I'm A Baller

Chapter 195 - Chance Encounter

Chapter 195: Chance Encounter

The two detectives looked at each other and decided to do some tricks… uh, show some skills.

“Xiao Hong, look at Song Chen. Isn’t he handsome?”

“Yes, yes! But I like tall and strong guys. Gao Hu is not bad.”

“I like handsome guys. Song Chen is so good-looking!”

“Wang looks so pitiful. He’s neither the most handsome nor the one with the best figure… Sigh, I think he can’t become a flag bearer.”

He Miaomiao couldn’t hold it in any longer. She raised her head and lectured her friends with a serious expression.

“Let me tell you, you must not only look at his appearance to see if a guy is good or not!”

“Then what do you look?”

Xiao Hong asked curiously. Teacher He immediately gave them a lecture.

“Men, no matter how old they are, can be divided into three types — those who are good at chasing girls, those who are not good at chasing girls, and those who are not interested in girls.”

Xiao Huang raised her hand and asked, “How can you tell if a man is interested in girls?”

He Miaomiao waved her hand forcefully. “Those who don’t sneak glances at me. Just pay attention and observe!”

Xiao Hong and Xiao Huang raised their hands to their foreheads. They suddenly felt like cursing.

He Miaomiao, on the other hand, continued to explain in high spirits.

“Those who are good at chasing girls are not necessarily bad people, and those who are not good at chasing girls are not necessarily good people. However, the more handsome a man is, the less good he is at chasing girls. Do you understand?”

“Eh, that makes sense…”

“Of course!”

He Miaomiao was happy, proud, and raised her chin again.

“So, if a boy is both good-looking and flirtatious, then he is basically a playboy and a bad guy. When you meet such a guy, you must stay far away from him!”

“I understand, I understand…”

“Then, if a boy is not good-looking but dares to flirt with girls, then he is definitely worse than a playboy. You must be very, very careful. You must not let down your guard!”

“Okay, okay…”

Then Xiao Hong and Xiao Huang suddenly realized something…

“Miao Miao, you were off track!”

“That’s right. I asked you how you judge a man. Where were you talking about?”


He Miaomiao was suddenly speechless.

Her big eyes turned several times and she returned to the original topic.

“That was the basic theory. Judging men is a high-level application of the theory. Without basic knowledge, how can you understand a high-level application?”

“Okay, okay, okay. Just tell me the conclusion, okay?” Xiao Hong almost admit defeat.

“We must focus on the details!” She said the nonsense self-righteously.

“So, how exactly do you observe the details?” Xiao Huang was exasperated.

“That’s right. The details include how many times he sneaks glances at me, whether he’s focused on things he’s doing, whether he dares to look me in the eye, and so on.”

He Miaomiao spoke very seriously, but her two best friends were completely speechless.

“Miaomiao! Just how narcissistic are you?!”

He Miaomiao looked confused. “What does this have to do with narcissism? Look at those eight boys. Wang Yan is obviously the most focused, Song Chen is the second best. The one who is the least focused is that guy called Hu. I’m very good at this!”

Yes, yes, yes, you’re good!

The girl lived on intuitive, yet she insisted on creating a theory…

You can’t talk to her!

The two best friends tried to trick words out of her but ended up getting confused themselves. They only understood one thing —

He Miaomiao did observe Wang Yan, but she had observed all the boys because she was bored!


There was nothing wrong with it…

Every day, they would stay out here in the sun for at least four hours. Since she had nothing to do and there were eight monkeys in front of her, she could do nothing but watch them, right?

It was understandable!

Xiao Hong and Xiao Huang, two rookies, got confused and completely ignored a problem.

That’s right, everyone was observing the eight boys.


Why didn’t they notice Wang Yan’s improvement?

On the first day, Wang Yan’s performance was the worst among the eight boys.

After wrecking his brains for one night and a morning of exposure to the sun, Wang Yan almost had a heatstroke and looked like he was on the verge of collapse.

However, today, Gouzi was the best on in the entire team.

Three days of high-standard and high-intensity training was not in vain.

Wang Yan’s movements became more and more standard. Of course, he wasn’t as good as those in the national flag team, but among a group of freshmen, it was quite a feat.

Unfortunately, the girls weren’t sensitive to such things at all, so few people had noticed it.

However, the girls of Economy Class One were able to see Wang Yan’s growth.

Fang Yu was urging Tang Butian again. “Tiantian, the class monitor is really charming, especially when he’s focused on the training. Hurry up and get him!”

