I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 11: Chapter 8: Competition

Book 11: Chapter 8: Competition

Tia, who had conquered an important stronghold of the High Kingdom, watched from the spaceport as her allies' defeated forces gathered one after another.

The huge fortress, which was made by connecting three asteroids that had been mined, was equipped with almost everything from weapons development and production to living quarters and military facilities.

A huge fortress capable of operating a fleet of tens of thousands of ships.

The fortress, which was the core of the surrounding space region, would have been one of the most important bases for the High Kingdoms' army.

Tia was the one who brought down this important base.

Tia was watching her allied fleet from a passageway connecting two asteroids.

The cylindrical corridor was an autowalk, so she could move around without having to walk.

In such a place, Tia gave a cold stare at the allied ships and muttered spitefully.

"The disgrace of the Banfield family!"

The many fleets that were gathering one after another at the fortress they had captured were a painful sight. If these had been victorious despite their struggles, Tia would have welcomed them with open arms, praising their hard-fought battles.

But many of them were defeated.

It is hard to believe that these are words for a defeated ally, but the Banfield family had prepared ample rewards for their army.

They are provided with an adequate environment and equipment and are not inferior to the regular army of the empire.

In fact, they are treated better than most regular forces.

If they were defeated in an actual battle under such circumstances, one would be tempted to say, "What are you doing, huh?"

The second-in-command at Tia's side similarly looks down on the defeated army and shows contempt for them.

"Most of us have dealt with fleeing pirates. There's a fragility about them, as equals, or even competitors."

The Banfield family has no mercy for pirates.

Many of the rapidly increased fleet have dealt with fleeing pirates who were afraid of the Banfield family.

The downside of this is that it makes them vulnerable to their equals.

Many of the soldiers are perplexed by the real, actual battle, which training cannot compensate for.

When the adjutant turns his body to Tia, he confirms his future plans.

" The reorganizatio has been entrusted to us, the Third Army, how do you intend to handle it? Our fleet is being replenished by Liam-sama's SS, so there is no need to forcefully absorb them."

The number of naval vessels has been reduced more than expected in order to capture important bases.

An elite force had been sent around to replenish the fleet by Liam, who had evaluated the Third Army.

Many of Liam's SS are highly qualified.

They have supported the Banfield family from the early days when Liam became the head of the family and have experienced many fierce battles.

For Tia, this is the most exciting news.

After all, Liam had devoted his own elite to the project.

That's how much he recognizes their value.

"If it's Liam-sama's SS, there's no problem. But giving a chance to those who were defeated is a bit too kind."

Tia would have been removed immediately.

In some cases, she would have resorted to a court-martial.

The deputy shrugs.

"If it's the last chance, they're going to get serious."

"--the incompetents."

"What about those who did better than the losers?"

The tempered glass in front of them displays the data of the generals and knights who have played an active role in the war.

They are the ones who are surely making a difference in an elite and fragile army.

Tia had spotted them.

"Keep recruiting those who have done well. Don't let Klaus or Marie draw them out."

Even though it was the Banfield family's army, Tia had her own subordinates to lead.

She wanted to draw out the most capable men and form a stronger fleet.

In particular - she can't lose to Klaus.

The second-in-command eyes become sharper.

"Of course. I was defeated by Klaus-dono this time as well. We can't afford to lose any more ground."

Tia's expression disappears.

"I will be back in the first place! I will surely return to the position of top leader!"

The competition within the Banfield family was also fierce.

At the time, Marie, leading the Fourth Army's ranger fleet, was having a rough time of it.

She kicked and destroyed the commander's seat on the bridge of the flagship, and glared at the commanders and chiefs of staff of the fleet she had rescued with blood in her eyes.

"No gratitude for the rescue, then! Liam-sama entrusted you with a fleet of 15,000 ships and you were defeated by an enemy of 10,000 ships? Your heads are just for decoration!"

The pseudo-ladylike tone was gone, and she was blasting those she had rescued.

Her subordinates around her were looking coldly at the commanders and general staff of the other fleets.

When Marie put her hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist, the commander hurriedly apologized.

 "You are right to scold me, ma'am! But, ma'am, the military regulations forbid private execution."

A blade appeared from the hilt in Marie's grip and she placed it against the commander's neck.

The blade trembled with anger.

"You can make any number of excuses on the battlefield!"

In order to stop Marie, who was about to kill her ally, the adjutant approached and punched the commander.

Then he orders his chiefs of staff.

"Take him away."

"Yes, sir."

The rest of the fleet exits the bridge.

The first officer looks at Marie, who is breathing unevenly due to anger, and together they lament the incompetence of their allies.

"Too many of them don't know anything about real war. Still, the fleet we absorbed from the other houses is particularly fragile."

"Damn you!"

"Marie-sama, your tone is still rough."

"I've run out of patience! They're all dragging me down!"

"Many of those who went through the fierce battle with Liam-sama are led by key personnel."

Marie's fleet is no different.

The fleet is an elite fleet of high-performance naval vessels and mobile knights, centered on the fleet that Liam organized when he was touring around the country on his personal errands.

There is no doubt that it is superior to other fleets, and the fact that Liam trusts them with such a budgeted fleet is proof of his confidence in them.

