I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 781: Character Growth

Chapter 781: Character Growth

The comments online about yesterday’s stop the cars to save the dogs event must have went like this.

According to tradition, the first comment would be: “stopping cars to save their father, their filial piety moves the heavens.”

As expected, that was the first comment, followed by other different comments:

“Great, it’s my childhood dream to be a person like this. I really really really hate people who bully animals. There should be more people like us and our lives will have less violence.”

“The driver is a fool. If they stopped you on the highway, you should have just run them over. You can call the police afterward and say you hit someone who was trying to rob you.”

Looks like that person always resorts to killing, don’t tell me he’s a retired member of the mafia.

“I found another vehicle with dogs, license: 鲁M57897.”

It was a report post and there were many other similar posts reporting certain vehicles. However, a lot of the vehicle openers stated they have never transported dogs before and it was simply someone trying to frame them, for example:

“Mr. Lu, I already broke up with your wife, so stop smearing my name everywhere. I already had to change my phone three times because of you.”

Damn, you made him a cuck, so no wonder he’s going to frame you. Putting your license plate here is nothing compared to what he will keep on doing in the future.

The users online spectated the two of them for a while before they finally returned to the main topic:

“It’s not okay to be indifferent, someone has to step out and protect these dogs. We have to stop these immoral acts and a civilized society will not accept the acts of transporting dogs, trading dogs, and eating dogs. Dogs and cats aren’t poultry, they are friends of humanity. It’s intolerable for people to eat their own friends…”

“Bullshit. People don’t even care when people eat other people, so why would we care about people eating dogs.”

“Poor dogs. Do the people who eat and peddle dogs even have a conscience?”

“Will Chinese people die if they don’t eat dogs? Will you ascend to godhood if you eat dogs? People who eat dogs will reincarnate into a pig in their next life, so they can be slaughtered.”

“That’s funny, will your family die if you don’t eat pigs? If you eat pigs, then your whole family will reincarnate as maggots in their next life…”

“You guys are all the same, eventually all of you will have a miserable death.”

“I think the volunteers should care about the lives of people a bit more. Look at how many people are below the poverty line in China. Why don’t you donate some of your money to the people in need or are you saying humans are below dogs? Why do you think there’s a saying where you shouldn’t eat people and dogs?”

I think his reasoning was sound, but they saying he gave as an example was wrong. I think he was trying to say humans are more important than dogs, but the saying he gave puts humans and dogs at the same level.

As expected, a lot of dog lovers roasted him. The OP then said it was sarcasm and it started an argument between the two groups.

As usual, there were a lot of poets writing poems to judge both sides.

A lot of people didn’t even read the news before they started posting, but finally there were people who actually read the article and began to talk:

“Those dogs were bought by foreigners. For some reason, an American crew arrived, they have so much money.”

“It’s good they didn’t spend Chinese people’s money. Also, why did Americans come to film in China, don’t they have Hollywood?”

“Idiot, even Apple moved their production line to China, it’s because it’s cheaper.”

“Hey, did anyone watch Dong Shan News? There was a director called Cao Jing who was advertising his own show in an interview, he has no integrity.”

So Zhao Yao didn’t get many good shots, so he had to put Director Cao’s interview on air?

“I think Cao Jing used to be an AV director in Japan. He filmed a short series called Bloody Battle of Jin Ling when he came back to China, it’s super erotic.”

“Super erotic? Sounds good to me, where can I watch it?”

“Search the name and watch for free online… also the the villain, Wu Sheng, also showed up in the interview. He obviously went with the director to promote himself, but he wore sunglasses, what a joke. Who would even recognize him?”

I didn’t wear sunglasses because I was afraid of getting recognized by fans. Luckily, I didn’t use my own name. I think depressed bro should forgive me for using his name, right?

Since there weren’t many extra outlets in the living room, I was using the internet in Xiao Qin’s room. Xiao Qin and I sat side by side. right in front of the orange laptop placed on the study table. It was Auntie Ren’s netbook, which Xiao Qin would secretly use when she’s bored.

