I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 140: Foreshadowing

Chapter 140: Foreshadowing

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 143. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After sitting through an awkward breakfast, to say the absolute least, Peter retreated and left MJ to the wolves.

He would never forget her honorable sacrifice... It would always be remembered.

Meanwhile, Grace and May were getting ready to kick him out, so they could talk to MJ alone. They didn't mind his tactical retreat one bit.

As for MJ, she was both extremely embarrassed and wanted nothing more than to follow Peter away from this situation. She stared at his fleeing form with feelings of both jealousy and betrayal.

"Explain everything." Peter could hear the questioning begin as he flees out of the house.


Arriving at the Avengers Tower wearing his Spider Suit, Peter made his way straight to Steve's apartment and knocked on the door.

*Knock knock*

Soon enough, he heard some shuffling on the other side of the door before it swung open, revealing a disheveled-looking Captain America.

"...Yes?" Steve asks awkwardly as if he was hiding something.

"Where's Peggy?" Peter asks as he slips passed Steve and strolls into the living room.

"She's not here!" Steve says as he quickly catches up. "I escorted her home last night."

"Right..." Peter says sarcastically. "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"What?" Steve replies in confusion.

"Cap, your hair is messy, your shirt's on backwards, and your zipper is down." Peter lists off as he points to the closet by the door. "If that wasn't enough, I can hear someone in the closet over there."

"I don't know what-" Steve decides to double down on his lie, but he was interrupted by the closet door swinging open.

"Gigs up, huh?" Peggy says as she exits the closet wearing nothing but one of Steve's dress shirts.

"Yup, go and get dressed. We have a lot of tests to run." Peter says as he wanted to get this day's tests done before Tony woke up, as they would be heading off to Morag.

"Yes, sir." Peggy gives a mocking salute and walked off to the bedroom.

Turning back to Steve, who fixed his shirt and zipped his pants closed, Peter saw an embarrassed look on his face.

"Have a fun night?" Peter asked as he smirked under his mask.

Peter needed to pass on the embarrassment he felt this morning to someone else. Thankfully, Steve offered himself as the perfect target.

"Uhh... yeah." Steve answered as he looked away.

"First time?" Peter asked as he leaned on a nearby wall.

"T-That's a bit personal, don't you think?" Steve stutters.

"I mean, was it your first date?" Peter clarifies, though that obviously wasn't what he was asking.

"Oh, yeah. It was our first date." Steve answered as his embarrassment increased.

"What did you think I meant?" Peter asked, enjoying this almost as much as he enjoys annoying Fury.

"I-I..." Steve stuttered and was about to answer, but luckily for him, Peggy came back wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Alright, I'm here. You can stop embarrassing my soldier now." Peggy says as she pecks Steve on the cheek and confidently walks out of the door. "I'll be back when we're done."

"Well, see you later, Cap." Peter said as he pats Steve on the shoulder and follows her out.


"So, where to?" Peggy asks as they walk the halls of the tower with Peter taking the lead.

"The Tower has a sort of hospital floor dedicated to medical testing, so we don't have to go far." Peter says as they get into an elevator and go up.

"That's convenient." Peggy states as she looks at Peter eagerly. "How long until today's tests are over? I want to spend as much time with Steve before the other shoe drops."

"Why, you know something I don't?" Peter asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, but I do know the cycle of life, or at least the cycle of my life." Peggy says as the elevator stops and the doors open. "When good things happen, the bad will always follow sooner or later."

"So what? You and Steve are young and together so now we're about to get invaded by aliens or something?" Peter says, jokingly dropping a hint about the next event he thinks will happen.

"No, it doesn't have to be aliens, but soon enough something will happen that'll break up our current calm life..." Peggy says as if she were some sort of psychic.

"Sure, and you can read my palm later." Peter says jokingly as he leads her up to an MRI machine. "This thing is as magnetic as it gets, so remove any and all metal jewelry, clothing, etc. before hopping in."

"I want to be clear that I'm not psychic..." Peggy says with a roll of her eyes as she takes off all of her jewelry.

"I guess we'll see, won't we?"


Standing on an asteroid floating through space, a blue man in all-black hooded clothing with purple eyes and black face paint looked upward respectfully. He held a large war hammer in hand, resting the butt of it on the asteroid below.

[Insert picture of Roman the Accuser here]

Ronan the Accuser, a radical Kree warlord and former member of the Accusers, which were a high-level specialized military force of the Kree army. They would take the missions that normal soldiers wouldn't be able to complete or return home from.

Although Ronan kept his title as an Accuser, he defected from the Accusers and the Kree empire as a whole after the end of the Kree-Nova War, as he disagreed with the peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and the Nova Empire.

Though it didn't take him long to find another cause to serve.

Floating above Ronan is a throne that held a giant purple man garbed in gold armor. He sat above Ronan like a bored king looking down on a lowly peasant.

[Insert picture of Thanos here]

Thanos, the mad Titan.

Thanos is a genocidal warlord from the planet Titan, whose objective is to bring stability to the universe by wiping out half of all life at every level, as he believed its massive population would inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and perish.

Although this goal of his may be a bit outlandish and extreme, his belief comes from personal experience.

Titan, Thanos' home world, was plagued by overpopulation, which caused a drain on its resources and sent the Titan race hurtling toward an inevitable demise. Thanos saw this problem early and proposed an extreme but necessary solution.

By randomly killing half the planet's population, they would preserve their finite resources and save the remaining half. Of course, his plan was rejected as being too extreme, and Thanos was cast out as nothing but a raving madman.

Soon enough, the predicted catastrophe hit Titan, causing the mass extinction of most of the planet's lifeforms, with Thanos being one of the few remaining survivors.

One of the last Titans alive in the whole universe.

"I only ask that you take this matter seriously." Ronan projects his voice up to Thanos.

"The only matter that I do not take seriously is you, Boy!" Thanos looks down at his newest subordinate in utter annoyance. "Your politics bore me and your demeanor is that of a pouty child."

Ronan tightened his hands into tight fists as he held his tongue, afraid that any thoughtless reply would get him killed.

"Who cares whether some weak empires form a treaty?" Thanos said as if the Nova and Kree Empires were two ant hills joining together.

At the end of the day, they were just more ants...

"You wish for the destruction of your enemy's home world, yes?" Thanos says, breaking Ronan from his self-imposed silence.

"Yes, Xander must be turned into nothing but a cloud of dust floating along the void of space." Ronan answers as his blood starts to boil in hatred.

"And I can do that... for a price." Thanos offers as if he were the devil.

"What do you want?" Ronan asks, ready to pay as long as he was able.

"You will lead one of my armies as well as your own to a certain planet." Thanos explains as a small smile appears on his face. "Conquer the planet, kill half of its population, and bring me a certain item."

"What's the combat level of this planet?" Ronan asks as he needed to know what to expect.

"They've barely left their own atmosphere." Thanos says with a dismissive look. "If you're unable to conquer the planet in a single day, then you aren't worth the air you breath."

"I won't disappoint!" Ronan declares with conviction.

"Good, my daughter Nebula will be accompanying you." Thanos declares without any room for argument. "When she returns you will set out. She'll be given all the information you'll need."

A/N: 1513 words :)



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