I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 72: Stick

Chapter 72: Stick

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 81. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After texting MJ for a couple of hours, Peter went off to sleep. He had to deal with the former leaders of the Hand and the Chaste tomorrow so he needed his sleep.

MJ gave him every last detail as to what happened with her father. Apparently, he tried to leave after MJ started yelling at him, but she blocked the door and just kept letting the words fly.

By the time MJ ran out of words to speak, Fury was holding her and apologizing, yet he still refused to say why he left. That didn't matter to MJ though. She knew all about Nick Fury thanks to Peter.

Sadly for Fury, the second he thought that the Storm was over, another brewed on the horizon.

Once MJ was finished yelling, his wife opened up the flood gates as well thanks to some encouragement from her daughter. Fury's emotional damage was at nuclear levels by this point.

During all of this, MJ guarded the door so her father couldn't run off. When even her mother got it all out, the whole house was silent.

In the end, Fury wound up shedding a few tears, which surprised Peter as he never thought a character like Nick Fury even had the ability to cry in the first place.

'Maybe I should have stayed...' Peter thought as he would pay big money to see Nick Fury cry.

Fury had apologized to each of them a hundred times and was speechless by this point as well. The family of three didn't know what to do after this, so they just sat on the couch in the living room and watched whatever was on the TV, which was Frosty the Snowman.

MJ and Grace didn't want Fury to leave and the man himself didn't have the heart to walk out the door after hearing all of that, so they just sat there quietly. When it got late and everyone was tired, Fury ended up sleeping on the couch.

MJ was happily surprised that he would be spending the night, but she knew that he would be gone by the morning. He may not want to leave but his job would sadly require it, which ruined her mood as she lay in bed that night texting Peter.

Peter did his best to cheer her up though. Reminding her that her father would have to come back after tonight's festivities. He may not stay to live there but there's no way he has the heart to ditch them for a long period of time again.

Peter guessed that Fury would visit them at least once a month from now on, which is good for someone as busy and cautious as he is.

Though they would have to wait and see.


The next day, Peter woke up to a text from MJ, saying that her father left. What was surprising is the fact that he stayed for breakfast but left soon after.

Peter didn't expect that, as Fury seemed more like the kind of guy to slip out before anyone woke up.

'I guess they really got through to him...' Peter was happy for MJ as she seemed to be in a good mood.

After texting MJ for a few minutes, Peter got ready for what will probably be a very long day. Once he was clean and dressed, Peter called back the same number that called him last night.

*Ring Ring...*

"What?" The man on the other end answered in an annoyed tone.

"I'll hand them over." Peter gets straight to the point. "What part of the world are you in right now?"

"Hmm, I'm in Japan still." The man answered easily. "Tokyo."

"Alright, hold on..." Peter says as he looks up an address in Tokyo. "I just texted you an address, I'll meet you there at midnight. Don't keep me waiting."

Before he could get an answer, Peter hung up the phone. Switching to his spider suit and turning it black, he opens a portal and walks through to find the five fingers of the Hand sitting around with contemplative and defeated looks on their faces.

As soon as they heard some foreign footsteps, each of the five founders launched to their feet and turned to see Peter and the portal behind him closing.

"Hello, how have you all been." Peter greets them as he notices Murakami's condition.

Murakami has been here the longest and hasn't drank or eaten anything for far longer than what's healthy. His clothes were disheveled and he looked noticeably weaker compared to the other four around him.

"This place is... interesting." Alexandra was the first to speak. "We hope to be released soon, my Lord. I know this is a punishment but we've sworn ourselves to you. Please allow us to serve."

Alexandra uses her silky words to persuade Peter and kneeled on the ground. The others followed her lead, hoping to get the hell out of this desolate dimension.

"Okay, I'll take you all out." Peter says as he waves his hand.

Instantly, a spell circle is drawn in the air and splits off into five smaller symbols. These symbols split off toward the five kneeling fingers and smack them on the forehead.

As the symbols appeared on their foreheads, each of them fell to the floor like puppets with their strings cut.

"Sigh..." Peter sighs as he checks the time on his phone.

[9:57 AM]

'One hour until midnight in Tokyo.' Peter thought as he opened a portal.


As every working clock in Tokyo struck 12, an aged blind man with white hair walks down a dark and empty street with his walking stick tapping along the ground the entire way.

[Insert picture of MCU Stick here]

"I told you to leave, Tsubaki!" Stick stops in the middle of the road and yells out.

Suddenly, the same woman that Peter freed from the Hand walks out from behind a building.

"This could be a trap and I refuse to leave you to die alone." Tsubaki says as she walks over. "It's my fault if you die, so I might as well be there alongside you."

Stick took this mission upon himself alone for a reason. If it is a trap, then he would be the only casualty, as the Chaste can't afford to lose anyone.

At one point, the Chaste was an equal enemy to the Hand, but these days that's all changed. The Hand recruits with any means necessary and use those recruits to hunt any Chaste member and location with no mercy, so they have been on the losing end of this war for about 10 years now.

This is why Stick is so willing to walk into a trap. If the Five Fingers can be eliminated, then a ceasefire with the 'new' Hand would do wonders for their organization.

The Chaste could use that time of peace to bolster their ranks in case the 'new' Hand takes after the old. After all, the Hand, no matter who was in charge, will always be an enemy of the Chaste.

Whether this new leader would turn the Hand into something good was impossible in their minds.

"Fine..." Stick grumbles and starts walking down the street once again, tapping his walking cane along the road.

Following behind him, Tsubaki and Stick arrive at the front of a closed morgue. The building was locked up and all workers were gone for the night as working hours ended 5 hours ago.

"How foreboding..." Tsubaki mutters as Stick ignores her and walks inside after somehow picking the lock while blind.

Walking the halls of the empty morgue, Stick uses his enhanced hearing to navigate straight toward Peter, who was waiting in the incinerator room, where the dead bodies are cremated.

"Hello." Peter greets as the two elderly Chaste members enter the room to see him in his blacked-out suit. 'Oh, it's Stick!'

Peter was a fan of Stick and just realized that's who he was talking to over the phone. He liked the man's grumpy personality and always thought he was one of the cooler characters in Daredevil.

On the floor beside Peter are the unconscious former leaders of the Hand. Each of them has a small mark on their foreheads from the spell that's keeping them from waking up.

As soon as Tsubaki saw the bodies in the room, she froze in shock. This sudden action caused Stick to freeze as well.

It would be impossible for him to identify the bodies, as he's blind, which was a big reason why Tsubaki was so adamant about joining him.

"You weren't lying, huh?" Stick reads the room with his advanced senses and speaks.

"Of course, I have no reason to lie." Peter answers as Tsubaki walks forward to inspect the bodies more closely.

"It's really them!" She says excitedly.

"Yup, it's good to see you again by the way." Peter nods as she looks up at him in shock.

"Wait, what's this mark on their foreheads?" Tsubaki asks in confusion.

"I don't know." Peter says with a shrug. "They had it when I met them."

"We'll take them and be on our way..." Stick says, ready to get out of here and interrogate his enemies.

"I'm afraid not..." Peter interrupts before they could move the bodies. "We'll be incinerating them here. After all, isn't that what you told me to do on the phone yesterday?"

A/N 1575 words



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