I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 57: Leak

Chapter 57: Leak

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 13 chapters ahead at chapter 70. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Flying off in the Quinjet, Fury couldn't get Spider-Mans constant warnings about Shield out of his head.

Situations that seemed fine before played out in his mind and questions appeared. Questions that he didn't need to ask before, as he trusted Shield.

Nick Fury wasn't a trusting man, yet before Spider-Mans warnings he could undeniably say he trusted Shield. Now, he feels that trust may have been misplaced.

Commanding the pilot to fly to a Shield facility that's used to store data, Fury sat back and enjoyed the ride.

After a long flight, the Quinjet landed beside the bottom of a mountain in an undisclosed location, where a huge and thick bunker door could be seen attached to the mountain.

This underground bunker is one of the most top secret Shield facilities they have, as it stores digital and physical copies of every field report ever filed.

If he wants to look into the incidents involving Magneto, then this is the place to be.

'Hopefully, this doesn't take long...' Fury thought as he entered the underground bunker with a very long code, card swipe, and retinal scan.


After surprising some criminals, who thought that they could get away with some crime while he was in Japan, Peter returned home and hopped into bed.

Peter wasn't worried about people finding out about his portal ability anymore. Shield knows which means Hydra knows, so anyone affiliated with Hydra probably knows as well.

He won't reveal it on purpose, but if people find out on their own, then he doesn't really mind.

Before getting to sleep, Peter took out his ghost phone and texted MJ goodnight.

Peter- Goodnight, I'll come by after tomorrow's meetings ❤️

She didn't answer, as MJ was probably still asleep, so he tossed his phone aside and went straight to sleep.


The UN meeting on the next day was the tamest of them all. Neither Charles nor Erik attended this one.

Charles is waiting for their decision on his presentation, while Magneto has no interest in the meetings if Charles isn't there and it's not about meta-humans.

Since the meetings became boring again, Peter went back on his ghost phone and found some articles about meta-humans at the UN summit in Japan.

'It seems someone finally leaked it...' Peter thought as he read through some of the articles.

There were some blurry pictures and videos of Magneto, floating in the air, and the destroyed wall of the building, alongside some privileged information about the meetings, alongside Spider-Mans involvement in them.

It especially showed Spider-Man in a good light, keeping the peace between the new super-powered groups that appeared.

The reaction online about meta-humans seems to be mixed. Some hate groups like racists and extreme religious communities were reacting badly, but the rest seemed to be alright.

Most responses are curious, excited, scared, or other normal reaction, but the large majority is skeptical.

After all, there isn't much clear proof behind all of this. The only proof is blurry and could easily be faked, so Peter decided to clear things up.

Opening twitter, Peter started writing a tweet.



Expect a video on meta-humans to come out soon.


Peter knew that seeing was believing, so he would contact Charles to film a YouTube video on the new race of people stepping into the world. They needed some good publicity as early as possible, or else people with bad intentions will start taking advantage.

As Peter makes this tweet, the meeting came to an end.

He and the president went to the normal meeting room, where they went through the same exact explanation as the last two meetings.

This meeting included representatives for the United States of America, the United Kingdom, South Korea, China, France, and the United Arab Emirates.

It was harder to conduct a meeting with so many people, as they all had questions and input to give so this meeting went on far longer than the other two.

Though that doesn't mean that they weren't excited and agreeable to the Avengers plan. Peter was truly happy about the X-men showing themselves at such a perfect time. He really owes them a lot, as the introduction of meta-humans has sped things up.

Fear is truly a good motivator.

When the meeting finally came to an end, Peter officially had the agreement of six of the strongest countries in the United Nations.

Tomorrow, they would present the Avenger's plan in front of the entire UN, as Charles did with the Meta-human announcement. It's going to be approved no matter what, as they already laid the groundwork with these meetings, so this is really just a formality.

Though this action will definitely tip off the World Security Council, by that point it would be too late for them to interfere.

That is if they haven't already found out somehow.


Returning home after the meeting, Peter went straight to MJ's house, where he find her getting ready for school.

The meeting ended at 7 pm, but due to the time difference, Peter returned at 6 in the morning. The sun has risen and MJ was in the shower.

Letting himself in, Peter started cooking breakfast for her. Her mother, Grace has already left for work and he knew MJ sucked at cooking and would end up eating cereal.

*Ring Ring Ring...*

When he finished cooking and was patiently waiting for MJ, the ghost phone started ringing. Looking at the phone, Peter was surprised to see who was calling him.


'Why is he calling?' Peter thought as he picked up the phone. "Yo."

"What's this I hear about a video you're making on meta-humans?" Charles skips introductions and gets straight to it.

"Well, I was actually going to call you later about this, so this is perfect." As Peter says this, MJ opens the bathroom door and walks out with a towel around her body. "Please hold for a moment. My beautiful girlfriend just walked in."

MJ heard this and froze as she turned her head to see Peter on his phone in the kitchen. The smell of bacon, eggs, and french toast entered her nostrils soon after.

"Stop looking!" MJ yells as she rushed to her room and slammed the door.

"What was that? Did someone slam a door?" Charles asks as Peter forgot to mute the phone.

"Yeah, don't worry she's fine." Peter says with a laugh.

Peter and MJ may have gotten hot and heavy recently, but they haven't seen each other completely naked just yet, so MJ was self-conscious.

"Do you have an address I can meet you at? I can stop by after eating breakfast." Peter changes the subject.

"Are you back in New York already?" Charles asks.

"For now." Peter answers cryptically.

Soon enough, Peter gets an address in upstate New York. Just as the call ended, MJ walks out of her room, fully clothed and with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I made you breakfast." Peter says as he brings MJ a plate and pecks her on the lips.

MJ sat down silently and ate awkwardly, still self-conscious about being seen in nothing but a towel.

"Don't be nervous. You're beautiful." Peter says as he starts cleaning up the kitchen. "If you want, I can get naked for you so we're even?"

"..." MJ looked at Peter's exposed muscles and looked away when he caught her looking and smirked. "No, it's fine..."

"Well, I'm ready to strip at a moment's notice." Peter smiles over his shoulder as he does the dishes. "Just let me know."


After speaking to MJ, who was back to her normal self compared to yesterday, Peter walked with her to school before opening a portal to the address Professor Xavier gave him.

Stepping out of the portal, Peter is met by the familiar mansion that was shown in the X-men movies in his past life.

Walking up to the door as the portal closed behind him, Peter didn't even have a chance to knock as the door was thrown open and Wolverine came flying out with his claws extended, growling like a wild animal.

"Hello, again." Peter says casually as he side-steps Logan and kicks him to the side.

Stepping into the house, Peter ignores the feral animal that he just kicked away with a chuckle. He was starting to enjoy messing with Wolverine.

Charles came rolling down the hall just in time to see Peter walking in with an angry Wolverine appearing behind him.

"Logan stop!"

A/N: 1432 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Or I'll cry in a corner and die 😢]


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