Tiantian had been a little timid these days. “He has a girlfriend…”

Fang Yu, “…”

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Bai Zijiao was complaining to Yi Dashuai. “The class monitor always plays dumb with me. What should I do?”

Yi Dashuai thought for a moment and patted her chest. “I can help you push him down, tie him up, and lock him into a small dark room. You can do whatever you want him. If you make up your mind, call me anytime!”

“Dashuai, you’re really a good friend…”

Jiaozi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she expressed her gratitude, but a trace of worry rose in her heart.

I don’t dare to do that, but I heard that the senior girls in the third and fourth years force themselves onto guys.

Sigh, what if they target Wang Yan?

They wouldn’t…

The guys in the second, third, and fourth years should be enough for them, right?

With a ratio of 5:1 between girls and guys, don’t you know if there’s enough guys for them?!

Who are you fooling here?

Self-deception achieves nothing.

Finally the 15-minute break came. She was wondering if she should bring a bottle of water over to Wang Yan and then her eyes suddenly widened.

A senior girl walked from outside the field slowly.

She was wearing white shorts, a pair of flip-flops, and holding a sun umbrella printed with pink flowers. Her wavy hair was spread out, and one could feel her femininity from a distance.

No matter how beautiful the girls on the playground were, they were now wearing military training uniforms. Their faces were without makeup and they were sweating profusely. They looked like rural village hens compared to this senior girl.

Moreover, that senior sister’s aura was too strong. Under the gaze of thousands of people, she walked in just like that, and surprisingly, she didn’t look afraid at all.

Her steps didn’t falter at all, and her smile was extremely confident.

She simply… overshadowed all the other girls in the entire field.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Jiaozi.

What if she’s a senior girl?


However, what made her extremely uneasy was…

That senior was carrying a few bottles of different types of ice water. And she seemed to be heading straight for Wang Yan!

It can’t be?!

It seemed the thing she feared the most was about to happen.

The senior girl walked all the way to Wang Yan and stopped before him. She raised the plastic bag in her hand and said with a charming smile.

Seeing this, many people were dumbfounded.

There were nearly a thousand people in the sports field. All of them looked at Wang Yan.

Squirrel muttered to himself in a daze, “Our boss is really a playboy…”

Dutch Potato immediately retorted, “What are you talking about? Brother Wang isn’t that kind of people!”

Sichuan Boy scratched his head in confusion.

“Looks like he was with this senior girl last night. Then who was the girl last time?”

“That’s not right!”

Like Jade suddenly became smart and turned into Holmes.

“Our boss looks much better than the last time. This senior girl’s figure is so hot, so it doesn’t make sense! The only explanation is that he was with at least two girls last time!”


The sand sculptures were all shocked by his deduction. They looked at each other, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt…

It was logical!

Even Dutch Potato didn’t dare to speak up for Wang Yan. In this situation, it looked like she had come to show off their affair after spending a night of passion with Wang Yan.

The key problem was…

The little fatty, Hu Liang, suddenly came over and asked the key question, “Bros, where does Young Master Wang usually go to have fun?”

No one replied.

We also want to know!

They were both freshmen, and they hung out together almost every day. Every time Wang Yan went out, a girl would appear…

But we can only hang out with the girls in our class?

Even the girls in our class ignore us!

Damn it, this is really…


Brother Fugui felt a little overwhelmed.

Sis, I’m not familiar with you!

What’s wrong with these girls?

I already said no, so why do you have to force yourself on me?!

However, as she walked over with a smile like a flower, he couldn’t kick her out, right?

He forced himself to stand there calmly, enduring the hundreds of small lasers on his back as he waited for her to speak.

The senior girl was none other than the third-year student from the Academy of Fine Arts who had taken the initiative to strike up a conversation with him on the night of the 1st when he was reading in Seeyo.

Li… Li Shuyun?!

Li Shuyun stood before Wang Yan. She lifted the plastic bag and smiled brightly.

“Wang Yan, I know you’ve been training hard, so I bought you some iced drinks and mineral water. Say Thank you!”

Li Shuyun still took the initiative, but she didn’t call him junior this time. Instead, she called Wang Yan by his name.

HMM, it seemed like a new trick of hers.

A hot girl who kept improving her skills of flirtation… was the hardest kind to deal with!

Accept it?

Not accept?

Wang Yan didn’t know what to do, so he asked the system for help.

