I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 104: Truth and Punishment

Chapter 104: Truth and Punishment

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead at chapter 108. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Uhh... my head..." Sabertooth grunted as he woke from his forced sleep. "What the hell..."

*rattle rattle*

The sound of chains shaking could be heard as Victor tries to move, opening his eyes to see a dark room with one other person in front of him.


After knocking the two out at the hotel, Peter portal'd them to an abandoned warehouse, tied them in chains, and left to deal with the mess they made.

"Uggghhh!" Victor grunted loudly as he tried and failed to break the thick layer of chains that bound his entire body.

Trying for a while longer, Sabertooth gave up and looked toward his brother, who was still knocked out and tied in a similar way to himself.

"Hey, wake up!" Victor called out but received no response. "Motherf*ucker..."

Wiggling over like a worm, Victor positioned himself close to his brother and nudged his head with his foot, as it was his only body part besides his head that was unchained.

"Wake up, dumb*ss!" Sabertooth yelled as Wolverine began to stir.

"What the... Get off me!" Logan yells as he tries to move away but soon finds his body trapped in chains as well. "What the f*ck..."

Even his hands were positioned in a way that made his claws completely useless. His hands were outside of the chains and angled in a way that he couldn't himself free.

"Good you're awake." Victor says as he turns to look at his brother. "Now, help me figure a way out of this."

"..." Before either brother could say another word, a portal opened in the center of the warehouse, and out walked Peter and Tony.

Peters held two VHS tapes in hand while Tony was tucking his checkbook back into his suit jacket's inner pocket.

"Ahh, you two are awake, good." Peter says as he crushed the plastic takes it in his hands and throws the remains at the two brothers. "We just got done covering up the bullsh*t you idiots caused. Tony had to pay off the hotel staff, owners, and witnesses. Meanwhile, I stole the security tapes because you idiots decided to fight right in view of multiple cameras."

"F*ck you!" Sabertooth says venomously as he wiggles in his chains. "Unchain me so I can tear your head off and sh*t down your neck!"

"Eww, kinky..." Tony comments from the side.

"Yeah, no thanks." Peter says as he walks over. "You two need to resolve your issues because this type of behavior can't happen during future missions."

"Are we giving them counseling now?" Tony asks jokingly.

"If we have to..." Peter says as Sabertooth starts wiggling in his direction, intending to bite his ankles. "Seriously? What are you, a child?"


As soon as Victor brought himself in range, Peter wound his foot back and kicked his head like a pro soccer player, sending him rolling across the floor and crashing into Logan.

"Alright, ill give you two a helping hand to kick this off." Peter says as he looks down at both of them. "Logan Meet Victor, your brother."

"What?!" Logan exclaims in confusion as he looks at Victor.

"Hey, little brother." Victor greets as the damage to his face from the kick slowly heals away.

"If you'll remember, when you two were joining the Avengers, you were put through extensive tests and questioning." Peter explains as Logan looks to him for answers. "Victor explained a bit of your backstory together during that. We also received information from his comrades. Not to mention your blood tests showed that you two are related. Half brothers to be exact."

"I-I can't remember..." Logan says in shock, causing Victor to scoff at him.

"Yeah, I know..." Victor says in distaste.

"Well, it's probably for the best that you don't remember. From what I've heard, Victor has been a fairly sh*tty brother, but I'm sure you can imagine." Peter says, getting a nod from Logan and a glare from Victor. "I'm sure you still want to remember though. I would feel the same."

As Peter says this, he shoots some webs at the two, sticking them to the ground so they have even less of a chance to escape. They could do nothing but lay on the floor and look at one another.

"What's that for?" Logan asks.

"You two will spend the night here talking and resolving your issues." Peter says as he opens a portal behind Tony. "We'll see you two in the morning for the races."

"Wait! Don't you f*cking leave me here!" Victor yells but Peter just waved as they walked through the portal, leaving the two alone in the quiet warehouse.

"So..." Logan says, unsure of what to say at this point. "You're my brother?"

"F*ck you!"


Returning to the hotel, Peter and Tony hung out for the rest of the day with Storm and Nightcrawler. Thanks to today's events, Tony seemed to forget his own problem and calm down a bit.

Although he didn't stop looking over his shoulder or worrying, the frequency at which he did so slowed by a good bit. Paranoia can be good in moderation, but the level that Tony has even now is just far too much for a person the handle.

'Maybe I should get him a therapist when we get back...' Peter thought as he worried about his friend's state of mind. 'An official Avengers Therapist doesn't sound like a bad idea either. It shouldn't hurt for the team to have someone to talk to...'

After all, super-powered individuals with mental problems is a possible villain in the making. So many problems could come from that.

-Next Morning-

After a good night's sleep, Peter portal'd back to the warehouse and found both Logan and Victor staring at each other in silence.

"How was your night?" Peter says as he steps out of the portal.

"Great, now untie me." Logan says as he's tired of staring at his long lost brother's face.

"..." Victor doesn't say a word this time, which was odd but Peter just let it go with a shrug.

"Sure, but I want to make something clear." Peter says as he walks over. "If you cause trouble again, no matter what it is, the punishment will be worse than a night in a warehouse. I'll lock you two up in a room with a therapist for weeks. You'll be forced to talk about your feeling and understand each other. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"God no..." Logan mutters as his brother pales.

There's one thing that two gruff 'manly' men are afraid of, and that's exactly what Peter just described. Logan and Victor would rather die than express their feelings and look deep within themselves.

"Then don't cause any more trouble. Your brothers after all. Act like it." Peter says as he breaks the chains that held them in place. "Let's go, you two need to get ready for the races."


A limo pulled up to an expensive-looking restaurant, which was surrounded by photographers and press. This restaurant has the best balcony view of the race, where everyone who is someone or has connections would sit, eat, and watch the race.

As the door to the limo opened up, a surprising group of people exited one after another. First, it was Tony Stark, but the next person shocked everyone. A blue man exited the limo, Nightcrawler.

The world hasn't been exposed to many of the Avengers members just yet. Yeah, Nightcrawler was at the UN meeting last year, but that wasn't shown to the public. Neither did he stick around long enough during the Abomination incident to end up on the news.

As every Avenger exited the car and walked inside, the flashes of cameras surrounded their every movement, especially Nightcrawler and Spider-Man.

Walking inside, Pepper Potts met up with them as they would all sit together. She was here on Stark Industries business as she is becoming the CEO.

"Tony! Hey, pal!" Someone called out to them as they were walking past the many famous and rich people toward their table.

Peter could even see Elon Musk seated at a table across the room. Sadly, Elon wasn't the one calling out to Tony.

"Justin Hammer..." Tony says as he turns to see Hammer walking over with a woman at each side.

One seemed to be his date by the dress she was wearing, while the other looked to be his assistant.

"How are you doing, Buddy?" For some reason, Hammer was pretending to be Tony's friend. "You're not the only rich guy here with a fancy car."

While Tony and Pepper were reluctantly speaking with Justin Hammer and his date, the assistant that accompanied them looked toward Peter and winked.


A/N: 1468 words



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