I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 126: Like Brother, Like Brother

Chapter 126: Like Brother, Like Brother

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 129. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Aaaaahhhhh!" Loki continued falling through the two portals infinitely as everyone watched from the sidelines.

Odin was watching Peter with a curious gaze, while his wife and Queen, Frigga couldn't help but feel like her youngest son was being bullied at the moment.

As for Thor, he was watching his brother's plight with a smile from ear to ear. There have been many times when Loki used his magic to harass him, so Thor felt that this was more than deserved.

Especially after all that Loki has done lately.

Turning his head away from the falling trickster, Thor walked over to his father and mother with a fond smile on his face.

"Mother, I missed you so much." Thor says as he hugs Frigga with one arm, as the other was still holding the Casket of Ancient Winters.

Turning to his Father, a single tear dropped from Thor's eye.

"Loki told me I had killed you..." Thor says as he wipes the tears from his eyes, chuckling in self-deprecation. "I was so stupid to believe him"

"I know..." Odin nodded, as he watched Thor's entire journey on earth while in Odinsleep. "I saw it all."

"I should have known you would be watching." Thor seemed genuinely happy to be with his parents once again.

"From all that I saw, I know you'll be a wise King." Odin declares, showing Thor a proud look that only a father could give.

'If Loki weren't falling endlessly, then he would be quite jealous right about now.' Peter thought as he laughed inwardly.

"There will never be a wiser king than you, Father. I have much to learn. I understand that now, but someday, perhaps, I will make you proud." Thor looks to his father in determination.

"You've already made me proud." Odin reveals, only brightening Thor's smile more and more.

Frigga, who was currently supporting her husband so that he could stand and walk, watched all of this with a happy smile on her face. In her mind, this is how their families should have always been, Loki included of course.

"Father, I would like to introduce you to my friend from Midgard, Man-Spider." Thor says as he gestures to Peter. "Man-Spider, this is my father, Odin."

"Yo." Peter says with a wave to Thor's parents, not caring to treat them as royalty, as he isn't from Asgard. "Nice to meet you. Thor has told me a bit about the both of you."

"Yes, I've seen you along with my son in Midgard." Odin says as he nods toward Peter. "Thank you for helping him."

"No problem. What are friends for, right?" Peter says with a shrug.

"Indeed." Frigga nods in agreement, happy that Thor has made a trustable friend.

"May I?" Odin asks as he gestures toward his spear.

"Oh, yeah..." Peter mutters as he hands over Gungnir to its rightful owner. "Here you go."

Grabbing Gungnir and using it as a sort of walking stick, Odin could finally stop leaning on his wife. Although he was still weak and needed more time in his Odinsleep, having his trusted weapon in hand made Odin feel empowered once again.

"Thank you, for your help in this situation and for retuning Gungnir and Mjolnir." Odin says as he looks at Peter with gratitude. "Asgard owes you a debt that will be paid."

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" Loki's screams break everyone from their conversation.

Turning back to look at his most troubled son, Odin had no idea what to do with him. Thor may have dove headfirst into Jotunheim and started a war, but at least he didn't try to completely annihilate the place. If Loki succeeded, countless men, women, and children would have all perished without any hope of escape or salvation.

What Loki did was far too extreme for Odin to look passed.

"Call the guards." Odin says to Frigga, who was still looking at Loki in pity. "Have them prepare a special prison cell for Loki. It needs to be able to withstand his magic and keep him trapped."

"...Do we have to imprison him?" Frigga asks, afraid for Loki's mental state should he be imprisoned by his family.

"Yes, don't worry. You may visit him at any time." Odin says with compassion toward his wife. "Sadly, Loki's crimes can't be overlooked this time."

"Might I make a suggestion?" Peter inserts himself into the conversation, as Loki continues to scream and fall.

"Speak." Odin nods easily.

"First, would you say Thor's banishment was a success?" Peter asks as he pats Thor on the shoulder.

"..." Both parents go quiet and observe Thor before smiles adorn their faces.

