Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

565. Becoming the Disciple of the Great Dream Ancestor!

565. Becoming the Disciple of the Great Dream Ancestor!

"The reason is simple - the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra," the Great Dream Ancestor began. "Do you think reaching the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra is easy? Over the years, only a handful have successfully cultivated it. Including you, there have only been three."

Lin Fei widened his eyes in surprise. So many had attempted the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, yet only a few succeeded? He hadn't realized the Sutra was so challenging, as he had managed to cultivate it without much difficulty.

"Ancestor, what exactly is the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra? And, if becoming a disciple is based on talent, what about the other two Martial Gods who reached the fourth level? Did they become your disciples too?" Lin Fei asked, sensing something peculiar about the whole situation.

The Great Dream Ancestor nodded and explained, "You're right. Anyone who reaches the fourth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, I take as my disciple. You are the third. The reason revolves around the special nature of the fifth level. Those who have cultivated the fourth level have a good chance of achieving the fifth. Only by mastering the fifth level can one join me and others who have done the same to construct a Divine Realm within the dreamscape.

Once the Divine Realm in the dreamscape is completed, all laws, world origins, and even life itself within it will mirror the external Divine Realm. We will become the masters of the Divine Realm within the dreamscape. Furthermore, if you attain the status of Martial Ancestor, you might glimpse the opportunity to achieve Supreme."

The gleam in the Great Dream Ancestor's eyes, filled with fervent aspiration, struck a chord in Lin Fei. The notion of the Supreme, a being transcending Martial Ancestors and True Immortals, represented the pinnacle of existence in the Divine Realm – immortal, invincible. Information about such beings was exceedingly rare, almost non-existent.

It seemed as if there were no specific cultivation methods for achieving such a status; it was as if becoming a Supreme being was a matter of serendipitous fate rather than structured progression.

Yet, here was the Great Dream Ancestor, tirelessly working towards this lofty goal, even creating the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra and aspiring to construct a Divine Realm within the dreamscape. This ambition was almost unfathomable, highlighting the miraculous nature of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

"Will constructing the Divine Realm in Dream influence us in any way?" Lin Fei inquired further.

"There will be no influence whatsoever. Moreover, this is merely a conjecture of mine; whether the Divine Realm can be constructed remains uncertain. Yet, this is the path I must tread! Should you wish to become my disciple and cultivate the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, I could offer you assistance, providing you with what you need most at this moment. The World Origin of a True Monarch realm!"

With a swift motion, Lin Fei raised his head. All other considerations vanished at that moment. The World Origin of a True Monarch! It was an offer Lin Fei could not refuse.

As for accepting the Great Dream Ancestor as his master, Lin Fei was naturally not opposed. The only concern was the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

However, Lin Fei still needed to understand the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra. Whether he could successfully cultivate it remained to be seen. If there were any issues, he could choose not to cultivate it. As long as he obtained the World Origin of a True Monarch, Lin Fei could then attempt to transcend the tribulation.

By surpassing the ninth tribulation, he could continue to elevate the World Dao. If he could achieve the status of a Martial Ancestor, no matter what schemes the Great Dream Ancestor had, Lin Fei would fear nothing!

The crux of it all lay in the World Origin of a True Monarch!

With the World Origin of a True Monarch, everything else would be easily negotiable.

With this thought, Lin Fei promptly bowed deeply and respectfully called out, "Disciple Lin Fei greets the Master!"

And with that, he formally accepted his new master.

"Very good!" the Great Dream Ancestor exclaimed. "Here is the world origin of a True Monarch-level world. It serves no purpose for me; I bestow it upon you." With those words, he granted Lin Fei the coveted True Monarch-level world origin.

However, Lin Fei was initially puzzled. They were in the realm of dreams, where everything granted by the Great Dream Ancestor should be illusory. What use could it have? His confusion quickly dissipated as the True Monarch-level world origin flew into his body.


In an instant, Lin Fei's consciousness returned to reality, and his body resonated with the power of world origin. To his astonishment, it was genuinely a True Monarch-level world origin.

"Interference with reality? Has the master truly attained the ability to influence reality through the dreamscape?" Lin Fei wondered if the Great Dream Ancestor's real body was in the Divine Realm or within the dreamscape.

Regardless of these mysteries, Lin Fei focused on refining the immense world origin. It tremendously augmented every particle of his body. The world origin given by the Great Dream Ancestor seemed extraordinary, far beyond a typical True Monarch-level world. Lin Fei couldn't fathom how the Ancestor had acquired such a potent source.

Lin Fei's physical form surged, multiplying tenfold, even dozens of times in strength.


He didn't know how much time had passed, but Lin Fei finally exhaled deeply in relief.

He had now fully assimilated the World Origin of a True Monarch, and his physical prowess had advanced by leaps and bounds. Coupled with the enhancements from the Saber World, Lin Fei was confident.

He could now assuredly withstand the ninth celestial tribulation and endure the nine heavenly thunders without any issues. Afterward, Lin Fei would also receive the rewards from the Origin Sea, potentially elevating the World's Grand Dao significantly.

However, Lin Fei was not in a hurry to face the tribulation. After all, he was in the midst of accepting a master, and he had not yet received the mantra of the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

The primary purpose of Great Dream Ancestor urging Lin Fei to become his disciple was for him to cultivate the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra. Thus, Lin Fei swiftly focused his mind and returned to Great Dream City to meet with Great Dream Ancestor, who greeted him with a smile, seemingly unchanged.

"Greetings, Master," Lin Fei bowed respectfully.

Great Dream Ancestor, with a smile, inquired, "How has the integration of the World Origin gone?"

"The disciple has integrated well and now possesses the confidence to transcend the nine tribulations," Lin Fei responded honestly.

"Excellent, it seems you have gained much. Now, you can cultivate the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra with peace of mind."

"Please, Master, impart to me the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra!"

"I shall grant it to you. However, the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra is unique; you must first enter the fourth layer of the dream."

"Yes, Master."

With that, Lin Fei's surroundings swiftly changed—second layer, third layer, up to the fourth layer of the dream. Everything around him transformed, yet the figure of the Great Dream Ancestor remained unchanged, still standing before him. Lin Fei was taken aback.

He didn't know which layer of the dream Great Dream Ancestor truly inhabited. He had reached the fourth layer, yet Great Dream Ancestor appeared utterly immovable and unchanged, which was somewhat startling to Lin Fei.

"We are here, the Fourth Layer of Dreams," he mused. "Only in this realm can you find ample time to cultivate the fifth level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra. This fifth tier of the Great Dream Heart Sutra is somewhat unique. It may require a considerable duration. However, with the ten thousandfold acceleration of time in the Fourth Layer of Dreams, there are no concerns. Lin Fei, concentrate with all your might and focus every shred of your attention. The commencement begins..."

As the words of the Great Dream Ancestor trailed off. With a gentle flick, the Great Dream Ancestor pointed his finger, touching directly upon Lin Fei's forehead.


Instantly, Lin Fei's mind trembled. Followed by a thunderous roar in his mind as if his consciousness had suddenly turned utterly blank.


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