I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 73: Dust to Dust

Chapter 73: Dust to Dust

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 82. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"We'll be incinerating them here. After all, isn't that what you told me to do on the phone yesterday?" Peter says, surprising the two Chaste members.

"That wasn't what you told me over the phone..." Stick says, sounding more grumpy than usual.

"Well, plans change." Peter says with an uncaring shrug. "Let's be honest here. You're going to interrogate them and I'd rather that not happen. They know a bit about me and a lot about the Hand. I'd rather that information stay hidden. At least for now."

"..." A staring contest somehow began between Stick and Peter even though one of them couldn't see.

Stick couldn't sense a single person in or around the building besides Peter and Tsubaki, so he wondered where this man's confidence came from.

He would be lying if he said the idea of simply killing Peter and taking the five fingers alive didn't cross his mind. Though a bad feeling tingled down his spine after thinking that.

Stick has enhanced senses thanks to his blindness and training, so he tended to trust those senses instinctively.

Something told him that he and Tsubaki would die if they tried anything against this man, which caused him to look in Peter's direction with a bit more caution than he originally had.

"Fine, as long as they're dead, I'm happy." Stick was the first to break the silence.

"Thank you for understanding." Peter says gratefully.

Loading the bodies up one by one, Peter allowed the Chaste members to do the honors and press the ignition button for each fingers death, burning their unconscious bodies one at a time.

Peter didn't feel bad as he watched them burn. If they were innocent, things would be different and Peter would have never handed them over like this. Sadly for them, this wasn't the case.

When the last founder of the Hand burned into nothing but ashes, Stick turned to Peter and motioned to the piles of ash that they collected from each body.

"Can we at least take the ashes with us?" He asks.

"No, I'll be spreading those ashes in some undisclosed locations. After all, the world is more mystical than many would believe. When I choose to kill someone, I'd like them to stay that way." Peter says, not trusting them with the ashes.

The Chaste follows K'un-Lun and he doesn't know what either of them is willing or capable of doing. For all Peters knows, resurrecting someone from just their ashes is something that K'un-Lun has the power to do.

Peter didn't even know if the Dragon Bone Elixer could be used to resurrect someone from ashes, so it was best to stay safe and carefully dispose of his enemies' ashes. Especially since he now lives in a comic book world.

Comic book villains and heroes tend to come back from the dead, as writers can't just leave the good characters dead forever. Sometimes they even get a nice power-up after their death as well.

'Yeah, no thanks...' Peter thought as he planned to dispose of all enemies carefully. Especially the more powerful ones like Thanos.

"..." Stick and Tsubaki looked displeased but didn't voice any complaints.

"I guess that we'll take our leave then." Stick says as he starts walking toward the door.

"Wait, we aren't finished yet." Peter says, stopping Stick in his tracks.

"What?" He asks in annoyance.

"We need to talk about our ceasefire. We don't want more deaths on either side, do we?" Peter asks.

"What's there to talk about?" Stick asks back grumpily. "We won't attack you. You won't attack us. There, it's done."

"No, it's not that easy and you know it. We have to talk if we want to keep this peace for a long period of time. Communication is key." Peter says, causing Stick to sigh in annoyance.

He knew that Peter was right, but he wasn't sure the peace would last long either way. Once the Chaste has its numbers replenished, the leaders may decide to attack the Hand once again.

After all, it's all they know. For thousands of years, they've fought the Hand. Making peace with their enemy isn't something anyone in the Chaste is remotely interested in.

"Well, I'll starts then." Peter says, seeing as neither of them had anything to say. "The Hand will be going through some major changes in the years to come. One of the most important is that we will be acting as a sort of vigilante group across the world. Sort of like Spider-Man minus the superpowers of course."

"?!" Both Stick and Tsubaki were shocked and beyond surprised by Peter's words.

"The Hand is going to fight crime and save people?" Tsubaki mutters in surprise.

"Yes, like I said. This is a new Hand." Peter says with a shrug. "I don't care for K'un-Lun or immortality. The Hand made a grave mistake when they attacked me, which most definitely ruined all of their plans."

Hearing Peter's words, Stick refused to believe that this man wasn't at least interested in immortality. Why take over an organization such as the Hand if you didn't want their dragon bone elixir?

He would be correct too. Peter was interested in studying the dragon bone elixir, but that doesn't mean he's interested in taking it. At least not until he studies it enough to learn the consequences or the possible alterations he can make to it.

'I should really speak to Scythe soon...' Peter thought.

"That's hard to believe." Stick voices his inner thoughts. "Truthfully, it sounds like bullshit."

"Well, I guess the new Hand will just have to prove it to you over time."


There wasn't much more to talk about after that, as neither Stick nor Tsubaki could believe the words that Peter was saying. A good Hand is something that nobody could comprehend.

When they left the Morgue empty-handed, Peter bagged up the ashes of each founder and opened a portal to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Using some wind magic, Peter spread each person's ashes in a different direction.

After floating for a while, the ashes descended into the salty water below and dissolved into nothing within seconds. Marking the end of the ancient Founders of the Hand.


-Time Skip - Sophmore Year-

Many months passed since the deaths of the five Fingers. Peter's freshman year came to a close and the summer flew by quickly. Since then a lot has happened.

The Avengers was approved by the United Nations on the day after Peter met with the Chaste, which was a happy day as Peter and Fury put a lot of work into the Avengers initiative.

Tony didn't do much to help, but he was excited as well.

Speaking of Tony, he moved to NY a couple of weeks after and hasn't regretted it ever since. The top of Avengers tower became his home.

That's right, the Stark Industries tower was renamed earlier than in the movies as Tony became excited about their new organization. Pepper had some complaints as the building was used for Stark Industries, but sadly for her, she lost in the end and the sign was changed to the iconic Avengers logo.

In the past months, the Avengers has completed its council as well. The meeting with Charles was far easier than the one with Erik just as Peter thought it would be.

The more interesting meeting was the one between Charles and Erik during the first official council gathering of the Avengers.


For the first Avengers council assembly, they used the new Avengers Tower in New York City. Tony especially had a meeting room made for their gathering, which Peter was ecstatic about.

It felt like everything was coming together.

Seated at the head of the table, Peter, who was dressed in his spider suit, waited for the arrival of everyone but Tony, who was drinking a glass of liquor in the chair next to him.

"Do you think they'll fight?" Tony asks as he takes a swig of his dark aged liquor.

"No, I think they're old enough to hold themselves back." Peter says thoughtfully.

-Ten minutes later-

Yelling filled the room as Charles and Erik were in a heated argument. The second Charles rolled into the room and saw Erik sitting beside Tony, Peter, and Fury, a look of realization filled his face.

"Please tell me this is a joke..." Charles said as his first words.

It didn't take long for Charles and Erik to begin arguing and throwing barbed words at one another, but soon enough Fury stepped in.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Fury yelled in frustration and the room goes silent. "We're here to talk about official business, not squabble like temperamental children. Get over yourselves and get your heads in the game. We have work to do!"

Fury was already annoyed before the meeting started, as the World Security Council has been on his a*s ever since they found out about the Avengers Initiative being separated from Shield. He has had to deal with enough lately and this just threw him over the edge.

"That's right, we have much to speak about, so table your childish behavior and act like the elderly men you are." Peter nods, agreeing with Fury's words.

Without another word, Charles reverses his chair from the table and rolls out of the room. He didn't sign up for this after all. Nobody said that Magneto would be on the Council as well.

-Flashback End-

A/N: 1587 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king I demand tribute. A peasants kings tribute must come in two forms. First, stones. Preferably 3. Then you must dance for my amusement. Yes... hehehe]


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