I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 86: Ross Arrives

Chapter 86: Ross Arrives

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A/N: I heard about webnovel making fanfic readers download the app. It doesn't affect me much because I've been using the app for a while now. I don't mind also uploading this on another site for pc readers tho. Just leave comments here about which site you guys want and the most liked one is what I'll upload on.

"Are they gone?" Peter asked over the radio as he drove Betty's car on the dark highway.

"Yes, I'm following them back as planned." Storm speaks over the radio.

"Thank you, I apologize for giving you the boring job." Peter says, feeling bad for sending her away on the first mission.

"No problem. I don't relish in fighting and this is an important job." Storm replies without care.

"Good, just keep us updated. If anything happens, I'll portal over to assist you." Peter says as he opens a portal in the road, which swallows the car leaving behind an empty highway.

Betty's mansion comes into view as the portal closes behind him. Pulling into the driveway, Peter is met by the remaining Avengers members.

"That went well." Tony says with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Banner has good control over his emotions. I could feel every fluctuation in his emotional state and he was constantly working to keep himself calm and together. Though there's a wave of constant anger in him that is concerning, to say the least." Professor X rolls over and shares his findings as well.

"Odd, maybe it's just the way he is? We can look into that later though. I'm sure he'll be thrilled with us helping in his research." Peter comments.

Peter didn't think that there will ever be a cure for the Hulk. The Hulk, in Peter's opinion, is a physical manifestation of Bruce Banner's rage and anger.

As long as Bruce has these feelings, then the Hulk will always exist.

Seeing as Bruce tried to kill himself and failed due to the Hulk, Peter wasn't even sure if Banner could take any drugs to dull those emotions either.

Would they even be effective?

'No, if there was a cure that could get rid of the Hulk, Bruce would have found it in the movies.' Peter thought.

The best option is for Bruce to accept and reconcile with the Hulk as he did in Avengers Endgame. At least then they can merge into a singular being, negating each other weaknesses.

A Hulk with the brains of Bruce Banner.

"The General should be arriving in a few hours." Peter says as he checks the time on his phone. "Do we know where he's landing?"

-4 hours later-

At an undisclosed airstrip in Virginia only a handful of miles away from Culver University, the sun rose only moments ago as one large military transport plane landed on the strip.

Though it wasn't the only one.

One after another four planes landed in total. Each of them carrying able-bodied soldiers, vehicles, and equipment.

When every plane landed, the soldiers from each plane hustled and bustled to get to their respective duties. Whether they be moving crates, driving vehicles, or simply securing the perimeter, these soldiers moved with purpose as they executed their orders perfectly.

"Was that the last plane?" Peter asks over the comms from his hiding spot in a nearby tree line.

"Yup, no other planes are in the area." Tony answers him.

"Good, who wants to take the lead?" Peter asks but no one speaks up.

Well, Magneto seemed eager, but the man was a bit too hot-headed so everyone ignored him in this instance. Though he has been calming down as of late. It just takes time for someone that had a villain mentality to adjust to the heroes gig, but he has been adapting well so far.

"I guess I'll take lead then." Peter says with a sigh.

Everyone wants the feeling and power of being in charge but they don't want any of the responsibility, which is something Peter has learned in the many months since making the Avengers.

Even seasoned veterans like those on the Avengers council would rather offload the work and responsibilities onto another capable person. Sadly or luckily, depending on how you look at it, this person was Peter.

This made Peter a sort of leader in the Avengers. He still couldn't make decisions on his own or anything like that, but his words carried more weight than the others did for sure. After all, he does most of the work.

Though he couldn't blame anyone for this. Tony is a lazy playboy, Fury is busy with Shield, Charles is busy with his school, and Erik is a bit extreme for a leadership role.

Peter was the only option really and he didn't mind being the one to take control in a way.

"I'll head down there and speak to them." Peter says as he uses his webs to catapult himself out of the tree line and straight toward the airstrip. "You guys get into position and be ready for a fight. Remember, no killing or maiming as long as you can help it. This is our first mission and we don't need the media freaking out about the Avengers killing American soldiers."

"Yeah, we got it. Just be quick. I haven't slept yet." Tony says crankily, getting some words of agreement from everyone else.

They did stay up for the whole night waiting for General Ross to arrive, so he couldn't blame them for being tired.

Peter wasn't all that tired, but that was probably because of his age. He is the youngest one here after all. Though they didn't know that.

"I thought you'd be used to all-nighters at this point, Tony." Peter jokes over the comms as he flew closer to the airstrip.

"That's different. Those all-nighters are spent in air conditioning, preferably drunk and with some lovely women." Tony banters back.

"I'm so jealous..." Nightcrawler mutters, probably forgetting that they could hear him.

As Peter soared closer to the airstrip, it didn't take long for the soldiers to notice his arrival. At first, they just saw a blurry blue and red figure in the air, but as he got closer, the men and woman with good eyesight immediately knew who was visiting them.

"Spider-Man?" One muttered which caused a chain reaction amongst the soldiers.

"It can't be..."

"Why would Spider-Man be here?"

"That's definitely him..."


Forgetting that they were supposed to be guarding the airstrip, each soldier watch Peter shoot past their defenses and land next to one of the planes with the grace of a cat landing on its feet.

They didn't even raise a gun in his direction.

"Hello, I'm here to speak to General Ross." Peter says with a wave to the soldiers around him.

"..." Each soldier was too shocked to say a word but that didn't last long as the man himself came driving over on a humvee.

"What's going on here?!" Not knowing exactly what's happening, General Ross exits the car and sees his men standing around with dumb looks on their faces. "There better be a good reason for..."

Before any more words could leave his mouth, the General turned to see a man dressed as Spider-Man standing next to one of his planes.

"Is this a joke?" Ross muttered questioningly.

"I'm afraid not." Peter says with a shake of his head. "General Ross, you're under arrest."

As Peter says this, he shoots some webs in the Generals direction. Wrapping the old man's arms and legs tightly together and knocking him to the ground.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" Peter says as if he were a police officer as Ross wiggles on the floor like an angry worm.

"What's the meaning of this!?" General Ross shouts angrily. "Do you know who you're attacking? I'm a United States General!"

"Yeah, I know." Peter says uncaringly. "Sadly for you, the Avengers have been watching your movements. You may be able that hide your mistakes and misdeeds from your superiors but not us."

"!" General Ross instantly became alarmed as he stopped struggling and looked up at Peter in shock.

As the shock wore off, the Generals mind went into overdrive, trying to figure out a way to overcome this situation. It took only a split second for the General to make up his mind.

"Weapons ready!" He shouts, causing every soldier in hearing distance to train their guns on Peter without a second thought.

They were trained to follow orders and so they did.

"I'll warn you once." Ross says as he glares in Peter's direction. "Leave and stay out of my business. You don't want me as an enemy."

"No thanks, I think I'll stay." Peter answers challengingly.

"Fire!" The General ordered without a shred of remorse.

*bang bang bang....*

Instantly, the sound of gunfire filled the airstrip as about a hundred soldiers fired their weapons all at once.

Kicking off the ground and into the air, each bullet passes under Peter, but that's not all. He was surrounded by soldiers, so these bullets that were supposed to only hit him were now heading toward friendly soldiers.

Before any of the bullets could claim the lives of a single soldier, the tiny metal missiles were stopped midair, shocking everyone who thought they were about to die.

"When you said no killing, I never thought that I would have to stop them from killing each other as well." Magneto comments as he floats over and flicks his hand, which causes all of the bullets to fall out of the air.

A/N: 1592 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As a small time king, I need the donations these days...]


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