I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 11: Chapter 9: Banfield House vs. High Kingdom

Book 11: Chapter 9: Banfield House vs. High Kingdom

The Banfield family had defeated the High Kingdom's army of 350,000 ships, but the damage was also extensive.

They had deployed 700,000 ships, but less than 500,000 remained.

"We won, but are we really going to fight an enemy several times our size under these circumstances?"

Klaus looked at his allies from the bridge.

A fleet of 500,000 ships was preparing to fight the High Kingdom's army led by Aluna.

Everywhere one looked, battleships were lined up in a row, and the formation of the fleet, without the slightest deviation, was nothing short of spectacular.

Klaus, watching from the flagship, was suffering from a stomach ache.

(I am in pain. My stomach hurts. What am I going to do?)

He was anxious about dealing with Aluna's fleet, which he did not know when or from where it would come in.

Klaus understands that he is an ordinary man as a commander.

He doesn't think he would be a match for Aluna, who loves a good fight and is happy to lead a fleet of millions of men.

The number of the enemy is estimated to be at least several million ships.

The pressure on Klaus to face such a large army with 500,000 ships is considerable.

The sheer magnitude of the task makes him want to run away, but his sense of responsibility is too strong and gets in the way.

Klaus checks with his chiefs of staff.

"Do you have any idea of the enemy's movements yet?"

Searching ships had been released in the surrounding airspace, probing the movements of the enemy fleet.

The chiefs of staff also seemed nervous and did not look relaxed.

"I think it would not be surprising if they made contact, but we haven't got a grip on them yet."

"I see."

While enduring stomach pains, Klaus desperately tried to put on a poker face so as not to unnerve those around him.

If the commander was dismayed, his anxiety would quickly spread to those around him.

When he kept his face expressionless, the general staff praised Klaus.

"You seem calm, sir. You don't seem nervous at all."

"No wonder. You are the one who once attacked hundreds of thousands of the High Kingdoms' army with tens of thousands of ships."

"Is it any wonder he is unmoved by this level of attack?"

A few decades ago.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should not be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family.

For some reason, it is believed that Klaus was the one who initiated the idea at that time.

This was Liam's responsibility. He was scolded by Amagi for being too reckless, and so he quickly put the onus on Klaus to take the credit.

Liam was soon exposed and scolded by Amagi, but the credit was still given to Klaus.

From Liam's point of view, Klaus seems to think that this level of achievement is within the margin of error.

However, Klaus was not satisfied.

"It was only because of Liam-sama's work. I had nothing to do with it."

He says nothing but the truth, but everyone around him gets excited about it.

"His Excellency is humble. I wish Tia and Marie could learn from you."

"No, that's why--"

When he tries to clear up the misunderstanding, the operator raises his voice at this point.

"An urgent call from the scouting ship! Three hundred thousand enemy ships are in sight! Other search and rescue ships have also reported the confirmation of a fleet numbering in the hundreds of thousands of ships."

Klaus and his crew's faces changed at the report, which sounded like an impatient shout.

"Three hundred thousand?"

(Dispersed? That's great for us, but what are they trying to do?)

Klaus is not incompetent, and has been installing defense equipment.

He is preparing an environment in which he can fight. However, he doesn't think that is enough to win against the High Kingdoms army.

"Hurry up and report to Liam-sama."

A naval vessel departed from the Second Army for the purpose of sending a message and headed for Liam.

The bridge of the flagship Argos.

Sitting in a luxurious chair, I watch the war situation and wrinkle my brow at the reports that arrive one after another.

The High Kingdoms are dispersing?

Standing by my side was Elysia, dressed in a military uniform.

I have given her the role of a secretary, but she is also working as my second-in-command because she is so competent for nothing.

"Are you trying to push us into a corner?"

A three-dimensional image appeared in front of my eyes.

It was a simplified summary of the current situation, with enemy forces moving to surround the assembled Banfield family.

The way they are moving as if they are hunting us down is more like a hunt than a war.

It was as if they were hunting us rather than waging war.

"I don't like it. Are they trying to get the best of us?"

When I expressed my dissatisfaction, Elysia answered flatly.

"The fact is that our forces are outnumbered. The enemy forces see us as prey."

"--You should be a little more attentive to me."

"I try to be sociable, but you just don't see through it all, do you?"

Elysia turns her gaze away from me and looks as if she is sulking.

"If you weren't so competent, I would have left you."

"Are you sure? I am still your link to the Imperial Army. And don't forget that I'm also the conduit to the Third Weapons Factory."

She's a disappointing and shadowy woman, but this is why she can't be easily replaced.

Besides, having a new second-in-command by my side would cause all sorts of trouble.

I'll have to put up with Elysia.

"You are a brazen one."

"If you weren't like this, I wouldn't be Liam-sama's second-in-command."

After I finished my conversation with Elysia, I extended my right arm forward and projected a screen in the air.

The displayed monitor shows a clock.

--It seems that we are up to here.

"Time is up. As expected, we can't reach the capital star of the High Kingdom, can we?"

I let out a small sigh, and Elysia, standing next to me, turns to face me.

It seems she didn't hear my muttering.

"What is it?"

"I'm fine. I've been pushing myself a little too hard. I'll bring the wounded soldiers back to the rear and let them rest."

"That's an excellent suggestion. The problem is, though, if it weren't for the millions of enemy troops blocking our rear."

If we don't get out of this situation, we will literally be wiped out.

"We can break through. Call Klaus. We'll eat through any affordable enemy fleet and get back to the rear."