"Yes, I would say Thor's time in Midgard has done wonders for him." Odin replies, receiving a nod of agreement from his wife.

"Then why not give Loki the same treatment?" Peter asks, getting reluctant nods of agreement from both Thor and Frigga.

A temporary banishment to Midgard would be a far better punishment than being imprisoned in a dark and lonely jail cell under the palace, though Odin didn't look fully convinced.

"That sounds good, but Loki is far more skilled in the art of magic than most could ever hope to achieve. It wouldn't be long before he put together a spell to cause his usual chaos, even as a normal human." Odin says with a shake of his head.

"Hmm, is there not a way to cut him off from the energies that he could use?" Peter asks and the room goes silent in contemplation.

"I can help with that." A familiar female voice appears in the Bifrost.

Thor instantly got back into battle mode, as he turned around in a flash with lightning dancing around his figure once again. While his mother and father simply turned with surprised looks on their faces.

"Teacher, this is the second time today that you've shown yourself." Peter says with a knowing smile on his face. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Atop the control panel of the Bifrost, The Ancient One stood with her usual bald head and monk robes.

"No, now would you like my assistance or not?" She answers, annoyed with her student to no end.

"Who is that?" Odin asks Thor, as he could feel that his newest guest was extremely powerful.

Possibly more powerful than himself and just as old too.

"I'm known as the Ancient One." She says as she could hear their conversation.

"She teaches the Mystic Arts on Earth." Peter reveals, knowing that Odin would find out soon enough. "I've learned everything I know from her."

"If you have a solution then we would gladly accept your help." Frigga looks to the Ancient One for help.

Without another word, the Ancient One turns to the still-falling Loki and waves her hand. Immediately, countless spell circles surrounded the two portals.

In just a few moments, the spells converged Into a singular spell circle, which then floated in between the two portals like a sandwich.

As Loki fell from the top portal and passed through it, the spell circle wrapped around his falling form, disappearing into his body.

"Done. Loki won't be able to harness any of the universes energies from here on out. Though my spell will dissipate when you return his powers." The Ancient One says as she fades away, leaving an impressed Asgardian Royal Family behind.

"I have many questions, but that can be handled later." Odin says as grips Gungnir tightly and looks toward Peter. "Bring me my son."

With a wave of his hand, Peter moved the top portal to Odin.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" Loki screamed as he fell from the portal and hit the floor at max speed.


Breathing heavily, Loki looked up from the ground and found his father standing menacingly over him.

"Loki Odinson... You have almost destroyed an entire realm in your childish rage. Through your arrogance, resentment, and anger, you wished to commit one of the most heinous acts I've ever witnessed, genocide." The Allfather says as he limps over and plunges Gungnir into the Bifrosts control panel.

The Bifrosts energy begins building as it activates. Soon, it fires and the Bifrost opens at the end of the platform, creating a portal.

Odin turns to his second son and limps over with a resigned look on his face. This would be the second time he would cast out one of his sons in just a week's time.

Three altogether if he was counting his daughter Hela as well.

"You are unworthy of your former titles..." Odin says as he rips away the insignias on Loki's clothes, which showed that he was a Prince of Asgard. "... and most certainly unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed and disappointed..."

"Wait, let's not be too hasty, Father." Loki tries to reason with Odin but the time for that had passed. "Mother, stop him, please..."

Frigga could do nothing but watch in sadness as her son pleaded for her help.

"I hereby strip you of your powers..." Odin ignores Loki's words and continues on.

Instantly, Gungnir glowed brightly and Loki could feel his Godly powers being ripped away from him.

"In the name of my father and of his father before him..." Odin bangs the butt of his spear to the ground, stripping Loki of all clothes that identified him as an Asgardian. "I cast you out!"

As Odin proclaims this, a powerful gust of wind blows, launching Loki across the room and into the open Bifrost.

As soon as Loki was gone, Odin collapsed to the floor, entering Odinsleep once again.

A/N: 1600 words :)



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