I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 780: The More Security, The Better

Chapter 780: The More Security, The Better

I suggested the class leader to work as a maid for Ai Mi for a couple days which resulted in the class leader looking at me with contempt.

“My parents sends me money every month. Neither me nor Xiao Zhe are under any financial stress, so why would I work?”

“It could train your skills~~~”

“Train my skills at being a maid?” The class leader looked a bit mad.

“Well… even if your parents sends you money every month, they can’t give you a dog that’s immune to a hunter’s aura! The maid outfit is pretty similar to what the Wal-mart milk salesperson wears, so it’s not really a big deal wearing it while working for a few days. I’ll be there and make sure Ai Mi doesn’t cause you too much trouble.”

“The problem is because you’re there. If it was only in front of Ai Mi, then wearing a maid outfit…”

The class leader realized she misspoke halfway through her sentence. She angrily turned her back to me and stopped talking.

I coincidentally bumped into Fan Chuan and Shu Zhe when I arrived outside the class leader’s home with her.

Fan Chuan was dressed very well. His striped shirt definitely wasn’t something you would find at a street market for twenty bucks and it looks like he also spent a lot of money on his belt and pants. Don’t tell me he got an advance payment on next month’s salary for the LOL team.

Shu Zhe, on the other hand, was wearing very slimming clothes. He walked side by side with Fan Chuan in high spirits.

The physical distance between them and the distance of their attitude seemed different than simply friends. Fan Chuan purposely slowed his pace so Shu Zhe could keep up. Shu Zhe wasn’t thankful at all and acted like it was simply natural.

It’s exactly like a suitor chasing after the girl of her dreams. However, she completely ignores him and acts like she is doing him a favor by coming out with him.

It was so obvious, but the class leader couldn’t tell, or maybe she wasn’t even thinking towards that direction. She thought Shu Zhe was becoming more manly by going to an electronics store with male friends.

Shu Zhe bought an original iPad cover from the electronics store. It retails for ¥599 online, so one word to describe it is expensive. I could almost guarantee it was Fan Chuan who paid for it.

The class leader thought it was a ¥100 regular cover and thought Shu Zhe paid for it with his allowance.

“We could actually get those covers without paying for it.” The class leader said to Shu Zhe, “Our neighbor, Auntie Zheng, has a kindergarten age son who accidentally lost his iPad, so they could only buy a new one. They don’t need their old cover anymore, so they asked me if I wanted it and they will give it to me if so…”

Class leader, you really like picked up used goods. You don’t have to be that frugal since your parents sends you money every month!

“Hmph, who wants to use leftovers.”

Shu Zhe said with disdain. Not only did he not want to use an old cover, he wasn’t even willing to use imitations and had to use an Apple manufactured cover, how vain.

We had a talk and learned Shu Zhe and Fan Chuan already ate. The class leader asked if I wanted to come up and she will cook some simple dishes for me.

She didn’t really bicker about me suggesting for her to be a maid due to my heart problems. I thought the class leader was already pretty tired from today, so I rejected her offer and told her to get some rest.

“I’ll eat at home, my dad will cook for me. You should just buy some food outside instead of cooking, I could help you buy it.”

“The food from outside isn’t really hygienic, it’s better to eat at home if you could. Since I’m eating by myself, I’ll just warm up some of yesterday’s leftovers…”

The class leader said farewell and then headed up with her brother. Shu Zhe didn’t talk to me, it seems he was still holding a grudge from a few days ago when I said he was auctioning off his own ass.

Fan Chuan wasn’t let into their home either. Like all those losers who chase after the girl of their dreams (their goddess), he had no value once he already gave her a gift.

Except Fan Chuan was a bit more pathetic than those losers since his ‘goddess’ was a man.

He didn’t have anything to say to me and turned to leave, but I called him from behind: “Hey, do you think you can beat a middle school student in a fight?”

