I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 56: Thoughts

Chapter 56: Thoughts

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 14 chapters ahead at chapter 70. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After comforting MJ for a while, she fell asleep and Peter left the bed, taking a moment to tuck her in before leaving.

When she held back whatever she was going to say, Peter had a good idea of what it was. MJ said it herself just moments beforehand.

'...and I'm not strong enough to help at all...'

MJ was feeling useless.

Peter was out here stopping crime, preparing for future enemies, and building a world-saving organization. Meanwhile, she was just a normal girl without powers and felt inadequate in a way.

This didn't bother Peter one bit, but it seemed to eat away at her, as humans are very protective of their loved ones, like most animals.

It wasn't a big deal when the worst Peter was fighting were armed gunmen, but now that the X-men have surfaced and Aliens are a thing, MJ is worried for him and wants to protect him.

Sadly, she has no powers to do so.

Her only option is to train her body and learn martial arts, but that would do nothing against the average meta-human. Even Black Widow is pretty useless against these people and she's slightly enhanced herself.

Peter didn't push her to say it, but he knew what she was feeling and thinking.

Ned doesn't think like this yet. At least he hopes that Ned doesn't, but even in the movies, Ned had a natural skill in the Mystic Arts, so he would sooner or later be able to help out.

As for MJ, she never showed a proclivity toward the mystic arts. Though that doesn't mean she can't learn. The only problem is getting the Ancient One to agree and accept either of them.

She specifically said that she hates teaching children and teenagers, as they have other commitments, like school, sports, clubs, etc.

Peter was an exception, as he was a hero with superpowers already, who piqued the Ancient One's interest due to her inability to see his arrival and change from the normal Spider-Man.

He doubted she would sign up for taking two other teenagers that needed special treatment due to their school schedules.

Getting the Ancient One to take them into Kamar Taj may be impossible. Not to mention the fact that Ned and MJ may fall behind in school if they start learning at Kamar Taj.

They're both astoundingly smart, but at the end of the day, Peter is an anomaly. He could miss the next thousand days of school, and still pass as long as he comes in to take tests.

'I could teach them, but I don't have the time...' Peter thought as he switched to his spider suit and opened a portal to Tony's house in Los Angeles.

He would go and ask the Ancient One if she would accept them as students anyway, as you never know unless you try, but she isn't around right now.

Peter hasn't even gotten a text back yet, so she's probably still in some other dimension.

'If she says no, I can still make a way for MJ to get stronger...' Peter thought as he stepped into Tony's mansion, which was practically empty due to him moving to New York.

They live in a comic book world, so there's always a way to gain superpowers. Peter just has to find the best and safest route and MJ won't feel useless anymore.

Who knows, the odds are against her, but MJ could have the X-gene. All he would have to do is find a way to activate it as Professor Xavier stated.

Peter could have the X-gene as well...

'I'll have to look into this...' Peter thought as he spotted Tony going over some papers in his kitchen. "Yo!"

"Hey, Web-Head." Tony says as he looks up from his papers, pushing them away with a tired sigh. "What's up?"

"We need to have a meeting with Fury about Avengers business. I have some information and recruits to speak about." Peter says as he opens the fridge to find nothing but condiments. "Dude, you need to go shopping."

"I'm moving. What's the point." Tony shrugs as he looks over at a nearby laptop. "Jarvis, text the angry pirate and tell him we need to meet at my place."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers.

"Aww, are you and Fury pen pals now?" Peter asks as he closes the empty fridge disappointedly.

"No, I still don't trust him, but it seems I don't have a choice in the matter." Tony says as he gives Peter an accusatory look.

"What? We need his help either way. As long as he keeps sensitive information to himself and acts like a team player, I see no reason not to give the guy a chance." Peter says with a shrug. "Though that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious."

"Alright..." Tony says reluctantly.

"Sir, Director Fury is on the way." Jarvis says announces.

After half an hour of just messing around and talking about Tony's move to New York City, the Quinjet landed in the backyard and took off as soon as Fury stepped out.

"Is this about the Mutants?" He says as soon as he steps inside Tony's house.

"Mutants?!" Tony asks excitedly.

"It's meta-humans and yes." Peter answers as Fury walks up to the fridge and opens it up, looking for a drink to quench his thirst.

"You need to go shopping, Stark." Fury comments as he closed the fridge and leans on the nearby counter across from Peter and Tony.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Tony says in annoyance. "If you want food, then go to your own house."

"Alright, let's get down to business." Peter says as he takes out his phone and switches on the anti-surveillance. "Sorry, Jarvis."

"What do you..." Jarvis answers but soon his voice distorts and cuts off.

"Did you really have to do that?" Tony asks, feeling bad for Jarvis.

"Yes, you never know who could be listening in." Peter says as he motions around the room. "After all, I doubt you moved all of your belongings out of here on your own."

There had to have been movers who came into the mansion to move Tony's belongings, so it's not impossible for one of these people to plant some microphones or cameras.

"If you want I can have a Shield team sweep for bugs?" Fury offers.

"No, I'll do it myself." Tony refuses instantly, not wanting any unknown secret agents in his house. "You're more likely to plant something as well."

"Who says that I haven't already?" Fury says, messing with Tony.

"Alright, let's get back to business." Peter says and goes into an explanation on meta-humans and his plans to add them to the Avengers.

They seemed perfectly happy with Peter's plans until he mentioned adding two unknown meta-humans to the Avengers council.

"I don't think this is a good idea. We don't know these men and this Magnet guy sounds... volatile." Tony comments disapprovingly.

"For once we agree, Stark." Fury nods in agreement. "I have files on both Charles Xavier and Erik lehnsherr. Charles is a definite possibility, but Magneto is a dangerous man. We've had some run ins with him over the years."

"Was Shield taking advantage of meta-humans at the time?" Peter says accusingly. "Because his goal seems to be to protect his people. I don't see him attacking Shield for no reason whatsoever."

"Not to my knowledge, no." Fury answers after thinking for a moment.

"Are you sure?" Peter keeps pushing. "You run a very big ship, Fury. It's very possible that you were lied to."

"..." Fury goes quiet as he stares at Peter in contemplation.

This isn't the first time that Spider-Man has hinted at the fact that Shield may be compromised. His mind raced as Fury began to question his own organization.

Fury knows that Peter won't elaborate any further, so he would have to figure it out on his own.

"I'll look into it." Fury says as he presses a button on his phone and wordlessly walks to the backyard, where the Quinjet landed once again.

Peter knew that his actions with Fury may bring up the timeline for the Hydra rebellion, but that's not exactly a bad thing. The sooner Hydra is removed from Shield, the better.

Also, Peter still wants to absorb Shield into the Avengers, so this may speed up that process as well. After all, once Hydra and Shield are revealed to be one and the same, Shield will most likely be put out of business.

That's the time when The Avengers will pounce and start poaching workers and buying up every Shield property. They'll even have the help of Director Fury himself, as the man would be a member of the Avengers Council.

At least, that's what Peter hopes to happen.

As the Quinjet flys off, taking Fury away with it, Peter sighed and turned to Tony.

"It looks like we'll have to continue this another day." Peter says with a shrug.

After saying their goodbyes, Peter returned home for the night, but instead of going to sleep, he went out on patrol. Peter has been busy these days with his Japan trip, so he needed to show his face or else the crime rates would rise.

A/N: 1559 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Yo, I'm tired. It sleep 😴]


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