I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 90: Hulk Smash

Chapter 90: Hulk Smash

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead at chapter 97. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As the fourth car comes flying past Peter and the Avengers, smashing into Abomination who was just getting back to his feet from the other three cars sent his way, everyone turned to see where it came from.

"Hulk Smash!" A new voice fills the air as a giant green mass comes barreling past the Avengers.

The Hulk didn't slow down for a second as it ran up to Abomination and punted its head, sending its large body flying back and into a nearby building, which causes a good portion of it to crumble.

"This isn't good..." Charles mutters as they now have two monsters to deal with.

"It's like a monster movie..." A metallic voice says from above as Iron Man joins them. "...Where's Godzilla when you need em?"

"I don't think it's as bad as you would think." Peter says as he watched the Hulk.

Hulk came here and immediately started fighting Abomination. Even after Abomination was sent flying into the building, Hulk hasn't started rampaging and destroying everything. No, he simply waited to see what its enemy would do next.

"You think it's helping us?" Erik asks skeptically.

"I think he's helping us." Peter corrects as Abomination bursts out of the rubble of the building and turns to see Hulk standing there.

"Banner?!" Blonsky yells in surprise but also joy. "Yes! Hahahaha! I've been waiting for this! Let's see which of us is the better monster!"

"Come, ugly lizard." Hulk says as he motions for Abomination to come at him.

"Want help, big guy?" Peter swings over to Hulk, hanging upside down next to his green head.

"Bug?" Hulk comments as he turns to see the spider-themed suit Peter was wearing.

"Spider." Peter says as he points to himself.

"Don't ignore me!" Abomination yells as he kicks off the ground and sprints toward Hulk.

"Incoming!" Peter calls out as he pulls on his web and launches himself out of harm's way.

"Huh?" The Hulk was a bit slower to react and took a punch to the jaw, which sent the big guy staggering backward.

Capitalizing on his advantage, Blonsky moves forward to hit Hulk again.

"Pardon me." Peter mutters as he shoots a web at Abomination's fist and dives between the giant's legs, pulling the web along the way.

The hand that would have hit Hulk for a second time instead was pulled under Abomination's body, causing the giant to almost do a front flip.

Thanks to his newfound strength however, Abomination was able to keep its footing and pull its arm back, yanking Peter back through his legs in the process.

"Hey, funny seeing you here..." Peter says as he uses the momentum from the monster pulling him to kick off the ground and introduce his boot to Blonsky's chin.

Peter wasn't as strong as the Hulk or Abomination, but a full power strike from him wasn't something to scoff at. Abomination took the hit directly and stumbled backward a single step, rubbing his jaw with a look of surprise and discomfort.

"You're pretty strong for a little guy!" Abomination says as he begins to see Spider-Man in a new light.

"Hulk strong too!" Hulk says as he appears beside Blonsky with a car in each hand as if they were boxing gloves.

Before Abomination could react, a car-wrapped green fist smashes into the side of its ribs, sending the monster flying away from Peter and Hulk.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Peter says as he leaps onto Hulk's shoulder. "Let's go kick his a*s!"

"Spider smash?" Hulk asks as he turns his head to Peter.

"Yeah, buddy." Peter says with a thumbs up. "Let's smash the hell outa this guy!"

Hulk looks at Peter suspiciously for a moment before reaching up and flicking him off his shoulder with a single finger.

"Hey!" Peter says with a look of betrayal as he's sent flying across the street and lands on his feet with ease.

"Hulk no trust humans. All puny humans are Hulk enemy, and Hulk will smash them all!" Hulk says as he turns away from Peter and toward Abomination. "Go! Hulk smash alone..."

"Haha, that's what you get for thinking you know everything!" Tony laughed from above as he watched his best friend get flicked away like a bug.

"He doesn't seem to want our help..." Charles says as well.

"Should we just sit back and watch?" Erik asked with an amused look on his face.

"No, we can't just do nothing while two monsters fight in the middle of the city." Peter says with a shake of his head as both Hulk and Abomination start exchanging blows once again.

"What should we do then?" Tony asks as all three of them turn to Peter.

"Charles, see if you can put them to sleep with your telepathy, but be careful." Peter says as this was the reason he was chosen to join this mission in the first place.

"Alright..." Charles says as he places his hand on the side of his head and closes his eyes in concentration.

Unlucky for him, Charles chose to start with Hulk and that was just the worst idea he could have had. As he tried to project the feeling of being tired and sleepy into the Hulk's mind, Charles' consciousness touched a small portion of the monumental anger that fuels the Hulk's existence and power.

Almost immediately, Charles' face scrunched up in pain and anger as Hulk's anger began to influence and cloud the Professors mind. It didn't take long for Charles to pass out from the weight of all that anger, causing the wheelchair-bound Professor to fall from the sky.

Meanwhile, Hulk wasn't affected at all.

"Huh?!" Erik grunts in surprise as he uses his metal manipulation to hold Charles by his wheelchair.

Taking a closer look, they could see that Professor X was bleeding from the nose slightly, but other than that, he was thankfully still breathing and seemed alright.

"Okay, that was a failure." Peter comments as he opens a portal next to Charles. "Send him through, Erik."

"Sure..." Magneto says as he looks at his friend worriedly.

Their time spent together lately has made it hard for Erik to see Charles hurt like this, which is understandable.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Pets say as he hops through the portal with Charles. "Let those two fight for a minute but keep the civilians safe and destruction at a minimum. I'll be right back."

As the portal closed, Peter used a quick healing spell on Charles before depositing him into a bed at Avengers tower. They would have time to check on him after the situation was dealt with.

By the time Peter returned, only a few minutes had passed and Hulk seemed to be on the losing end of the fight.

Erik and Tony were following the two from above, using anything they could to contain the brawl to the street and away from any people or buildings.

Peter thought about sending the two Goliaths to the mirror dimension, where they could fight to their heart's content, but then an idea formed in his head.

Hulk was always one of the more controversial Avengers. He is less controlled and caused property damage like no one's business. Not only that, he was also fairly scary to the general public.

That can all be changed with this situation.

Abomination appeared and scared the hell out of everyone while causing who knows how much damage and casualties, and who comes to save the day?

The Avengers!

Of course, the Hulk would count as a member of the Avengers in the eyes of the public. After all, they are both fighting the same monster.

Peter just has to get Hulk to accept his help and the people would love him. Especially after videos are shown of them fighting together.

Speaking of video, Peter could hear and see multiple news helicopters in the air. They're all keeping a good distance though, which Peter was thankful for.

At this point in the fight, Abomination was straddled on Hulk's chest and raining down punch after punch to the big guy's face, which was cut open in multiple places and swelling by the second.

Hulk looked like a man that got into the ring with Mike Tyson.

"Oh no, you don't!" Peter mutters as he shoots a couple webs on each side of the street and uses them to catapult himself toward the fight.

Soaring through the air, Peter turns his body horizontally and goes in feet first. Just as Blonsky was about to smash Hulk's face in with another devastating hammer fist, Peter launches over like a torpedo and kicks him square in the face with both feet.

The hit sends Abomination barreling backward and off of Hulk. Peter lands beside Hulk's head and slaps his bruised cheek a few times.

"Wake up, big guy. We got a monster to smash!"

A/N: 1495 words



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