Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points

Chapter 88 - 83 Killing Pigs to Make Armor i

Chapter 88 - 83 Killing Pigs to Make Armor i

Chapter 88: Chapter 83 Killing Pigs to Make Armor i

Translator: 549690339

This wasp was slightly lean and long, thinner than the robust and stout bodies of other wasps, but its body was longer.

Its head was brown, and its compound eyes looked like two bulging, strange orbs, coupled with the raised top of its head, which made it look particularly fierce.

In fact, since it had been captured, it had become extremely irritable, constantly biting around and stabbing wildly with its stinger.

Now, if a honeybee were to be put in there, it would likely be torn apart directly.

The small shields on its chest and the smaller plates behind were both extremely developed, its abdomen cylindrical and smooth, covered with extremely fine incisions. Its body had bands of yellow and black interlacing patterns.

The third ring of yellow on its abdomen, near the lower end of its belly, appeared to be a tapered V-shape.

Other common wasps did not have this feature.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Niu noticed its uniqueness at a glance and decided to capture it.

After careful identification, he obtained some data about this wasp.

[Wasp, Hymenoptera Vespidae, female (fully developed), lifespan about 1 year, special abilities, extremely ferocious, strong toxicity.]

After the identification was complete, Qin Niu grinned and showed a smile.

The value of this wasp was much higher than he had imagined.

The life span of a common wasp worker bee is usually only about one month.

Short-lived worker bees can even survive only half a month.

Qin Niu had actually caught a potential queen bee, which was definitely an unexpected surprise.

At the time, he had thought this wasp was just a better-developed worker among its kin, not expecting it to be fully developed.

Within a wasp nest, there may be several, or even more than a dozen queen bees, but their hierarchy is strictly enforced.

Only one queen bee has the right to lay eggs.

Other queens without the right to lay eggs either succeed the old queen upon her death or fly out to establish a new nest.

The one he captured was a prospective queen, meaning its value was much higher than that of a common wasp.

Moreover, this wasp even had two special abilities.

Although these two special abilities weren’t much compared to Qin Niu’s termites, they still significantly increased its value.

“Those two special Jin Chan probably won’t sell for much, this wasp should be able to sell for more than one tael of silver.”

Qin Niu pondered to himself.

With the treasure map of Green Demon in hand, he truly didn’t fancy this caliber of a special queen bee.

Moreover, having already owned a honeybee queen bee, his energy was limited, and he couldn’t possibly cultivate another nest of wasps.

Additionally, he disliked the bandit-like nature of wasps.

He found them too brutal.

Unless the special abilities of a wasp queen bee were strong enough to pique Qin Niu’s interest, he wouldn’t consider keeping it as a pet.

Industrious honeybees were his favorites, as long as they were well-kept, they could in the future produce royal jelly for him, or even special efficacy honey. Their long-term value was much higher than that of wasps.

Upon returning home, he spent thirty wen money to buy a small-eyed big fishing net, then fashioned it into a bee-catching net.

He ventured into the mountains again.

This time he made no polite gestures but directly captured the entire wasp nest with the net.

Only a few wasps that slipped through the net managed to escape, the rest were caught by him.

He specifically selected some worker bees and bee pupae to keep, to be sold in combination with the prospective queen bee. Because a queen bee typically does not have foraging abilities, they rely on worker bees to feed them.

By providing a complete package service, he could also earn a few more money when selling.

After carefully sorting through the captured nest of wasps, he caught a total of seven queen bees, including the old queen bee of the swarm.

This bee colony has so many Queen Bees.

I can understand that.

The wild survival environment is harsh, and the Queen Bee could have an accident at any time.

Having several backups can not only allow for the colony to split and expand but also serve as reserve queens, ready for unforeseen needs.

However, all these seven Queen Bees are ordinary, and no special Queen Bee has emerged.

There’s a bit of disappointment.

But it’s also within his expectations.

Special Queen Bees are extremely rare, and catching one is already hitting the jackpot.

Instead of executing these seven ordinary Queen Bees, he kept them in cages. He even provided some Worker Bees and bee pupae to ensure they could survive.

No honey was found in the beehive.

Only some remains of eaten bees were found, including many bee pupae.

Giant hornets are like a gang of bandits, specializing in profitless plundering.

They never make honey, nor do they have the skills to collect pollen and make honey.

But many Insect Masters actually prefer to raise hornets.

Because their combat power is astonishing, just a few giant hornets can slaughter an entire box of bees.

One can specifically cultivate them to help their master in battle.

It was hornets that the Green Demon was breeding.

Qin Niu directly executed ail the remaining hornets. He couldn’t keep them.

Otherwise, his bee nest could face annihilation at any moment.



Just then, he heard Xiao Nui’s call.

Turning his head towards the cliff below, not far off, his eyes lit up.

He had been worrying about what to eat for dinner.

He saw Xiao Nui facing off against several wild boars.

It wasn’t the big wild boar they had encountered yesterday, but rather a wild boar of around two hundred pounds, leading a few wild boars of various sizes out to forage.

Wild boars and cows should not interfere with each other by nature.

Because neither is on the other’s food chain.

Possibly feeling that Xiao Nui’s presence threatened the safety of the young wild boars, the large wild boar launched an attack on Xiao Nui.

Lowering its head, it charged straight at Xiao Nui.

Meanwhile, it kept making a low “grrr” sound.

Qin Niu quickly got ready to provide support.

Yesterday, just brandishing his knife had sent a several-hundred-pound wild boar running.

Today, learning from that lesson, he tried to appear weaker.

Xiao Nui’s response surprised him, it didn’t run away but instead fought with the wild boar.