"-- Are you serious?--You still have a better chance of withdrawing if you get through the gap in the enemy forces."

"I am always serious. I'm tired of trolling the High Kingdoms. I'll go back and regroup."

As I stood up from the seat and stretched, the soldiers who had been waiting around me showed a slight reaction to my movement.

"Rinho and Fuuka are ready. Let them lead the way."

When I call out the names of my lovely Junior sisters, Elysia shows a slight look of dismay.

"Liam-sama is very protective of those two, aren't you? You are about to send them off to their deaths, and you don't seem the least bit worried about them."

What Elysia meant by "loving them" was probably sarcastic.

After all, it is the kind of thing that would normally send one's younger disciples to their deaths.

" It is because I believe in One-Flash."

"It's insane. I have given up trying to understand anything about One-Flash."

Elysia operates the terminal and prepares Rinho and Fuuka for their sortie.

In addition to preparing the mobile knight Amaryllis for its sortie, she also arranges for other things.

She is a disappointing woman, but she can get the job done.

As an evil lord, someone like Elysia is not necessary in the military.

If I may say what I prefer, I want someone who is well-spoken and puts me in a good mood all the time.

However, considering the future, such a subordinate who is all talk is a big problem.

Such a person will report a lie without hesitation.

Even if they don't go so far as to lie, they often withhold information that is inconvenient.

A subordinate who tells lies in order to avoid giving his boss information he doesn't like is harmful to the organization.

In this respect, Elysia is not afraid to report things I don't want her to.

In order to fight the empire, we need subordinates like this.

--It's a pity about her character, though.

"It will be good training for both of them, won't it?"

Elysia asks me.

"So, which fleet will you use to break through? I think a fleet of 300,000 would be the most affordable."

There are other fleets that are less than 100,000, but they obviously chose the 300,000-size fleet because they saw it as a trap.

If I were in Elysia's shoes, I would have said the same thing.

But I'm a lord - a supreme commander.

"You'll have more fun with them, won't you? The ones who are luring us."

"Luring? A fleet so small in numbers is a trap, is it not?"

"It's not a trap. It's them."

I point to the three-dimensional image.

They have prepared a fleet of 600,000 vessels, which is close to the size of ours, in order to lure us.

"The enemy's flagship is present in their fleet. The information was obtained by our allies at great risk to their lives, so there is no doubt about it."

According to the information obtained from the scout ship released by the allies, the enemy's flagship was confirmed.

I gradually came to understand what the people of the High Kingdom were thinking.

"You just missed it. They went out of their way to invite us. It would be impolite to ignore them, wouldn't it?"

Elysia's expression turned grim.

"You think I'm going to jump into a trap?"

"Rather, it's full of traps. This is the High Kingdom's garden. They know this space better than we do. If it's too much trouble anywhere, I'll go for the general's head."

The High Kingdom's fleet surrounding the Banfield family fleet is not going to let us escape.

They are trying to destroy every last one of us.

"Now, what shall I do?"


Argos hangar.

Approaching the two Amaryllis aircraft positioned near Avid were Rinho and Fuuka, both in pilot suits.

Both of them carry their own swords.

"Senior brother is rough with people too, isn't he?"

Fuuka complained, but her expression was amused.

Rinho has a wry smile on her face.

"I don't understand what the fun is in pitting two small fry against each other. More importantly, did you hear that? The crown prince of the High Kingdom named Aluna is seeking the genes of Senior brother."

When told that Liam's genes are being sought, Fuuka nodded her head.

The actuality of the fact that the particulars are not really a lot of.

"I'm not an expert in sexual matters, but I don't understand how Aluna feels about it. Or just get the gene."

Rinho shakes her head after hearing Fuuka's unfamiliarity with sexual matters.

"It's not that simple."


Ignoring Fuuka, who was red-faced and angry at being ridiculed, Rinho flew toward Amaryllis' first aircraft - Ain.

Ein's twin eyes lit up as she climbed into the white aircraft, which had the same appearance as Avid.

Fuuka clicks her tongue and then heads toward Tsubai.

When the two aircraft were ready to launch, the guidance lights appeared.

Markers floating in the air indicated where the two aircraft would depart.

The surrounding mechanics either salute or wave at the sight of the two moving aircraft.

Fuuka, watching the scene from inside the cockpit, does not pay them any mind.

Sitting in her seat, Fuuka ties her habitually orange hair up with a string.

Preparation for the sortie is almost automatic, so there is no need to maneuver.

"I've been playing around a lot lately, and Senior brother just scolded me for it. If I don't take an active part in putting him in a good mood, then I won't be able to go to my master's house to play."

Fuuka was also concerned about the fact that she had been staying at Yasushi's house and neglecting her training.

But the only place where she can experience the atmosphere of family is at Yasushi's house.

The same goes for Rinho, for the two of them have been rummaging through trash cans in back alleys for as long as they can remember.

It was Yasushi who gave them a helping hand.

They live as One-Flash swordsmen, but Yasushi's house is an important place that gives them something they never had.

Yasushi is their father.

Nina is their mother.

Yasuyuki is their precious younger brother - and Liam would be their fearful older brother.

Although they are not blood related, Fuuka believes that they are a family bonded by a bond thicker than blood, the One-Flash.

Wearing her helmet and holding the control stick, Fuuka takes a deep breath once.

Tsubai - Amarillis II was in a launching position on the catapult.

"Let's do a little bit of repayment for our Senior brother and master who have taken care of us, shall we?"


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