I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 87: Tussling The Army

Chapter 87: Tussling The Army

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead at chapter 94. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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A/N: I think scribblehub won. I'll upload chapters on there when I wake up and put a link in the next chapter. Of course, I'll continue uploading on webnovel as the main place for my writing. I use and like the app so the weird change Webnovel decided to do doesn't affect me much, and I know many of you are in similar situations as me so don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

"When you said no killing, I never thought that I would have to stop them from killing each other as well." Magneto comments as he floats over and flicks his hand, which causes all of the bullets to fall out of the air.

Each soldier watched the bullets that would have torn them apart fall to the ground with frightened looks on their faces.

"Thanks, Erik." Peter says to Magneto as he lands on the ground beside General Ross, who was still tied up on the floor.

"No problem." Erik says as he stays floating in the air, looking down at the soldiers menacingly.

Before the army could make another move, Iron Man and Professor X made their entrances next. Using his telekinesis, Charles landed his chair beside Peter, while Tony stayed in the air with Erik, ready to fight at any moment.

"I advise you all to stand down." Peter takes the lead once again. "You may have the numerical advantage and some military hardware, but we came here expecting to possibly fight an angry green monster. Compared to that guy, the bunch of you are nothing special. Now, put your weapons down and surrender. I promise that none of you will be treated harshly."

The soldiers paused and looked around at their comrades, each of them contemplating how to handle the situation.

Shooting Spider-Man was hard for them to do in the first place, as he's a hero that many of these soldiers respect, but one person held more respect in the military than even Peter.

Tony Stark.

The majority of these soldiers looked up at the Iron Man armor with awe and respect in their eyes. The Starks have always had the respect of the military ever since World War 2.

Hearing Peter's words and seeing the arrival of Tony Stark, many of the soldiers lowered their weapons, ready to peacefully cooperate with the Avengers.

"Don't listen to him and fire!" Those that didn't lower their weapons instantly took aim at the nearest Avenger and fired.

Thankfully, they have Magneto on their side, who once again stopped all bullets in midair with ease. Especially since the majority of soldiers weren't shooting this time, which made his job even easier.

This time the shooting lasted longer, as each soldier that shot emptied their clip, hoping that more bullets would solve their problem.

Sadly, it didn't.

Magneto is an old Omega Level meta-human. He has had many years to train his powers and this certainly isn't the first time he has encountered automatic assault rifles.

"Jarvis, lock on to those that are shooting." Tony commands from his place in the sky.

As Tony looks down at the many soldiers, his Heads Up Display gets to work and marks each hostile soldier with a glowing square.

"Good, now set weapon systems to stun and let em loose." Tony says and many compartments all over his suit open up.

From these compartments appeared all kinds of different weapons. Stun guns, tranquilizer guns, there was even a futuristic-looking blaster that popped out of his shoulder. It glowed in a pale blue light as it seemed to charge up.

Within seconds, Tony resembled Pharah from Overwatch, as non-lethal weaponry were fired down from the sky at each of the previously marked soldiers with pinpoint accuracy.

'Justice rains from above.' Peter thought as he saw the whole thing. 'I played too much Overwatch in my last life...'

As the soldiers were hit by the darts and stun weapons, the soldiers that didn't shoot watched as those that did were swiftly taken care of. Some were hit by stun darts that electrocuted them, some were drugged into unconsciousness by tranquilizer darts, and some were hit by what seemed to be a laser that instantly made them collapse.

When the hostile soldiers were all on the floor and unconscious, Peter acted quickly before anyone else could get any funny ideas.

"Don't worry, your friends are all alive and well." Peter says as he can see the remaining soldiers growing antsy after seeing their comrades taken down like that. "Feel free to move them for treatment if their condition worries you. We're only here for General Ross, so although you and your comrades here attacked us, we'll overlook that with the excuse of following orders."

"Don't listen to this idiot!" General Ross starts yelling in anger once again. "Use those weapons and cut me loose NOW! You incompetent foo...ls"

As the General was screaming more orders at his soldiers, who had no idea what to do at this point, a tranquilizer dart shoots out of nowhere and pierces into his neck.

"God, you never know when to shut your mouth, do you, Thaddeus?"

Before General Ross fell into sweet sweet unconsciousness, he remained awake just long enough to see who was speaking.

"F-Fury?" Ross stuttered before his willpower gave out and he fell asleep on the cold hard ground.

Said person walked out from behind one of the military planes with a recently fired tranquilizer gun in hand, causing every soldier to turn their heads in his direction with dumb looks on their faces.

"What are you waiting for?!" Fury snaps at them instantly. "You heard the man! Get your comrades treated and cleaned up, NOW!"

Peter didn't know if it was because Fury spent a lot of time in the army or because he has been leading people for longer, but these soldiers followed his orders instantly.

As the soldiers were scrambling to do as they were told, one of the more high-ranking grunts belonging to Ross walked off into a secluded area and made a phone call.

With General Ross in custody, Peter looked around for Emil Blonsky but didn't find the guy anywhere on the airstrip. Asking around, he soon found out that Blonsky stayed behind in New York for some reason.

Sadly, no one here knew why and the only man that could give him answers was currently in a drug-induced sleep.

'This wasn't supposed to happen...' Peter thought as he and the Avengers left the area with the unconscious General in tow. 'Though, I knew this would happen sooner or later.'


"Asshole!" Betty yelled in anger as she kicked the door of the Quinjet from the inside.

They were almost to New York, where they would land at the top of Avengers tower. Bruce hoped that the whole ride would be peaceful, but that hope was crushed as his ex-girlfriend sprung up from her sleep.

Once he explained to her what happened, Betty started cursing Spider-Mans name as she let out her anger on their poor transport.

"You know, I know a few techniques that could help you manage that anger effectively." Banner offers but that seemed to only bring himself into the crosshairs.

"You zip it!" She snaps her head in his direction and hisses angrily.



In a fully stocked lab, both Dr. Sterns and Emil Blonsky could be seen sitting at a table by a phone.

"...You're ordered to halt all research for the time being and move everything to the location that I provided earlier. Wait there for further instructions. With the General captured by the Avengers, It's only a matter of time before they come snooping around. Do you understand?" A female voice says over speaker phone.

"Yes, understood." Dr. Sterns answered.

"Blonsky?" She asks as only one person answered her.

"...Understood, Ma'am." He answers her through gritted teeth.

"Good, I'll see you two soon." She says and swiftly ends the call.

"Aah, she's an annoying b*tch, isn't she?" Blonsky comments hatefully toward Major Kathleen Sparr, who is a high-level aid to General Ross.

"Why must you use such language constantly?!" Sterns asks as Blonsky pulls out his pistol and rests the barrel on the scientist's forehead. "Now what…could I have possibly done... to deserve such aggression?"

"It's not about what you've done, it's what you're gonna do." Blonsky mumbles agitatedly, causing Dr. Sterns to raise his head in interest. "I want what you've got off Banner, I want that."

Blonsky points to the blood sample in the glass fridge.

"Okay..." Sterns agrees with a glimmer of interest in his eyes.

"Good..." Blonsky says, slightly surprised by the doctor's quick agreement. "Now, load me up."

Holding out his arm expectantly, Blonsky waits as Dr. Sterns walks over to the fridge and pours Banner's blood into a syringe with a long needle attached to it.

"Are you sure about this?" Sterns asks as he holds the needle centimeters from Blonsky's skin.

"Just do it already!" Blonsky answers back in annoyance.

"Okay..." Dr. Sterns mutters as the needle pierces the soldier's skin and he pushes the plunger at the end, injecting the blood.

A/N: 1467 words



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