I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 36: Official Team Up

Chapter 36: Official Team Up

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 16 chapters ahead at chapter 52. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After disguising himself with an illusion, Peter assumed a stance with his arms wide open. Instantly, large-scale spell circles appeared and draw themselves into the air.

If not for the constant bombardment of Stark Industry missiles, which caused smoke and fire to cover the village, someone would have easily noticed the spell circles.

After fully forming, the spell circles descend onto the village and expand to cover every house and building in the area. Soon, the spell circles fade into a sort of brand, marking every wall, roof, and door in the village.

"That should hold long enough for me to evacuate everyone." Peter mutters as a missive hits a half-broken house.


As the smoke clears, the house is still standing as if nothing happened. Though the brand that was left on the home fades slightly. That house would be able to take 3 or 4 more explosions before the protection disappeared.

'I'm quite impressed with myself.' Peter thought as he watched his spell work perfectly.

This spell is a more powerful but less hidden version of the shielding spell he placed on his loved ones. He just cranked it up a notch and placed it on a large area, allowing each building's shield to take a certain amount of damage before it wore off.

Rushing into the village, Peter dodged missiles and mortars as he escorted the leftover civilians out of the village.

Peter would rush to them using his enhanced senses, and put them to sleep with a simple spell. Once they were out cold, he would portal them to a nearby refugee camp and move on to the next house.

By the time the village was empty, the protection Peter put in place was broken. Within minutes after that, the entire village was broken. Most of the buildings were demolished. Everything else was nothing but rubble and smoke.

When the bombardment stopped, the Ten Rings, who were stationed on the outskirts, where they fired their weapons from, drove into the village and admired their work.

After searching the place for survivors, the terrorists found none and set up camp, turning the once peaceful village into a sort of home base. They unloaded Stark weaponry from their trucks as they made themselves at home in the remaining homes of innocent people they either killed or drove away.

The terrorists seemed annoyed and confused at the lack of remaining civilians, probably wanting to take them hostage or recruit those able to their cause.

Seeing that the Ten Rings are taking a break from their onslaught, Peter portal'd back into Starks Mansion. As the portal closes behind him, the illusion he disguised himself with disappears.

"Yo." Peter calls out. "Jarvis, where is Tony?"

"Mr. Stark is in the workshop. His suit is finished." Jarvis says as Peter walks downstairs to the workshop.

Tony's workshop has a passcode to enter, but due to Peter's constant assistance over the past week, he was given his own code to enter. It would only work when Tony was in the workshop.

He can always portal inside if needed as well. Though Tony made him promise not to do so unless there's an emergency.

Walking down the stairs, Peter saw Tony standing with his arms in a T-pose as machines attached red and gold armor onto his body.

"Looking good!" Peter called out as Tony dawned the helmet, completing his iron man armor. "Are you ready to head out? I know the exact location and already evacuated the would-be hostages."

Looking down at his hands and seeing the blasters on his palms pulse slightly, Tony looks up at Peter as the face mask on his suit closes.

"Let's do this." A morphed metallic voice rings out from the suit.

Switching his suit back to the red and blue design, Peter opens a portal and Tony launches himself forward, flying straight through without a word.

Normally, Peter would use his dark suit to hide his actions, but he's already been seen with Tony Stark in public.

Tony will announce that he's Iron Man soon enough, so hiding would actually work against him in this case. People may draw a connection between Spider-Man and his darker disguise, which wouldn't be good.

By the time Peter stepped through the portal, gunfire and the sound of Tony's hand blasters were going off inside the broken village. Rushing to Tony's location, Peter saw iron man shooting lasers from his hand and launching terrorists across the village with simple punches.

Looking behind Tony, Peter saw a tank in the distance, aiming at Tony's exposed back. As the tank fired and a giant shell launched from its barrel toward the back of his friend, Peter dashed forward and shot a web at the giant bullet.

As the web-connected with its target, Peter jumped in the air, pulling the large piece of metal with him. Yanking the web over his head, he sends the rocket crashing down onto the beefy metal tank.


The tank caves in slightly as the shell embedded itself into it, causing the tank to explode soon after.


"Thanks, buddy!" Tony's metallic voice calls out as Peter turns to see iron man blast a guy into a crumbling wall.

"No prob!" Peter yells back as he jumps into the air and shoots countless webs, which attach themselves to the assault rifles of multiple terrorists.

Pulling on the multiple webs, many guns come flying in Peter's direction. Grabbing two AK-47s from the air, Peter holds them akimbo style and unloads on the now unarmed members of the Ten rings.

Tony follows his lead and launches into the air as well, using his HUD to lock onto the many terrorists in the village, small guns rise from his shoulders and fire. Each shot landed as a perfect headshot, giving these unscrupulous men a quick death, which maybe they didn't deserve.

As the gunfire from both Peters AK-47's and Tony's suit died down, everyone was dead and all that remained were corpses and the many crates filled with Stark Industries weaponry.

Peter looked at the corpses surrounding him and felt nothing. He thought that killing would give him this horrible feeling, as all forms of media told him so, yet that feeling never came.

'Is there something wrong with me?' He thought as Tony starts blowing up the many crates filled with his company's goods.

Walking out of the village to get some distance from the explosions, Peter could see some military humvees driving through the sands and in their direction.

'They must have seen what happened and decided to finally move in.' Peter thought as Tony flew off into the clouds. 'Did this idiot forget I can portal us home?'

Shaking his head, Peter opens a portal and returns to Tony's house, ordering some Chinese food with Tony's money while he waits.


As many black SUVs pulled into a dark camp filled with tents and armed men located in the Afghan desert, a bald bearded man steps out alongside multiple armed security forces.

"Welcome." Raza, who is the leader of the Ten Rings in this area of the world, welcomes Obadiah Stane, who stares at the man's burned head.

"If you'd killed Tony when you were supposed to, you'd still have a face." Stane comments.

"You paid us trinkets to kill a prince." Raza responds with anger and annoyance clear in his voice.

"Show me the weapon." Stane ignores what he said.

"Come. Leave your guards outside." Raza leads Stane to the inside of a tent at the heart of the camp. "His escape bore unexpected fruit."

Obadiah lays his eyes on the Mark 1 iron man suit. It looked worn from the battle during Tony's escape, but with the right power source and some elbow grease, it could function once again.

"So this is how he did it." Stane says as he admires the armor.

"This is only a first, crude effort. Stark has perfected his design. He has made a masterpiece of death. A man with a dozen of these can rule all of Asia." Gaza says with a hopeful smile. "You dream of Stark's throne. We have a common enemy. If we are still in business, I will give you these designs... as a gift. In turn, I hope you'll repay me with a gift of iron soldiers."

"Technology." Stane places his hand on Raza's shoulder and uses a small handheld machine to stun Raza. "It's always been your Achilles' heel in this part of the world. Don't worry. It'll only last for 15 minutes. Though that's the least of your problems."

Stane walks out of the tent and finds his security forces waiting for him. All of Razas men have been disarmed and we're on their knees with their hands on their heads.

"All right, let's finish up here. Crate up the armor and the rest of it." Stane orders as he ignores everything and gets back into one of the many SUVs.

As he closes the door to the SUV and takes out his phone to make a call, the sound of gunfire fills the air as Stane's men execute the captive terrorists.

"Set up Sector 16 underneath the arc reactor, and I'm going to want this data masked. Recruit our top engineers. I want a prototype right away."

A/N: 1508 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! I must remain #1 forever! Until the end of time this story must remain glued to the top of the list! Never to fall below first place! [Insert fireworks and inspirational music here]]


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