I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 125: Thwarted

Chapter 125: Thwarted

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 128. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Arriving at the Golden Bifrost at the end of the rainbow bridge, Thor caught his brother hovering in the center above the control panel, where Gungnir could be seen jammed inside. Surrounding his levitating figure were countless Nordic Runes accompanied by spell lines, which connected everything to Gungnir below.

"All these years and no one's ever dared to use the Bifrost as a weapon." Loki says as he welcomed his brother with a conniving smile.

"Loki, stop this!" Thor calls out as lightning dances around his body.

Loki merely scoffed as the massive dome they were in spun slowly, taking aim at Jotunheim.

Seeing this, Thor acts quickly and dashes at the control panel, planning to remove Gungnir before his brother could fully activate the Bifrost.

As he rushes forward, an icy transparent barrier appears out of nowhere, which Thor smashes into head first.


Looking inside the barrier, Thor could see the Casket of Ancient Winters. The Casket was connected to the barrier and pumped enough power into it to block a medium-sized army.

"You can't stop it. The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart." Loki says with a laugh at his brother's expense.

Not one for giving up easily, Thor grabs Mjolnir and starts waling on the frosty barrier with all his might.

*boom boom boom boom...*

The dome-shaped barrier rippled with every hit of Thor's hammer, though it didn't come close to breaking even once. On his very last swing, Thor noticed a tiny crack appear on the barrier, but it was fixed in a matter of seconds thanks to the Casket of Ancient Winters.

"Why have you done this?" Thor asks his brother, out of breath.

"To do what Father never could. To destroy their kind forever. When he awakens, he'll see the wisdom of what I've done." Loki says haughtily as he looks down at Thor in contempt.

"I see no wisdom here."

Suddenly, an aged and tired, yet powerful, voice filled the room.

Turning their heads to the side, Thor and Loki saw a frail and disheveled Odin walk in through a golden portal. He was too weak to walk on his own, so he had to be supported by their mother, Frigga.

Usually, Odin would wake from his Odinsleep completely rejuvenated, but not this time. The shenanigans brought about by his sons, mainly Loki, have forced him to emerge from his much-needed sleep earlier than what was necessary.

Walked in behind the King and Queen of Asgard, Peter was surprised by what he found in the Bifrost.

'This isn't what happened in the movie...' Peter thought as he eyed the layout of Lokis Runes alongside the barrier. 'Though it makes sense. My interference probably caused him to be interrupted earlier than expected.'

As the room froze upon Odin's entrance, the Bifrost stopped spinning and was now aimed directly at Jotunheim.

Staring at his father like a dear in headlights, Loki was originally hopeful, looking for any form of approval from Odin. Though, after hearing his father's words, that hopefulness turned to sadness and anger.

"Loki, stop this at once." Odin orders as he gives his most troubled son a stern fatherly look.

"It's too late for that..." Loki answers with a dead look in his eyes as the runes around him glow, causing the Bifrost to power up.

Soon, rainbow-colored energy began to build in the dome. Where it would have stabilized in order to ferry someone across the universe safely, the energy kept building to a point that was almost blinding to the naked eye.

"Son, I know now that I've failed you in many ways, and I'm terribly sorry for that, but destroying your birthplace will not make it better." Odin tries his best to reason with Loki. "Bring down the barrier and end this, please."

Loki froze for a single second, as he never heard his father speak like this. The mighty Allfather apologizing and using the word please? It was unthinkable.

Though, instead of taking his father's words to heart, Loki merely scoffed and sneered in the Allfather's direction.

"Careful, Father." Loki warns Odin with a condescending tone. "You're growing sentimental and foolish in your old age."

Odin's eyes go wide for a moment as he remembers his other son's words just before his banishment.

'...you are an old man and a fool...'

"It seems that you and Thor have a lot more in common than either would like to admit..." Odin mutters in defeat as Loki prepared to shoot the built-up energy of the Bifrost.

"Loki, stop!" Thor bellows as he returns to hammering on the barrier to no avail.

