I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 141: AID

Chapter 141: AID

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 144. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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-Time Skip - Two Weeks-

Two weeks passed as Peter's life became peaceful once again and a rough schedule was formed.

After school, Peter went to the tower where he would run tests and collect data on Peggy. She and Steve were practically living together at this point, as he would always find her at his apartment in the tower.

During one of his many visits, Peter offered Steve a job as a member of the Avengers, where he would be groomed for the position of director, but Steve seemed unsure of what to do with his life. He was alive and had his girl by his side, so the war hero part of him was currently put on the sidelines.

'That will change soon enough...' Peter thought as he knew that something would happen to trigger his involvement.

Whether it be the possible invasion, the remnants of Hydra, or some other Villains appearance, Peter knew that Steve would join the Avengers sooner or later.

Once Peter was done running his tests, he would go meet Tony, who would usually be getting out of bed by that point. The man either spends the whole night partying or crafting something in his workshop.

After Tony eats his breakfast, which is usually a glass of some fancy liquor and a pop tart, the two would head over to Morag, where Tony would ditch him to explore the wasteland of an abandoned alien planet.

Since Peter would usually be left behind due to the needed research to find the Orb's location, he decided to make use of Tony and asked Jarvis to scan the planet as his adventurous creator flew around.

With this, Peter was able to get a complete and accurate map of the entire planet, which Jarvis turned into a convenient hologram. Thanks to this, Peter's time on this planet was virtually cut in half, speeding up his search for the power stone by a large margin.

'Who knew that Tony's slacking would actually pay off for once?' Peter thought as he studied the holographic replica of Morag. 'Sadly, the scans don't go below sea level.'

If they did, then Peter would have found the Orb already, though he should have everything he needs to find it within another week or two.

Other than that one bit of helpfulness, Tony didn't really get involved much in Peter's study of Morag and its tides. He wasn't exactly motivated, as Peter made it very clear that he wouldn't be sharing the treasure he was searching for.

'Whatever, he helped more than enough.' Peter thought as he swung through the skyscrapers of New York City at night.

After his daily research on Morag, Peter usually had some free time, where he would either relax or go out on patrol as he is now.

Due to the knowledge that New York was protected by Spider-Man, a lot of the professional criminals left for other more defenseless places to work. Of course, not everyone left as people like Wilson Fisk smartened up and started doing their dirty work behind closed doors, shrouding their crimes behind the guise of legitimate business.

Though Peter was far too busy to investigate the smarter criminals, so he planned to create a division for that in the Avengers.

AID (Avengers Investigation Division).

He would recruit some of the less powerful heroes and saddle them with detectives from the NYPD, as they had experience in these sorts of investigations.

A council meeting has already taken place on this subject and the votes were unanimously in Peter's favor, which is why Peter was out tonight.

Yes, he planned to stop any crime that he may run into, but his destination was the NYPD Headquarters. AID would expand passed just New York, but that would take time and the existence of more Avengers.

'I could also use AID as a way to absorb the Hand into the Avengers...'


Arriving at his destination after stopping a mugging and an illegal street fight, Peter swung down and landed at the entrance to the NYPD headquarters.

A few beat cops were outside smoking cigarettes when he landed right in front of them and waved hello.

"Yo, good to see you guys again." Peter says as he remembered them from the bombing incident.

"S-Spider-Man?!" One of them jumped in surprise.

"...Spider-Man sir, is there something you need?" Another Officer asked respectfully.

"Yeah, can you take me to your boss? I'm here on Avenger business." Peter said as he points to the door.

"Uhh... Yeah, follow me." One of them says and they lead Peter inside, surprising the police inside with their entrance.

"What happened, Richards?" The desk Sargent calls out in a joking manner. "You catch a Spider-Man wannabe?"

Hearing this, many of the officers laugh, as no one expected the real Spider-Man to show up at their door. Before the men leading Peter inside could explain, a bald mustached man in a highly decorated police uniform came stomping out of his office.

"Quit playing around and get back to work!" He yelled in anger as this wasn't the first time they were slacking off today.

"Hey there, Chief." Peter says as he strolls over. "It's good to see you again."

"I see why they were messing around now..." He says, not believing it was the actual Spider-Man either. "Someone get this clown out of here or into a cell. We don't have time for this. There's work to be done."

Under the horrified gazes of the few officers that knew the truth, two nearby cops rushed over to Peter, ready to throw him out so they could earn a couple brownie points from their boss.

Sadly for them, they didn't get very far before their legs and arms were entangled with webs, causing them to fall face-first into the hardwood floor.


"That's not a very nice way to greet a guest..." Peter says a bit menacingly as the Chief face goes pale in realization

"I-I didn't-" He stuttered as he tried to explain himself but Peter started laughing out of nowhere.

"I'm just messing with you." Peter says as he walks past the Chief and into his open office. "Come inside. I have a proposition for you."

Hastily following Peter into his office, the Chief closed the door behind him and shut the blinds as well.

"I apologize for that." He says as he takes a seat and offers Peter one on the opposite side of his desk. "They've been messing around all day, so I thought someone called in a Spider-Man lookalike as a joke."

"Don't worry, I don't mind." Peter says as he shrugs uncaringly and takes a seat.

"Good." The Chief sighed, relieved that he didn't make an enemy out of the most influential and powerful man in the world. "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Well..." Peter says as he explains the general idea of AID. "...and I want your best Detectives to become Liaison Officers assigned to this division. Ideally, each Detective will be paired off with a low-level Avenger."

"So, you Avengers want to go after local crimes as well? I thought you were set on higher-level stuff..." The Chief mutters as he takes everything in. "Not that I mind, of course. We could use the extra help with criminals like Fisk walking around freely."

"Yes, some Avengers aren't as strong as others, so they wouldn't be called for any 'higher level stuff' as you said. Of course, that doesn't mean they can't be put to work, which is why I'm putting together this division."

"I'm on board a hundred percent, though I'll have to run it by the commissioner before anything can happen on my end." The Chief explains powerlessly.

"That's fine." Peter says as he stands up and walks to a nearby open window. "This is all in the early stages of development and I have to get some things moving on my end as well. In the meantime, you should get approval from your higher-ups and start putting together files on the Detective that you think are worth applying."

"Yes, I'll get right on that." The Chief nods in agreement as Peter dives out of the windows and swings away.


Returning to the tower, Peter takes out his phone and makes a call.

"Yes?" The feminine voice of Mystique answers.

"Get to the Tower. I have another mission for you."

A/N: 1416 words :)



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