[ Beauty radar ] was activated. If the figure and special scores were not high enough, he would immediately reject her. How simple was that?

The radar gave him the data instantly.

[ Li Shuyun, 22 years old, face score 91, figure score 95, special score 84]

“Thank you.”

Wang Yan smiled and took the plastic bag.

As a man, he must be polite and gentlemanly.

A god-level tycoon wouldn’t hit a smiling person, right?

It was true.

Actually, she wasn’t particularly beautiful according to Wang Yan’s aesthetic standards. There were two main points that he didn’t like —

There was a mole at the tip of her nose.

Her forehead was smooth and full but a bit too large for his taste.

However, the radar didn’t give scores according to Wang Yan’s personal aesthetic standards. Instead, it would synthesize the common aesthetic standards of humans.

Therefore, there would actually be a certain amount of flexibility in the final beauty scores.

The people Wang Yan thought was beautiful must be really beautiful.

Wang Yan thought some people were average, but as long as they were scored 90 and above, they were actually very beautiful.

There might even be a special situation — a girl who only had a score of 90, but in the eyes of others, she was the extremely beautiful.

Li Shuyun was beautiful in her own way, unlike those internet celebrities.

Of course, what surprised Wang Yan was her figure.

Her figure proportions were excellent and very curvy.

That was his general evaluation of her.

Of course, no matter how beautiful she was, President Wang was not the kind of people who’d hook up with any women showing interest in him.

After accepting the gift, he felt the temperature of the gazes behind him getting higher and higher. He immediately said goodbye to her.

“Senior, I’ll go back to the training. Talk to you later.”

Li Shuyun looked at Wang Yan’s calm and deep eyes, and the smugness she had felt was immediately smashed back into the mud.

Junior, are you going to kick me out after drinking my water?

Oh, you haven’t even drunk it yet.

But still you can’t do it!

At the very least, you have to give me some feedback after accepting the gift, right?

If you don’t give it to me, I’ll take it myself!

In this school, if I don’t take the initiative, I’ll never get a boyfriend!

“Alright, train hard. When the time comes, I’ll come and cheer for you! Give me your phone number, I’ll call you.”


Wang Yan gave her a string of numbers in a concise manner.

He had no choice. She had asked in front of everyone, how could he not give it to her?

Polite, yes, polite!

Li Shuyun directly dialed his number and then said, “My wechat number is my phone number. Remember to add it when you have time. Bye Bye!”

Well, the new group now had a new member.


After the senior girl left gracefully, Wang Yan thought for a while. He took out a bottle of iced mineral water and gave the rest to the other guys.

“Song Chen, Old Xu, Old Wang, Come and get the water!”

Xu Tianci didn’t like Wang Yan very much, but he had never shown it.

When he heard that, he came over and winked. “President Wang, where did you meet that senior girl? She’s so pretty!”

It was unknown when it started, but university students suddenly liked to call each other young master, director, and boss. If they were closer, they would call each other son, grandson, and nephew.

If Wang Yan hadn’t been exposed to society, he might have followed suit.

But after moving around in society, he found many of the titles awkward, so he just called them by either nicknames, or the traditional way such as Old Xu and Old Wang.

The way he addressed his peers seemed very old-fashioned, but strangely, many people admired him for that.

Even Wang Yan found it baffling.

Wang Yihang happily picked up a bottle of Coca Cola and fawned on him. “Young Master Wang, thanks to you, I got to drink iced Coke!”

Among the three of them, only Song Chen’s expression was a little strange.

“Brother Wang, do you like older girls?”

Wang Yan casually joked, “Actually, I only like one kind — beautiful ones.”

Everyone burst into laughter and echoed, “Me too!”

Then they continued their training.

With a lot of conjectures.

There were definitely a lot of discussions among the girls, and Wang Yan was well aware of it.

However, he had trained his concentration with reading, so he could put aside his distracting thoughts when the whistle blew and do what he should do now.

By the time the training finished, the discussions had already stopped.

Therefore, other than his roommates’ babbling during dinner, Li Shuyun’s visit did not cause Wang Yan any trouble.

Until night.

Wang Yan was practicing in the woods as usual.

Suddenly, a bright red dress floated over.

“Eh? Wang Yan?! What are you doing here?”

Looking at Li Shuyun’s smile of surprise which seemed so real, Brother Fugui suddenly had a headache.

Sis, I’m really these days!

Can’t you wait a little longer?

Let’s play chance encounter in October, okay?


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