*bang bang bang bang...*

'I guess that it's my turn to finally do something...' Peter thought as he waved his hand, conjuring a portal beside him and reaching inside.

"You can't kill an entire race!" Thor roars tiredly as he gives up on breaking the barrier for a second time.

"What is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You, who would have killed them all with your bare hands." Loki asks, wondering what happened to the bloodthirsty brother he knew only days ago.

"I've changed," Thor answers matter-of-factly.

"Good, because so have I." Loki answers as he taps a nearby rune with his hand, triggering the Bifrost to fire at Jotunheim.

The King and Queen of Asgard watched in horror as they knew what that rune meant. Each of them preparing themselves to witness a son they loved commit genocide on an entire planet of people.

Though something odd happened.


In fact, nothing happened at all.

Instead of firing out its overcharged ray of energy, the Bifrost seemed to power down as the built-up energy began to disperse slowly but steadily.

Loki, who was smirking victoriously only moments ago, instantly noticed that something was amiss. Frowning in confusion, Loki looked around and found nothing wrong with the Bifrost or his magic.

Even the barrier was still working properly.

Gasps filled the room as Loki saw his family looking at the control panel below him. Following their line of sight, Loki finally found the problem.

Gungnir was missing.

There are two keys to activate the Bifrost. The spear of Odin, Gungnir, and the golden sword of Heimdall. Without either of those two keys, the Bifrost will simply power down and disperse whatever leftover energy it accumulated back into the universe.

"Looking for this?" Peter made his presence known.

Instantly, every head in the room snapped to Peter, who was casually standing to the side with Gungnir twirling between his fingers.

"Haha!" Thor laughed in relief. "Good work, my friend!"

Meanwhile, his parents were sighing in relief, as the Bifrost fully shut down without a speck of energy left over.

"?" Loki stares in shock, not understanding how the oddly dressed mortal could get past his barrier.

Though he was about to witness how in just a moment.

"Man-Spider, bring down the barrier." Thor says and Peter waves his hand once again.

Instantly, two portals opened in the room. One flat above Peter's open hand and the other directly below the Casket of Ancient Winters.

Before everyone's eyes, the Casket fell through the portal and into Peter's waiting hand, which in turn caused the barrier around Loki to lose its power source and fade away.

"No more running now, brother." Thor says as he walks passed where the barrier once was. "Surrender peacefully."

"Fine..." Loki says as he gives a side-eyed glance towards Gungnir in Peter's hand.

Descending toward the ground, Loki feigns accepting his defeat as Thor walks up to him. Just as Thor was about to grab his arm, two daggers drop from Loki's sleeves.

Grabbing them by the tips, Loki dashes to the side and threw the two knives toward Thor, who stopped for a moment to sidestep one dagger while swiping the other away with Mjolnir.

Since Thor was busy blocking his attack, Loki used his magic to disappear in a puff of smoke and appeared at Peter's side, ready to snatch Gungnir back from him.

Thanks to his spider senses, Peter saw this coming and easily back-stepped away from Loki's outstretched arm. Picking his leg up, Peter sent a powerful spartan kick to Loki's chest, launching him across the room and into the wall of the dome with a loud bang.

"Finders keepers." Peter says as Loki glares at him from the floor across the room. "Get your own spear."

Seeing that there was still some fighting spirit left in Loki, Peter decided to put an end to this.

"Hold this." Peter says as he tosses the Casket to Thor and turned back to Loki. "Let's put you in time out, shall we?"

An evil smirk appears under Peter's mask as he waves his hand, creating a portal above and below Loki.

"Huh?" Loki grunted as he fell through the bottom portal and continued falling through the one above as well. "Aaaaaahhhh!"

This repeated over and over as he only started falling faster and faster, stuck in a loop that never ended. Loki's screams were choppy as they would cut out for a brief second every time he would enter and exited the portals.

'This reminds me of the game Portal 2...'

A/N: 1550 words :)



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