I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 89: Thunderous Battle

Chapter 89: Thunderous Battle

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead at chapter 96. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"...We'll take care of this." Storm says as she flies off into the distance, leaving behind both Betty and Bruce.

She didn't know which direction the monster was coming from, but she didn't need that information in the first place. It only took Storm moments to find Abomination as it was hard not to notice where the animalistic roars and sounds of destruction were coming from.

Heading that way and bringing the thunderous weather with her, Storm caught sight of a towering green figure barreling down the street toward the Avengers Tower, crushing cars and destroying anything in its wake.

As she isn't a close-quarters fighter, Storm didn't bother landing or getting too close, simply deciding to follow Abomination from above.

Closing her eye for a brief moment, Ororo seemed to exert herself for just a brief moment as the sounds of thunder intensified. Opening her eyes a moment later, an unnaturally bright blue light illuminated from her eye sockets.

Hearing the intense thunderstorm going on above, Abomination stops for a moment and looks up to see the tiny figure of a woman with glowing eyes floating in the clouds.

"Huh?" Blonsky grunts in a deep and monstrous tone.

Before he could understand what was happening, countless strands of lightning filled the sky, seeming to almost dance around the woman.

Mesmerized by what he was seeing, Abomination stood in awe as every strand of lightning converged to form a giant blue bolt of energy.

Fear set in as the glowing eyes of the flying woman lock onto him. Instantly, Blonsky knew that he was in danger, as his brain was telling every nerve in his body to move.

Thanks to his training as a soldier and the enhancements his body has gone through, Abomination was able to push past the fear and run for cover.

Sadly, his enhancements didn't make him faster than lightning, which moves at 270,000 miles per hour.


Even with a moving target, Storm controlled the lightning around her like a pro and swing her hand down, causing the giant blue bolt of lightning to strike downward with it.


With such a big target to hit, it was almost impossible for Ororo to miss as the lightning crashed down onto the fleeing form of the Abomination.

When the lightning made contact, it caused a small explosion that broke open the tough green skin of Abomination, blowing off a chunk of its chest.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhggggg!" Blonsky yelled in pain as over 200 million volts of lightning coursed through his body.

While being electrocuted, Blonsky's body convulsed and collapsed onto a nearby taxi, which was thankfully empty this time.

Seeing that the beast collapsed and her attack had ended, Storm descended to get a better look at the odd appearance of the monster.

Taking a look, she finds it passed out with smoke coming from the hole in its chest and the smell of charred meat circulating in the air.

"Disgusting..." Ororo mutters as she covers her nose to block the smell.

Descending lower to the ground, Storm didn't notice the hole in the thing's chest begin to close and heal at a rapid pace as she got closer and closer to striking distance.

"B*tch!" Taking the chance, Abomination sprung up off the ground and reached out toward Storm with its giant hand, grabbing her out of the air. "Hahaha!"

Abomination laughed as he watched Storm struggle and fail to get out of his grip.

"What a godlike power you have." Blonsky's voice rumbles. "Is that all you can do, little lady? Why don't you give me a real fight!"

*bang bang bang bang...*

Gunshots are heard from behind as Abomination could feel slight tickles on its back. Turning its huge body with Storm still in hand, Blonsky could see a line of police cars behind him with about a dozen officers shooting in his direction. Each of them with a frightened yet determined look on their faces as they pulled the triggers.

"Hahaha!" Abomination laughed again as he forgot about Ororo and used his free hand to grab a nearby car, throwing it at the line of police cars.

This gave Storm just enough time to charge up once again, as her eyes lit up and a big pillar of lightning was called down from the sky for a second time.

*Zzzzzzzz Pang!*

The lightning took no time at all to collide with Blonsky's arm, causing a portion of it to explode on contact as lightning courses through his veins yet again.


While the lightning was falling, the car that was launched toward the many police officers came inches from causing casualties, but suddenly, two webs appeared out of nowhere, yanking the car backward and away from the frightened policemen.

