Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

566. The Fifth Level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, the Divine Dream Realm!

566. The Fifth Level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, the Divine Dream Realm!

Lin Fei's mind went blank. Yet, the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra appeared within his thoughts. It was completely different from what Lin Fei had anticipated.

Previously, Lin Fei had speculated that the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra might accelerate the flow of time.

However, what manifested in his mind was not about the speed of time. Instead, it involved information about divine realms, laws, and such. Furthermore, there was the Divine Dream Realm.

This fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, in fact, had little to do with the rest of the sutra. It seemed to be merely a tactic used by the ancestor of the Great Dream to attract top-tier True Monarchs.

The Great Dream Heart Sutra comprised only four levels. Reaching the fourth level was to reach its limit. The limit was a time flow speed increased by ten thousand times!

Lin Fei finally understood the so-called fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra was actually meant to "perfect" the Divine Dream Realm.

Only those practitioners of the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra could have ample time and insight. To slowly "perfect" the Divine Dream Realm!

"What?" Lin Fei opened his eyes.

Before him stood the calm-looking ancestor of the Great Dream, his eyes revealing a hint of anticipation.

"How is it, Lin Fei? Have you grasped the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra?"

Lin Fei nodded and said, "Disciple understands. Disciple wishes to visit the Divine Dream Realm."

"Of course, you may go anytime."

With that thought, Lin Fei was within the fourth level of the Dream Realm. But with the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, his dream began to undergo a drastic transformation.

Swiftly, Lin Fei found himself within the Divine Dream Realm. This realm was merely a fragment, not even one ten-thousandth complete.

Lin Fei looked further. It was just an outline, devoid of any world. How could one speak of "perfecting" such a realm?

However, within the Divine Dream Realm, there were two figures, a man and a woman, both top-tier True Monarchs.

Upon seeing Lin Fei and the Great Dream Ancestor, they immediately approached and bowed, saying, "We greet Master.

"No need for formalities."

The two looked at Lin Fei and smiled, saying, "Master, it seems we have a new junior brother."

"Indeed, this is my newly accepted disciple, Lin Fei."

"Lin Fei? So, the junior brother is the Lin Fei of the Ancient Covenant, renowned as a genius unparalleled in history?"

Lin Fei looked at the two and immediately guessed their seniority—they must have mastered the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra earlier than Lin Fei and were also accepted by the Great Dream Ancestor as top-tier True Monarchs.

"Greetings, senior brother and senior sister!"

Lin Fei responded with respectful manners and a slight bow.

For Lin Fei, such formalities were proper given their status. He learned their names: the man was True Monarch Baicheng, and the woman, True Monarch Qianxin. Both were among the elite True Monarchs. Although they were still some distance from becoming Martial Ancestors, they held the potential to reach such heights, unlike other True Monarchs who had lost all hope. After all, they were the most outstanding among the Great Dream sect's top-tier True Monarchs.

"Master, how long will it take to perfect the Divine Dream Realm if we continue at this pace?"

"No matter how long it takes, I am not worried. Martial Ancestors are immortal; I have all the time in the world. As for you, perfect it if you can. If not, there's no need to force it."

Lin Fei understood. The Great Dream Ancestor was in no hurry. After all, he had endless time. But True Monarchs like Lin Fei had only a million years of lifespan, not an endless one.

Lin Fei now realized perfecting the Divine Dream Realm would bring immense benefits to True Monarchs. In this process, it might even be possible to fully grasp their own paths, and thus achieve the status of Martial Ancestor!

The Great Dream Ancestor did not force anyone to hurriedly perfect the Divine Dream Realm. Each person would naturally strive to improve the Divine Dream Realm, as doing so was greatly beneficial for True Monarchs as well.

"Master, I have some insights. Perhaps I might be able to refine the Divine Dream Realm somewhat. May I try?" Lin Fei suddenly spoke up.

True Monarchs Baicheng and Qianxin were slightly surprised. When they first arrived in the Divine Dream Realm, it took them a long time to even begin their attempts at refinement. Lin Fei was ready to refine it already?

One must understand that refining the Divine Dream Realm is no trivial task. A single mistake could render all efforts useless, leaving no trace in the Divine Dream Realm.

Only a realm that corresponds with the true divine realms can be perfected. Even the Great Dream Ancestor was visibly impressed, yet somewhat skeptical.

Still, the Great Dream Ancestor nodded and said, "If you have an insight, you can refine it at any time. However, keep one thing in mind. If it does not align with the divine realms as they exist in reality, then no matter how much you refine, it will disappear without leaving a trace."

"I understand, Master."

Lin Fei was already aware of some of the Divine Dream Realm's profound mysteries. He took a deep breath, quietly adjusting his state. What he intended to refine was simple, it was the world!

Lin Fei intended to create a world within the Divine Dream Realm. This would also benefit his understanding of the Dao of the World. His deepest insights were into the nature of worlds, and what is most abundant in a realm?


These minor worlds also make up parts of the divine realm, like the Ancient Continent, for example. Of course, knowing about minor worlds does not imply one can perfect them. That would be impossible unless one truly had deep insights into the nature of world.

And Lin Fei was particularly adept at creating worlds. After all, he had created the Four Symbols and Five Elements Creation Technique!

Lin Fei closed his eyes.

After a long while,


Lin Fei's eyes opened. Within the dream world, he was omnipotent. Anything and everything could manifest within the dream.

"World, be born!"

Lin Fei spoke with tranquility, pointing towards the void of the Divine Dream Realm. With that single gesture, the void trembled.

It was as if something had explosively burst forth. With the sound of the explosion, a "point" appeared.

This "point" expanded continuously, radiating a powerful aura that was subtly discernible. Seeing this "point," whether it was True Monarch Baicheng, True Monarch Qianxin, or the Great Dream Ancestor. Their eyes were fixated on Lin Fei, on this "point."

They sensed, within this "point," there lay unimaginable power and essence, and even many laws.

"World is born, laws emerge, maintaining order!"

Lin Fei's voice remained even. As his words fell, the shaking "point" gradually stilled. And with it, an aura of a "minor world" spread throughout the void.

This was a minor world, a minor world within the divine realm. Now, Lin Fei had perfectly "replicated" a minor world. This was simply incredible.

"A minor world, this is a minor world! In the divine realm, possessing thousands of worlds, only thus can one truly be divine. Master, Junior Brother Lin is truly remarkable, with these minor worlds, won't the perfection of the divine realm be significantly advanced? Who would have thought that as soon as Junior Brother Lin arrived in the Divine Dream Realm, he would make such a significant contribution to its perfection."

Expressions of amazement filled the faces of the Great Dream Ancestor and the other two.


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