I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 35: Tony’s Realization

Chapter 35: Tony’s Realization

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 50. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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A million-dollar black two-door supercar pulls up in front of a crowded red carpet entrance. The spotless red carpet was flanked on both sides by a plethora of reporters and cameramen.

The building itself was an intricate events hall, which probably cost a pretty penny to rent for the Charity event.

"I can't believe I agreed to this..." Peter mutters from the passenger seat, still dressed in his Spider-suit. "How did you talk me into this again?"

"Let's go. It's too late to turn back now." Tony smirks and exits the car, drawing all the attention and cameras their way.

As a valet takes his keys, Peter sighs and opens the passenger side door, stepping out as well. Instantly, the crowd begins to freak out, as no one expected Spider-Man to attend this event. Let alone for him to be outside of New York. Especially alongside the controversial Tony Stark.

Putting his arm over Peter's shoulder, Tony walks Peter down the red carpet with a beaming smile on his face. He was loving this.

"That's Spider-Man!"

"Is this a joke?"

"How does Stark know Spider-Man?"


The crowd had nothing but questions as Tony and Peter walked up to Obadiah Stane, who was in the middle of some sort of interview on the red carpet.

Along the way, Peter saw Stan Lee dressed as Hugh Hefner. Stan Lee winked at Peter before walking into the crowd with a woman on each arm, disappearing from Peter's senses completely.

'Is he the god of this world or something?' Peter thought as he remembered all of Stan Lee's cameos.

"Weapons manufacturing is only one small part of what Stark Industries is all about, and our partnership with the fire and rescue community..." Stane speaks to a reporter.

"What's the world coming to when a guy has to crash his own party!" Tony surprises Stane, who turns around quickly.

Though that surprise morphed into shock as he saw Spider-Man standing next to Tony. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Uhh... Tony, is that Spider-Man?" Stane asks nervously.

He instantly thought that Spider-Man may be suspicious of him. After all, he's funding a terrorist organization, which would make him a criminal in Spider-Mans book.

"Yep, me and Web-Head here are pals. We'll see you inside, Obie." Tony says as he keeps walks alongside Peter.

Leaving a bewildered and worried Obadiah Stane behind, Peter and Tony walk through a sea of camera flashes to get inside.

"This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" Peter asks.

"I don't know what you mean?" Tony acts innocent.

"Those pictures of us together are going to bring you millions of followers. You're still trying to outdo me, aren't you?" Peter put it all together.

"Hey, thanks for the followers." Tony pats Peter on the back and walks off with a laugh. "Go and mingle. Maybe find a wandering supermodel to occupy your time? We'll meet up later!"

Some nearby finely dressed women heard what Tony said and gave Peter a look.

"He was just joking. I'm in a relationship, bye." Peter runs off before he could feel the awkwardness in the air.

Walking around a bit, Peter was greeted by random men and women, who seemed to be important people from either Stark Industries or other companies.

Walking up to the bar, Peter could see a man in a familiar black suit talking to Tony, who was barely paying attention to the conversation.

"Let's just put something on the books." Tony says as he stares off into the crowd.

"How about the 24th at 7:00 PM at Stark Industries Headquarters?" Agent Coulson asks.

"Tell you what. You got it. You're absolutely right. Well, I'm going to go to my assistant, and we'll make a date." Tony walks off in Pepper's direction.

Peter finally understood why Tony was so distracted. His lower head was doing the thinking at the moment. Pepper was dressed in a beautiful backless dress and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

If only her actress, Gwyneth Paltrow, from Peter's last life wasn't such a nut job scammer, who sells vagina scented candles and vagina eggs that were marketed to enhance orgasms and improve bladder control.

"Hello, again." Peter takes Tony's place next to Coulson at the bar.

"Spider-Man. I didn't expect you to be here." Coulson greets Peter with a surprised smile.

"Yeah, Tony and I are best buds now." Peter says as they watch the man himself dance with his assistant.

"How are things with Natasha?" Coulson asks.

"We're fine. I've been too busy helping Tony with something to train with her lately though." Peter answers.

"I see." Coulson knew he was mad at her for the satellite scheme Fury came up with. "She didn't lie, you know?"

"A second-hand lie is still a lie. She's an expert in these things, so I'm sure she had her doubts. If Natasha wants to apologize and explain herself, then she can come to me and do so herself." Peter says as Tony walks back to the bar.

"Were things getting too hot and heavy over there?" Peter comments, changing the subject.

"You have no idea..." Tony mutters as he orderers a drink from the bartender.

While Tony was waiting for the drink, a woman comes up and speaks to him. At first, the conversation is slightly flirty, but soon it turns serious as the woman pulls out a picture, accusing Tony of some atrocity.

"When was this taken?" Tony asks in shock.

The pictures showed the deaths of innocent civilians in a desert town, alongside tons of Stark Industries weaponry.

"These pictures were taken one day ago. It's a town called Gulmira. Ever heard of it?" She asks accusingly.

"I didn't approve any shipment." Tony denies.

"Well, your company did."


After seeing these pictures, Coulson and Peter watch Tony storm over to Obadiah Stane and have a tense-looking conversation that ended in a picture together.

"Let's take a picture. Come on. Picture time!" Stane puts his arm around Tony's shoulder. "Tony, who do you think locked you out of the company? I was the one who filed the injunction against you. It was the only way I could protect you!" He says condescendingly and walks off, leaving a shocked Tony Stark behind.

Walking up to Tony, Peter goes to speak, but Tony stops him.

"Don't say it..." Tony says in dread.

"I told you so." Peter says it anyway.

"I have some work to do." Tony sighs and storms off to his car.

As Tony closed the driver's side door and started the car, Peter hops in as well.

"We have some work to do." Peter says reassuringly.

Tony smiles for a moment and then peels off down the road, heading straight home.


As they arrive at Tony's mansion, the news was still on, but this time it wasn't covering the Stark charity event.

"Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes... Victims have been forced to take shelter in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages... As you can see, these men, known as the Ten Rings, are heavily armed and on a mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way... There's very little hope for these refugees, refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help."

"Jarvis, how long until my suit is finished?" Tony asks.

"2 hours and 17 minutes, sir." Jarvis answers.

Sighing in annoyance, Tony could do nothing but watch the carnage on the news.

"Maybe I should go over there ahead of you?" Peter says as he sees bombs raining into civilian areas on the TV. "I won't attack them or reveal myself until you get there. I know you want to be the one to do that."

"How are you going to help then?" Tony asks.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve that you've never seen before." Peter says as his suit goes into dark mode. "I'll be waiting for you."

Peter says as he opens a portal, causing desert sands to blow into the room as he walks through, leaving Tony behind.

As the portal closes, Tony contemplated following Peter through but knew he was no help without his iron suit.

"Sigh..." Tony hated waiting but it was all he could do.


Arriving at the edge of the bombsight, Peter took cover out of sight behind a nearby crumbling building. He could sense the people that were hiding in and around the decimated village.

"Alright, let's test some large area protection enchantments..." Peter thought as he cast an illusion over himself, changing his appearance to match one of the many civilians in the area, before turning his attention to the bombed village itself. "I've never done this before, but there's no time like the present to see if I can get it done."

A/N: 1491 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! And I'll remain number 1 which is great. Here's a picture of a cow 🐄. Wow, so cool. Now give me stones pls.]


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