Fan Chuan instantly turned to anger and glared at me: “Ye Lin, what are you trying to say? Are you picking a fight with me? Do you not even put me, a university student, in your eyes because you have a strong body? Why don’t we have a duel right now?”

Regardless if it was Fan Chuan or Xiao Ding, but both of them became more aggressive after publicly declaring they were going to pursue Shu Zhe, like they were bucks in heat.

“I don’t want to fight you.” I said calmly, “I just want to tell you… there are a couple hooligans that are middle school or high school students who will treat Shu Sha… ‘s brother poorly. If you have free time, you should come and protect Shu Zhe… and his sister.”

“Why would Xiao Hong get involved with those kinds of people?” Fan Chuan usually calls Shu Zhe by his girl name in front of me.

I was inspired and said half-truthfully, “It’s because Xiao Hong used to work with a dog thief. The spoils were split unevenly, so they held a grudge against Xiao Hong.”

“Damn it.” Fan Chuan shouted with clenched fists, “Xiao Hong is so cute, I can’t believe there are people who want to hurt her.”

I nodded my head and encouraged him, “That’s right, Xiao Hong’s safety depends on you. I hope you can protect Xiao Hong’s sister together with her, otherwise she will be threatened if her sister gets kidnapped.”

Actually, if Shu Sha was kidnapped, Shu Zhe might not even go out of his way to save his sister.

“I’ll patrol around here whenever I have time.” Fan Chuan agreed, then suddenly said as if he just remembered: “If I’m protecting Xiao Hong, then it’s natural for me to protect her sister, but you should come too, right? Isn’t Xiao Hong’s sister your girlfriend? Let’s switch patrol time…”

“Wait.” Fan Chuan’s face changed, “I saw you at Qing Zi Academy yesterday with a different girl. She was the cousin of our team captain, Ren Peng. Our captain said you were his cousin’s boyfriend.”

“Damn, you’re having an affair. How dare you cheat on our captain’s cousin. Why did you come back with Xiao Hong’s sister today, what did you guys do, you scum.”

“Hey, you abandoned your previous girlfriend to chase after a trap, I don’t think you have the right to call me scum.”

“How are you not scum?” Fan Chuan said with righteousness, “I broke up with my girlfriend once I realized I like a trap. It’s much better than you dating two girls at once. Who do you want to be with, our captain’s cousin or Xiao Hong’s sister?”


I never expected Fan Chuan to ask me this question. I always thought he was a passerby who wouldn’t get involved with the main plot.

“I’ve never dated Shu Sha, nor have I officially dated Xiao Qin.” I replied without much confidence, “Ren Peng said I was Xiao Qin’s boyfriend because of a misunderstanding. If you don’t believe me, I could let Xiao Qin tell you the truth.”

If Fan Chuan insisted, I don’t think I will force Xiao Qin to tell him that she’s not my girlfriend because that would be too cruel. Besides, Xiao Qin can’t speak normally to Fan Chuan because of her androphobia.

Fan Chuan was still a bit skeptical after he heard what I said.

“Forget it. It’s not like I know those girls anyway, so it’s none of my business even if you start a harem. But I’m warning you, I won’t be nice anymore if you lay your hands on my Xiao Hong.”

Who would lay their hands on a immoral cross-dresser? You can chase after him, but it looks like Shu Zhe is only playing with your feelings and trying to scam as much money from you as possible.

Also, how did you know my ambition was to create a harem? At the time, I was constantly annoyed by Xiao Qin, so I made a womanizer plan… I was going to be utter scum to completely discourage Xiao Qin and make her disappear from my life.

Now, it’s impossible for Xiao Qin to disappear from my life. I would feel concerned about her if I don’t see her for two days.

I’m also concerned about the class leader, but she’s much more reliable than Xiao Qin, so I feel a bit more reassured with her.

Since I was thinking about two girls at the same time, was I really two-timing as Fan Chuan said? That was clearly one of my past goals, but why do I feel worried instead of feeling happy?

