Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points

Chapter 87 - 82: Capturing a Special Bumblebee i

Chapter 87 - 82: Capturing a Special Bumblebee i

Chapter 87: Chapter 82: Capturing a Special Bumblebee i

Translator: 549690339

Qin Niu waited patiently, but the wasp never showed up.

This left him somewhat disappointed, as he had made ample preparations.

Wasp liquor and fried wasp larvae were both excellent nourishing ingredients.

He planned to first feed the freshly caught insects to the termites.

Spiders, scorpions, and centipedes all contained potent toxins that could help the Ant Queen enhance her venom attribute.

The offspring she was currently producing were only mildly toxic, which was still somewhat weak.

Fourth evolved the ability to produce venom after consuming poisonous centipedes and spiders, which was truly miraculous. At least so many worker ants had eaten them, yet none seemed to have evolved the venomous ability.

On the other hand, worker ants and soldier ants that drank bear blood accidentally evolved a strong physical attribute.

Qin Niu speculated that for adult termites, whether they consumed poisonous insects or bear blood, the chances of evolving strong physical or venomous attributes were probably slim to none.

What might truly trigger their metamorphosis could be feeding them these foods during their larval stage, and then as they transform into adult insects, they might evolve special abilities.

At that moment, an abnormal humming sound came from overhead.

The sound of a bee flapping its wings is fairly uniform and pleasant to the ear. However, the buzzing sound from above was like a bomber, particularly powerful, with a hint of a sonic boom.

“Could it be the wasp has arrived?”

Insect Trace Identification +0.01, Insect Identification +0.01.

Qin Niu couldn’t help but smile.

So this also increased the proficiency of his insect control skills?


Looking up into the sky, he indeed spotted an extremely ‘massive’ silhouette.

It was much larger than a bee.

And precisely because of its larger size and greater weight, it required much more powerful wing flapping to fly. Otherwise, it couldn’t take off at all.

That was why the buzzing sound it made was much louder than that of a bee.

This great wasp in the sky was quite crafty; it flew around in circles high in the air but did not approach the beehive.

“Is it calling for reinforcements?”

Qin Niu quietly guessed.

That was even better; take down one if one comes, eliminate a whole group if they swarm in.

With him, their master, present, he would not allow these great wasps to run wild.

In fact, as long as the first batch of eggs laid by the Queen Bee hatched successfully and the larvae metamorphosed into adult insects, there would basically be no need for him, their master, to take action anymore.

Just look at how fierce the termite colony is now.

A few Grade Two Tiger-striped Soldier Ants alone had the power to wipe out the entire army sent by the black stinking ants.

Fourth was even more terrifying.

He estimated that once it entered Demonization Mode, it could single-handedly take on an entire stink ant nest by itself.

The combat power of ordinary bees was far inferior to that of wasps.

But once they evolved special abilities, that changed everything.

Qin Niu climbed up the pine tree nimbly in two or three moves, agile as a monkey.

Freeing one hand, he held a net bag, ready to deal with the great wasp in the sky at any time.

Under normal circumstances, whether bees or wasps, the first to be dispatched were always scout wasps.

In the hive, their role was very similar to scouts in human armies.

Simply put, they were pathfinders.

After circling a few times, the great wasp dove down.

It must have left new pheromones in the air to call the wasp legion.

“Bring it on!”

Watching its readiness for a fierce battle, Qin Niu couldn’t help but reveal a sinister smile.

It wasn’t that he wanted to bully an insect, but this ‘bandit’ was just too arrogant.

The net bag, timed perfectly, traced a beautiful arc through the air.

The obnoxious great wasp disappeared, and the next second, it was buzzing and scrambling inside the net bag.

Qin Niu watched as it occasionally extended a long venomous stinger from its tail and thought to himself, the wasp’s reputation as a killer was not unfounded.

Its stinger was much longer than a bee’s.

To imagine it piercing prey, with venom rapidly injected, that must be terrifying!

Moreover, compared to a bee, the wasp’s stinger did not have barbs, which meant it could quickly pull out its stinger after stinging its enemy.

A bee’s stinger, on the other hand, would remain inside the enemy’s body.

When pulled out, it would tear away the entire venom sac.

Incurring a loss of a thousand to kill eight hundred enemies, exchanging life for injuring the foe.

After catching the hornet, Qin Niu didn’t rush to let it go.

Instead, he took it out and locked it in a small cage he had made.

Then he quietly waited for the arrival of the hornet swarm. But there was no sign of them.

Qin Niu wondered to himself, could it be that when it was flying in circles in the sky, it wasn’t releasing pheromones to call for reinforcements?

The Green Demon Beekeeping Classic had mentioned it.

When the scout wasps discover a honey bee nest, they leave a mark near or on the nest.

Which other hornets can “smell.”

And then they quickly gather.

At that moment, the air was filled with the rumbling drone of bombers, and Qin Niu looked up to see another four or five hornets appear.

But after circling in the air, they left swiftly.

“Did you release a danger signal to your companions?”

Qin Niu glared angrily at the captured hornet.

“Free me!”

It responded.

“No problem!”

Qin Niu sneered as he climbed down the tree, tied a thin thread to the hornet, and released it.

Having regained its freedom, the hornet immediately took to the air with a high flight.

But it had no idea that the cunning human had already marked it.

Qin Niu immediately followed it with Xiao Nui in the direction it flew off.

The leaf with a touch of red on yellow, dangling behind the hornet, was like a guidepost.

Fortunately, Qin Niu had grown significantly stronger, which enabled him to barely keep up with the hornet.

Watching it fly to a cliff ahead and then disappear from view.

Indicating the nest must be on that cliff.

Qin Niu had not brought any protective gear, but this did not deter him.

First, he climbed up the cliff to search carefully.

Soon enough, with the help of his Insect Trace Identification skill, he successfully located the hornet’s nest.

Unlike common wasps that usually build their nests in trees, hornets prefer the ground.

This may be related to the queen hibernating underground.

Mainly because they are powerful and have extremely strong survival capabilities. Many insects cannot defeat them, which is why they dare to build their nests on the ground.

In a recess of the cliff face, there was a very large burrow.

Qin Niu didn’t dare get close, for if he were stung, he would mostly likely perish.

He gathered materials on the spot and began making defensive tools.

Mainly a helmet.

To protect his face and entire head.

The clothes he wore were thick enough, and he wasn’t too afraid of them.

After hastily crafting a helmet from vines, Qin Niu approached the hornet’s nest.

He had intended to burn them with fire.

But then he saw a hornet with strange patterns on its abdomen and immediately captured it with a butterfly net.

Before he could identify this special hornet, the swarm exploded out of the nest, with a large number of hornets flying out to find the enemy who dared to intrude their territory.

Qin Niu quickly hid and stayed still.

Yet his eyes were fixed on each passing hornet.

He didn’t spot another with such distinctive patterns on the abdomen.

After the swarm calmed down, he retreated along the same path and hurried home.

He went to get a fishing net to capture the entire hornet nest.

The special hornet he had captured was taken out and locked in a cage for identification.

Luckily, he had read the Green Demon Beekeeping Classic multiple times.

He had some knowledge of Insect Identification.

Identifying whether this hornet had any special powers was not particularly difficult for him now.

Without this knowledge, he wouldn’t have been able to recognize this hornet’s uniqueness at a glance.


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