Watching it, a mere calf, he hadn’t expected such nimble movement and forceful counterattacks.

It continuously used its short horns to attack the wild boar’s body.

But because of its lack of strength and horns not yet fully developed, the damage it inflicted on the wild boar was almost negligible.

Adult wild boars usually have tough skin and thick flesh, and even fierce wolves sometimes can’t break through their defenses.

Qin Niu, seeing Xiao Niu fighting the boar with great enjoyment, didn’t hurry to lend a hand.

Instead, he slowly sneaked behind the boar.

Without worrying about any martial virtues, he spotted a young boar that weighed about forty to fifty pounds, charged at it with a sneaky attack, and ended it with a single strike.

Hearing the dying scream of the young boar, the big boar let out an angry cry.

Its eyes turned red as it charged at Qin Niu.

“Heh, 1 was just hoping you would come.”

Qin Niu, now much stronger, wasn’t afraid of it at all.

As it got close, it thrashed its long snout viciously upwards, trying to pierce Qin Niu’s body with its sharp, long tusks, and then fling him into the air.

A sword swung down.

And produced a Critical Chop effect.

About two thirds of the pig’s head was chopped off, hanging by a flap of skin around its neck.

Blood spurted out vigorously.

He found that the Treasured Sword became excited after being soaked in pig’s blood.

What kind of sword was this, anyway?

Why did it feel like it was becoming more and more evil?

It seemed to thirst for blood all day long.

The big boar didn’t fall dead immediately but charged another ten meters before hitting a tree and collapsing with a thud.

The other small boars scattered like birds and beasts, vanishing in the blink of an eye.

Qin Niu immediately squatted down to collect some pig’s blood in a small jar.

After successfully evolving Termite with bear blood to gain tremendous strength, he wanted to test the effectiveness of pig’s blood.

The big boar was not dead yet and continued to struggle.

But it was no longer able to make any noise.

Qin Niu held it down, drank some of the pig’s blood, and found the taste a bit salty.

His cultivation seemed to have grown slightly.

But it was much less effective than when he drank bear’s blood.

It seemed his guess was correct: after reaching a certain degree, the effectiveness of consuming blood for enhancement would diminish.

The two boar carcasses, one big and one small, should keep him well-fed for many meals.

After the big boar was completely dead, he dragged the two carcasses down the mountain.

Pigskin didn’t seem to be worth much.

The pigskin of this big boar could be considered for making armor.

Only, he didn’t have the skill for it.

He planned to drag it back, skin the pig, and remove the hide.

The flesh of the young wild boar was tender and could be eaten together.

Having caught two wild boars and a special large hornet close to becoming a Queen Bee, he became even fonder of these mountains.

As long as one was capable, the mountains were an inexhaustible treasure trove.

They contained countless natural treasures.

Now he no longer needed to sneak his game home.

He could just drag it back in the open.

If Wang Haikun dared to come and rob him, he wouldn’t mind teaching him how to behave humbly like a village tyrant again.

After acquiring the Grade Three Termites, his status as Insect Master was secure.

Qin Niu no longer had to fear the brother behind Wang Haikun.

Arriving at the Ant Nest, he deliberately fed the pig’s blood to them.

What kind of changes it would bring was still unknown; he had to wait patiently for a while.

He simply fed them some of the hornet’s carcass as well.

Only then did Qin Niu drag the wild boars down the mountain.

Upon returning to the village, he inevitably drew a flock of gossiping women. Many villagers curiously eyed the two wild boars he had brought, envy clear in their eyes.

After Qin Niu dragged the wild boars home openly, he boiled water to scald them, peeled the fur, eviscerated the small boar, cut it in half, and took one half to the neighboring Wang Furen’s house.

He knocked on the door.

Mrs. Wu answered the door.

“This is for your young lady to nourish her health,” Qin Niu said, handing over half of the pork to Mrs. Wu before leaving.

The yield of meat from slaughtering a pig was usually around seventy percent.

This young wild boar’s meat should be very tasty.

Being omnivorous, it ate anything, like snakes, bugs, beasts, tree roots, fruits; therefore, its meat held much higher nutritional value than domestic pigs.

Wang Furen stood inside the main hall watching, not showing himself.

His expression suggested he wanted to refuse, but to not eat meat that comes to one’s mouth would be foolish, wouldn’t it?

Hence, he appeared quite conflicted.

Eventually, Qin Niu turned and left, and Wang Furen said nothing, nor did he show his face.

“Master, aren’t you afraid that the young lady will become even fonder of Ah Niu if we accept the pork?” the purchased maid softly reminded.

Without being accepted as a concubine by Wang Furen, she would always be just a servant of the Wang Family, such was the rule.

Even though she was practically Wang Wanyan’s stepmother, she had to address her as “young lady.”

“Humph, he thinks he can aim for my daughter with just half a pig? That kid thinks too much! She’ll soon be 15, and once Wan Yan meets Young Master Lu, she’ll surely look down on Ah Niu from this poor backwater. Water flows down, and people aim high; I trust my daughter has that wisdom,” Wang Furen snorted.

How could Wang Furen let go of the half side of pork that was delivered to his door!

After letting Mrs. Wu accept it and turn it into a delicious meal for their enjoyment, that was a given.

After delivering the pork, Qin Niu returned home and began carefully peeling the hide from the big wild boar.

Just right; tomorrow he planned to go to the city and ask a master to make it into armor, which could provide some defense.

The hide of the wild boar was much tougher than ordinary pigskin.

It was even stronger than cowhide.

After preparing the two pigs, curing them, and cooking a meal, he savored it deliciously.

With his belly full, he took out an ordinary large hornet.

He decided to try cultivating it..


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