.

Territory notification: “You sold Hare Boots at the National Exchange Hall and received 475 spirit coins.”

Territory notification: “You sold Stone Leg Guards at the National Exchange Hall and received 1900 spirit coins.”

“They sure move quickly.”

The equipment was indeed rare. For the well-heeled sons with deep pockets, enhancing their power was worth every penny.

Plus, the prices Qiang Nantie set were quite fair.

In the Exchange Hall, some items were so pricey they still hadn’t found buyers.

His equipment sold out quickly, netting him tens of thousands of spirit coins.

Leaving the Bronze Bird Terrace, Qiang Nantie returned to the Spirit Vein Bamboo House, where he found Huamo sitting by his bed.

He took out the table, stool, candle holder, and bedding he had won in the lottery—perfect timing.

“Huamo, let’s get some rest.”

“Alright. I’ll sleep on the stool tonight. It’s a good thing we have one now.”

Huamo sat on the stool, her head bowed in shyness.

“That won’t do; you’ll catch a cold. You should sleep on the bed. It’s large enough for both of us.”

Qiang Nantie insisted.

“No, I’m okay,” Huamo responded, her voice laced with nervousness.

“Don’t worry. As a Lord, you should follow my lead.”

Upon Qiang Nantie’s insistence, Huamo removed her boots and lay on the bed, burying her head deep into the blankets.

Qiang Nantie settled into bed and faced a moral dilemma.

“Should I be a thug, or something even less than that?”

Ultimately, he rejected both options.

He chose to be a man of integrity.

Embracing Huamo, he could feel her tremble slightly with fear.

“Don’t be scared, Huamo. I just want to hold you while we sleep.”

Qiang Nantie truly refrained from doing anything untoward to Huamo.

It wasn’t for lack of desire, but because the timing wasn’t right.

He knew that eventually, Huamo would be his.

They slept soundly until morning.

The following day, they both rose early, with Huamo remaining bashful.

After a quick breakfast, they waited with anticipation for the monster’s assault on their territory.

Qiang Nantie checked the messages.

While slaying the beasts outside promised valuable loot, the safety of their territory was paramount.

Losing the territory would render everything else pointless.

He needed to hold off until the monster attack was over before he could venture out to claim his kills and the extra rewards.

The King Crystal’s defenses were formidable, and it could attack autonomously, but caution was essential.

At eight o’clock, the first monster approached their land.

After the initial warning on the first day, no further alerts would be given.

This was the moment Qiang Nantie had been preparing for.

“Qiang Nantie, the monsters are coming!” Huamo announced, drawing her Wolf Fang Sword and eyeing the distant creatures.

“Let’s not rush. There aren’t many, and they’re right within the Raging Flame Tower’s range. We’ll get to witness the Defense Tower’s capabilities first.”

Each Defense Tower had a finite range. Lords who wished to secure their entire domain needed additional towers or to upgrade existing ones to enhance their attack power and range.

Armed and ready, Qiang Nantie and Huamo watched intently from a distance, eager to assess the Defense Tower’s performance.

Having cleared the fog at the territory’s edge the day before, they could now monitor the perimeter of the forest. The monsters emerged from the woods, bearing down on the territory with ferocity.

A cluster of green-skinned monsters brandished crude blades, their eyes emitting a sinister green glow.

“Monster: Goblin”

“Quality: Common”

“Their level is 3.”

“They possess no unique traits.”

“Description: This band of greedy goblins has a penchant for pilfering treasures from others.”

“There’s a sizable number of these Level Three creatures. It’s only the second day, and already such a multitude has emerged. If they were to raid someone else’s land, that would spell trouble, wouldn’t it?”

Qiang Nantie realized that the increased number of monsters today was due to the Rainbow Lord Space and his stellar SSS rating from yesterday.

This ought to be beneficial for him.

An abundance of monsters meant better prospects for his territory’s growth and more generous rewards.

The horde of goblins was closing in on Qiang Nantie’s domain.


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