“Ye Lin classmate… the one in the interview isn’t Wu Sheng, but you, right? I know you filled in for Wu Sheng in the last couple of episodes. I was there when you took over… why didn’t you admit it was you?”

“Eat your canned oranges.” I pushed the oranges towards Xiao Qin.

Xiao Qin was wearing more clothes today because her menstrual pains made her feel colder. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt along with leggings. She was also wearing a pair of lilac-colored cotton socks and walking directly on the carpet.

“Since you were there with me when I went to visit Wu Sheng, you should understand why I used his name.” I said while scrolling through more of the comments.

“I already told Wu Sheng I would use his name for anything related to Bloody Battle of Jin Ling. He was the original actor of Jin Ling Young Thug~~ I’m at best a substitute actor for him.”

“Um…” Xiao Qin said while hugging her can of oranges, “Wu Sheng only acted in an episode and a half. You were the one who acted in the rest, so is that still considered a substitute?”

“Of course. I don’t plan on becoming famous because of Jin Ling Young Thug. A lot of people already think I’m a bad guy in real life, so if I also have to act as a bad guy on screen…”

“So you like good people?” Xiao Qin asked.

I didn’t really understand what she meant and replied: “I think usually most people like good people.”

“Then…” Xiao Qin pointed to the screen, “Are people who protect animals considered good people? Will you like me if I protect animals?”

My face darkened, “I don’t think people who protect animals are necessarily good people. I heard there’s an organization called SAVE who mailed bombs to stop a pharmaceutical company from experimenting on animals, which is really no different than a terrorist group…”

“Then… as long as you don’t become a terrorist, caring for animals is a trait that will give a girl more points, right? Gong Cai Cow… no, a lot of boys say Gong CaiCai classmate is kind because she likes rabbits.”

“That’s true…”

“Alright.” Xiao Qin suddenly put down her can of oranges and clenched her fists, “Starting from today, I’m going to become a kind animal protectionist. It would make me more girly, so my new character would be: a cat girl maid childhood friend who loves animals.”

Since Ai Mi calls Xiao Qin ‘maid Qin’, so she changed her character from cat girl to cat girl maid. Xiao Qin thought that a maid naturally meant she was also a shoujo.

“Since when do you love animals? Didn’t you say you were going to kill Obama and eat gim when you saved me at Cui Song mountain?”

Xiao Qin lowered her head in shame, but quickly raised it again.

“If it’s for your sake, I’ll even give my own meat to you to eat. The class leader had more plot development with you yesterday because she went to protect animals… I don’t care, I also want to protect animals. My uncle is the chairman of the Dong Shan Animal Protection Organization, so I definitely like animals.”

Huh, I think I heard from others that Ren HongDe was an animal lover. There are still a lot of cages used to carry smuggled animals left in the basement of the VIP building of Qing Zi Academy. It was intercepted by the police, but there was no place to store them, so it was temporarily taken by Ren HongDe, who was the chairman of the Dong Shan Animal Protection Organization. The smuggled animals were sent to the zoo, but no one wanted the cages, so they were left behind in the basement after being sterilized.

Winnie also locked herself in one of the cages for over 4 hours to punish herself for locking Gong CaiCai in a steel cabinet, which left a deep impression on me.

I always felt the basement of the VIP building was weird and scary with that many black steel cages inside. If an outsider saw a girl locked inside a cage, they might have thought it was a S&M area.

I thought it wasn’t scientific at all for Xiao Qin to say she was an animal lover because her uncle was also an animal lover.

I smiled and asked: “How do you plan to love animals, are you also going to volunteer at the pet hospital like the class leader?”

Xiao Qin looked up at the ceiling and thought for a while, then said: “No, the pet hospital was already taken by the class leader. Also, it’s boring to hold a dog while it gets an IV drip, so I’m going to find a way with more individuality.”

“Like what?”

“(*^__^*) Hehe… I’m pretty lucky today. I was able to do something at home without going outside. Come and take a look at my mom’s room, then you can praise me.”


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