However, it was not enough for Marie.

"Klaus and the mincing bitch Christiana are taking stronghold after stronghold, and I'm supposed to follow up on the incompetent allies? If it weren't for them, we could have achieved tangible results."

She grabbed a piece of the destroyed chair and crushed it.

Originally, Marie also wanted to capture bases and target enemy fleets.

Yet, there were too many requests for help from allies to do anything about it.

The second-in-command reiterated the report from the messenger to an impatient Marie.

"Liam-sama says he appreciates us."

"I want more than that. I want to achieve more than Klaus and the mincing woman. I'm going to kick them all to the curb. I'll be the only one standing by Liam-sama's side."

On the bridge of the Second Army, the colonel, the messenger, returns and reports proudly.

"Liam-sama was overjoyed with the success of Klaus-sama!"


Klaus is puzzled when he hears that he was recognized for his military achievements in the debriefing.

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the results of your own work.

And there is also a reason why he cannot be honestly happy.

(Well, that's not good. If I play too active a role, those two will start making a fuss again.)

By those two, of course, he meant Tia and Marie.

They are always trying to get the position of Klaus, the first knight.

Klaus thought that if he played too active a role, the two might do something to him.

In fact, the two of them were so fiendish that Klaus was terrified of assassination.

These two will do it! Klaus was convinced that they would do it.

If it were true, he would have prioritized following up with the rest of the fleet this time.

And yet, he was being pulled back as Chengshi and the others moved deeper and deeper into enemy territory.

The colonel praised Klaus for his efforts.

"Unashamed work by the foremost knight of the Banfield family. No, he showed the High Kingdoms that his two names as the strongest knight in the empire are not for nothing."

"The strongest in the empire?"

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the Banfield family's first knight is not only the most powerful knight in the Empire, but also the most powerful in the High Kingdom.

"The second name of his Excellency, who is active as Liam-sama's right hand man in various parts of the country."

"Two names!?"

(There have been a lot of strange ones before, such as "divine plan," but now are there more!)

Other subordinates also talk about the rumor of Klaus.

"There are also rumors spreading that he did not shake his head even though he was solicited by the Prime Minister of the empire. He is said to be the best knight with unparalleled ability and loyalty."

"This is the first I've heard of any of that, though."

(No, it's impossible. It's impossible for me to work up to the expectations of the Prime Minister of the Empire, so I refused! Why does everyone overestimate me?)

The bridge is filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"We, the Second Army, are very proud of you."

"Christiana-sama and Marie-sama are great, but when it comes to the Banfield family, it's His Excellency Klaus."

"For some time now, I have heard that many of the children born to the Banfield territory are named after Klaus-sama. His Excellency is very popular."

In contrast to the cheerful atmosphere around them, a cold sweat broke out.

Klaus was not amused at all.

"I'm highly overrated. I am not that kind of person."

"Liam-sama appreciated you for your modesty. You are truly a great knight, Klaus-sama!"

Klaus was at a loss as to what to say that was not getting through to them.

(Why is that?!)

Then, a communication comes in from Liam on the bridge.

The conduct that ignored the possibility of being intercepted in enemy territory told of the urgency of the situation.

"Sir, Liam-sama has an urgent message for you!"

The First Army had joined the second fleet that had come from the Banfield family.

The number of ships was 300,000.

The fleet that had been reorganized on the planet Augur was also joining the fleet, but it seemed that there was still not enough time.

In the conference room of the flagship Argos, the commanders and chiefs of the second group were blaming those involved in the First Army.

"Why did you attack!"

"Liam-sama's orders."

"It's the job of the commander and chief of staff to stop them!"

"I did! But..."

The commanders and general staff of the First Army glanced at me.

I sit back in my chair and smile at the second group.

"I'd rather go on the offensive than defend."

"I wonder if they understand that we are in a very dangerous situation?"

The men are disgruntled, but they can't go against me, the head of the army.

"Of course. You have millions of enemies behind you and 300,000 in front of you, don't you?"

The Banfield family now numbers what, seven hundred thousand?

"We'll hit the 300,000 enemies first and then intercept the fleet that has invaded Imperial territory. We have already contacted Klaus, so he will join us soon."

The second group reported about the commander-in-chief of the High Kingdom.

"The invading fleet will be led by Her Highness Aluna, who has assumed the position of crown prince."


I remember the party to commemorate the cease-fire with the High Kingdom.


I remember the woman who said to me at that party, "Give me your genes!" I

I don't like her.

"That woman--I don't like her."

I meant that I didn't like her at all.

And yet, my subordinates misunderstood me.

They seemed to think that I was wary of Aluna's ability.

"When you become the crown prince of the High Kingdoms, your ability is certain. In the past, Liam-sama defeated His Highness Izel, but that was an event that coincided with good fortune. I don't think the next time will be the same."

Izel - the fool who challenged me, but he was certainly strong.

                       Personally I won, but the empire lost as a result.

Even in death, he was a nasty piece of work.

If the High Kingdoms value strength, the crown prince has proven to be very strong.

It is no wonder my subordinates are worried.

"If I can't overcome this level, how will I be able to fight in the future? Besides, I want to get back to my territory as soon as possible. You guys should be prepared for that."


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