"Get out of here boys! The Avengers will handle this." A familiar-looking man in a red and blue spider-themed suit lands in front of them. "Focus on getting civilians out of harm's way."

"Y-Yes, Spider-Man sir!" A new recruit answers with a stutter.

Sending a nod their way, Peter doesn't wait long to go and join the fight.


The lightning strike that hit Abomination's arm caused his grip to loosen, which gave Storm the perfect chance to escape. As she did so, Ororo instantly noticed something wrong with her right leg and left arm. Both hurt like hell and were turned in an odd direction, most likely broken from Abominations grip.

As she painfully flew from the monster's grasp, Abomination seemed to grow used to the pain and electricity coursing through him. This time, instead of toppling over on the ground, he fought through the pain and went to slap Storm out of the air like a fly.

Just as the giant green hand was about to make contact, a nearby Prius flew through the air and smacked Abomination square in the jaw with its front number. This sent the sickly-green monster tumbling backward, causing the trajectory of the slap to go off course and miss Storm completely.

"Hello, Ms, Munroe. Having a hard time?" Magneto floats over with his trademark smirk, two other cars floating over his shoulders.

"..." Storm still didn't have a good opinion of Erik, so she didn't want to answer him. Especially when he has that infuriating smile on his face.

"What? No thank you for saving your life?" Erik asks a bit condescendingly.

"Be nice, Erik." Charles says as he floats over on his chair.

"I'm always nice..." Erik says as he sees Abomination rising back to his feet and sends the other two cars shooting in its direction.

"Right..." Charles says unbelievably as he turns his head to see Nightcrawler on a nearby building. "Kurt, take Ororo back to the tower for treatment. We'll handle this from here."

"Right, boss!" Kurt says as he disappears from his spot on the building and appears beside Storm. "Let's go."

As he finished talking, both he and Storm disappear in a puff of blue smoke, leaving the battle to the rest of them.

"The police are safe." Peter comes swinging over and lands on a street light between both Erik and Charles. "How are things here?"

"Ororo was hurt so Kurt took her back to the tower." Charles explains.

"Oh, he's getting back up..." Erik comments but something odd happens.

A fourth car goes flying in Abomination's direction, slapping him square in the forehead and sending Blonsky back to the ground.

"Huh?" Erik grunts in confusion as he wasn't the one to throw that car.


Back in Avengers Tower, Betty and Bruce were both watching the TV in the cafeteria with plates of food in front of them. Neither has touched their food, as the sights being shown on the screen in front of them were too shocking.

When Storm left, they asked Jarvis to continue showing them what was happening. At this point, both ex-lovers almost knew that this monster had to be related to General Ross. Most likely he was trying to make something like the Hulk and it just went out of hand.

Watching the fight between Storm and Abomination, that same feeling that Banner felt earlier arose from deep within him. As he watched the monster crushing Ororo with its tight grip, Bruce couldn't find it in himself to sit by and do nothing.

Weirdly, he felt responsible somehow.

Standing to his feet, Banner walked over to the same balcony that the Avengers leaped off of.

"Hey!" Betty calls out as she follows behind him with worry written all over her face. "Where are you going!"

"To help..." Bruce mutters as he peeks over the edge of the balcony at the world below.

"What? You can't control it, remember?" Betty says, referring to the Hulk.

"Yeah, but maybe I can aim it..." Banner says as he stares down at the streets below.

"What if you can't?" Betty asks, scared of what might happen with two monsters running around the city.

"I don't know..." Bruce says as he climbs up on the ledge and looks down. "...but I have to try."

"Wait!" Betty yells and reaches out to grab him but it was too late.

Banner leaned forward with his eyes closed and fell out of the building from the 122nd floor.

As he descended closer and closer to the ground below, Bruce opened his eyes which were now a vibrant shade of green.

A/N: 1571 words



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