I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 103: Brotherly Love

Chapter 103: Brotherly Love

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead at chapter 107. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After Tony started to calm down, thanks to Peter's words, the group got settled into their hotel rooms. While this was happening, Peter had to constantly police Logan and his brother Victor.

The two have had bad blood between one another long before Peter came around, not to mention the fact that Logan doesn't remember that Victor is even his brother in the first place.

Logan was mad and watchful of Victor because of his experiences fighting Magnetos Brotherhood of Mutants, while Victor was p*ssed off that his own brother would completely forget that he existed.

Yeah, they didn't have the best relationship. Victor was a very bloodthirsty and almost evil person, but they were brothers to the end. The fact that Logan, which wasn't even his real name, looked at him like a stranger constantly irked something inside Victor.

So much so, that a fight broke out soon after they checked into the hotel...


Since he knew that his friend was having a hard time, Peter decided to stick close to Tony. He wanted to prove that Tony was safe without the suit, but not go so far as to send him into a full-blown panic attack.

While they were hanging out, as the race doesn't start until the next day, the sounds of destruction and animalistic grunts could be heard outside the hotel room.

"Those f*ckers just won't quit..." Peter mutters as he hops to his feet and runs to the door with Tony following behind.

Outside in the hallway, Sabertooth merely threw his bag in his room and proceeded to make his way over to his brother's room, where he would lay in wait outside like some deranged stalker.

This wait didn't last long as both brothers had an animalistic sense and could smell, hear, and sense the other nearby.

Logan knew he was outside the door, but instead of acting rationally and contacting Spider-Man to resolve Sabertooth's odd behavior, he instead extended his metallic claws and growled as he rushed to the door, yanked it open, and leaped outside to fight.

He knew why Sabertooth was there and was glad to give him exactly what he wanted.

A fight.

They both have been heavily guarded throughout the entire trip by Spider-Man, who wouldn't let them so much as argue, making this moment feel like a long time coming. Hours of tense staring and reprimands from their boss finally culminated in this very moment.

"Rargh!" Logan roars as he leaps out of the room and stabs his claws in Victor's direction.

Victor, being used to fighting his brother throughout the man years they've been alive, saw this coming a mile away and retreated backward, causing Logan to embed his claws into the walls of the hotel hallway.

Not letting this stop him for a single second, Logan ran at Victor with his claws still in the wall, cutting through the it like butter as he closed the distance between him and his most hated enemy.

Seeing his brother rushing at him like an angry bull, Victor's own bone claws ejected from his fingernails.

Sabertooth didn't get the same Adamantium upgrade his brother received all those years ago. Though that doesn't mean he didn't want it. Who would want to fall behind their sibling after all?

No, Victor demanded the adamantium procedure be done on him as well. Sadly for him, he couldn't merge adamantium to his skeleton because the procedure would have kill him. Sabertooth's healing factor just isn't as powerful as Logan's.

Wolverine's insane healing ability was the only reason he survived that procedure in the first place.

As his brother rushed at him with the intent to kill, Victor glanced between Logan's metal claws and his bony ones and felt extreme jealousy even to this very day.

'I should have just forced Stryker to do the damn thing...' Sabertooth thought as Logan's claws exited the drywall and swung towards his chest.

Lifting his foot, Victor spartan kicked his brother in the chest, causing Logan to launch backward. Though before he was sent to far back, Wolverine's claws managed to graze Sabertooth's chest, tearing through his clothes and leaving three long cuts where each one touched along the way.

"Ugh..." Victor grunted in pain.

This is another reason Sabertooth felt so annoyed with his brother's Adamantium upgrade. Not only does it give him an unbreakable advantage, but he couldn't block the damn things.

Adamantium is the strongest known metal and when sharpened to this degree it can cut through anything like a 1000-degree knife through room temperature butter. Every attack would have to be expertly dodged or redirected somehow.

Blocking was simply a losing tactic.

As Logan flew backward, he crashed back first into a hotel room door and broke the hole thing off its hinges, landing inside the hotel room.

"Aaaahhhhh!" "What the f*ck!" A high-pitched female scream rang out as a man's voice cursed soon after.

Logan looked to the side and could see two naked people on the bed. A beautiful blonde woman riding cowgirl on top of a balding middle-aged man. Not only that but the man's arms and legs were handcuffed to the bed and the woman had a small whip in hand.

Obviously, these two weren't praying to Jesus or reciting Quran in here. They were shameful sinners indeed.

Ignoring these two, Logan jumped to his feet and ran out of the room, where his gut met the clawed fist of his brother, which sent him into the hallway wall. As the wall dents and crumbles a bit, a nearby hotel room door opens, and out comes Spider-Man.

Seeing the destruction left by his two subordinates' battle, Peter was annoyed beyond belief. After keeping them in check all this time, for them to have the nerve to do this while he was away for barely 20 minutes...

If he wasn't masked up, then everyone would see a very cross Peter Parker right now. Especially since now, he has to go and apologize to a bunch of people and fork over money for repairs.

Peter didn't want to do that. He wanted to hang out with Tony and watch some TV or play some games, not try to cover up the unhinged actions of his subordinates so that this doesn't air on every news channel across the world.

There are even a couple of cameras in the hallway...

Just as Peter was taking this all in, Tony peaked his head out of the door and saw everything. Logan and Victor haven't even stopped fighting and didn't notice their arrival in the hall.

"Oh, sh*t..." Tony muttered as he could tell that Peter has had enough of dealing with them. "Web-head...?"

Without a word, Peter kicked off the floor and lunges forward. Shooting a web at the two brothers that were brawling along the hallway, Peter pulled them apart before yanking Logan's body back toward Victor, smashing the two together and sending them flying down the hall together.

"I've had enough with you two." Peter talks normally, knowing that they could hear him even if he whispered.

Walking over to them at a normal pace, Peter watched as they stood up and turned to see the person that sent them flying.

"First, I have to babysit you all the way here and now you have the audacity to fight like a bunch of animals?" Peter says as he gets closer and closer.

"Look, we're sorry just calm down, okay?" Logan tried to use reason for once, forgetting about his earlier fight with Victor.

He has a plethora of experience challenging Peter to a fight and knew exactly where this was headed.

"Hey, f*ck him." Victor says to his brother as he glares in Peter's direction. "I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. Let's gut this overgrown spider..."

Sadly, Victor doesn't have that well of experience. He only fought Peter once and Magneto got involved before it could really get anywhere.

"No, you don't get it we won't win and it won't even be fun..." Logan tries to stop Victor but it was too late.

Peter shot a web at the floor in front of him and yanked on it, launching himself forward and appearing before Sabertooth.

"Learn when to shut your mouth." Peter says as his fist collides with Victor's face.

*crack crack crack...*

Audible cracking sounds are heard as Sabertooth's nose breaks and a few of his teeth are chipped and broken as well. The momentum of the punch sends the big guy barreling into the wall, which dents and crumbles as he falls to the floor completely unconscious.

"Wait, I give up!" Logan says with his hands up as Peter turns his attention toward him.

"Take your punishment like a man." Peter says as he walks over, cracking his knuckles along the way.

A/N: 1488 words



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