Shu Zhe was despicable for playing with Fan Chuan’s feelings, but I wasn’t really any better. I told the class leader before that I only treated Xiao Qin like my sister, but even if my dad and Auntie Ren got married, I don’t think I can simply treat Xiao Qin like she was Ai Mi.

Should I tell the class leader the truth, that Xiao Qin and I were no longer simple childhood friends? It would prevent the class leader from getting into a triangular relationship unknowingly.

I thought about how my heart disease still wasn’t cured, how I still haven’t taken Ai Mi away from Ai ShuQiao’s clutches, and now we had to be on guard against Luo Ning and his people… so I gave up on telling the class leader the truth.

The future was still unpredictable, so we should focus on what’s more important. Plus, the class leader erased her confession text message, which meant she wasn’t ready to have a more intimate relationship with me. If that’s the case, I don’t really have to tell the class leader how I feel about Xiao Qin.

Anyway, I still felt a bit guilty towards the class leader, so… I treated Fan Chuan to a meal.

It sounds a bit weird, but I had my reasons.

Fan Chuan might have treated Shu Zhe to a meal at a high-class restaurant, but he didn’t eat enough to save money.

I was hoping Fan Chuan, who comes here often for Shu Zhe, would also patrol around a bit to ensure the siblings’ safety. It could be considered as my request for him, so it was natural for me to treat him to a meal.

“Are you trying to bribe me with food?” Fan Chuan asked while eating a braised pork wrap, “Or are you afraid I’m going to tell on you to Captain Ren Peng.”

“Just focus on eating. Since you come here frequently, try to pay attention to your surroundings. I’ll think of a way to find more people to help. Give me a call if you notice anything suspicious.”

“Is it that serious?” Fan Chuan also treated it more seriously now, “I won’t let Xiao Hong get hurt. I’ll probably also help if her sister is in trouble, as for calling you…”

“It doesn’t cost much to make a call.” I told the waiter to bring a dish of Peking shredded pork, “How about this, I’ll patrol with you today and I’ll also treat you to dinner too.”

“That works.” Fan Chuan wiped his mouth with a napkin, “I could buy Xiao Hong even more things with the money I save.”

I wonder how many people out there are like Fan Chuan. Ones who treat their goddesses to luxurious meals outside, but then go home and eat instant noodles by themselves.

It’s better to find someone like the class leader who is willing to cook for you. Or someone like Xiao Qin who would be happy for a week after you buy her a ¥15 squid rice bowl.

Luckily the day passed safe and sound. The next day, Uncle Fireball and his wife came to bring the class leader to the mall to buy a pair of shoes. The class leader couldn’t really decline and had to go along with her aunt and uncle.

Uncle Fireball was once the Chinese Bear Grylls. He’s not someone a regular person can deal with even if one of his arms was weak, so the class leader was safe with him.

Uncle Fireball already said he wouldn’t do anything to upset his brother and lay his hands on his niece, but he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t lay his hands on Shu Zhe.

So are you saying you won’t upset the class leader’s parents if you lay your hands on Shu Zhe? If the class leader knew you raped her brother, she would blow your brains out. Since the muscles on your right arm is atrophied and you already handed back your gun, you can’t fight back against the class leader. You will simply be killed by your enraged niece!

I guess you can choose between 18.51mm ammo or 16.82mm ammo. The class leader will give you a quick and easy death since you were the one who taught her how to shoot.

I didn’t need to wander around outside the class leader’s home if she already had someone to protect her, so I bought some canned food and some packs of heat patches and went to visit Xiao Qin.

Xiao Qin was surfing the web at home and was overjoyed by my visit. After she told me to sit down, she immediately put one of the heat patches on her stomach and even lifted up her shirt to show me.

But it quickly got too hot for her. It was summer, so I really shouldn’t have bought heat patches. I had to have Xiao Qin take off the heat patch so she didn’t get a rash.

Xiao Qin told me the even the class leader and I attended had made it onto the news. It seems like people from all sides were getting into a huge argument online.


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