I'm A Baller

Chapter 194 - Carefully Observed

Chapter 194: Carefully Observed

On the way to the airport, Wang Yan comfortably leaned back on the spacious seat and looked at the reward.

Although he had spent more than 4 million yuan in total, squandering all the money in Brother Dapeng’s bank card and the breathing wages.

However, the results were gratifying.

Today was a great harvest.

[ During the effective period of the spicy consumption card, a total of 14.5 kilograms of Matsuzaka beef, 17.6 kilograms of Kobe beef, and 2.25 kilograms of raw garlic were consumed. ]

[Critical hit calculation is as follows. ]

[145 units of Matsuzaka beef × 3,000 yuan pen 100g unit price = 435,000 yuan. ]

[176 units of Kobe Beef × 2,000 yuan per 100g unit price = 352,000 yuan. ]

[22.5 units of raw garlic × 1,500 yuan per 100g unit price = 33,750 yuan. ]

[ The cost of consumed lettuce, cabbage, and cucumber were a total of 250 yuan. ]

The price of garlic was actually included the raw materials, blissful!

What the hell was the price of the vegetables?

Go away, I don’t need your 250!

Brother Fugui’s mind was filled with elementary school math problems.

[ Raw materials’ total price: 821,000 yuan; spiciness level: 1; The final spiciness coefficient: 22.5]

[ You received a total of 18,742,500 yuan critical hit reward ]

F*ck… F*ck…

Wang Yan’s thoughts suddenly slowed down, and all he could think was: I’ve leveled up!

Even though the expensive beef was not eaten up, and even though the streamers only consumed 2,25 kilograms of the garlic that he had prepared meticulously…

All these things didn’t matter because the system had done the best arrangement for him like a father!

Wang Yan was so happy that he wanted to give Da Gang and the others each an achievement certificate.

On average, each of them had eaten more than 300 grams of garlic!

The garlic was quite dry and didn’t have much moisture. Basically, each of them had eaten eight head of garlic.

Tsk! Tsk…

Guys, you’ve worked hard!

Meanwhile, the guys that Wang Yan was grateful to were in so much pain that they wished they were dead.

Da Gang sat on the toilet. His fat face was red and his eyes were full of sparks as he wailed in the group chat on his phone.

“Bros, I’m not lying. I’m really pooping fire now… Ahhhhh!”

Halfway through, he suddenly started singing

Alright, he could still sing, so he was good. Bye Bye!

Wang Yan casually transferred 3.5 million into Brother Da Peng’s bank card and then sent a message to Wang Yunxi.

“Xi Zi, I’ll transfer another 600,000 cash to you. After you settle the hotel bill, the remaining cash is the bonuses for the five of you.”

At the hotel, including 850,000 for beef, 450,000 for garlic, 30,000 plus for the room and other fees, the final bill would be about 1,350,000.

Wang Yan had prepaid 1,000,000, and with another 600,000, he would be able to give a bonus of 250,000 to five people.

The number was not big, and it was not worth mentioning compared to the earnings today.

However, it was enough to make them happy.

In a situation like this, he had to be careful with rewards. It wouldn’t be wise to give too much and 50,000 per person was quite appropriate.

He had 18,740,000 critical strike bonus, together with the remaining 430,000 salary but instantly, he spent 4,100,000 yuan.

Balance: 15,070,000.

In terms of experience points, the previous amount was 1043/2500. The 1,000,000 hotel deposit and 1,500,000 company investment had been calculated.

3,000,000 live broadcast tip + 600,000 additional deposit, pushing the experience points up to 1,403/2,500.

He was 11,000,000 yuan away to upgrade the system!

Wang Yan thought of another place to spend money —

He immediately went to the mall and bought the Luck Turntable.

Cash balance: 14,070,000.

Experience Points: 1,503/2,500.

Next, there were only two things that would cost a lot of money.

Buying a house.

Getting the lottery.

Actually, there was no need to buy a house now. He didn’t need it at the moment.

However, the houses in Star City were too cheap. Moreover, there was a pretty good villa community out of the north gate of his school.

Besides, Wang Yan wanted to upgrade the system to level 8. For the time being, he did not have a better way of spending money.

He might as well buy a house to improve the quality of his life in the next few years.

As for the lottery, Wang Yan already had a comprehensive plan.

Two plans.

As for which plan to implement, it would depend on the situation later. He estimated that it wouldn’t be later than October that he would be able to give his parents a big surprise.

After sorting out everything, Wang Yan closed his eyes to rest.

The limo drove directly to the VIP parking lot. When he got off the car, he was at the door of the VIP Hall.

When he got inside, someone was waiting for him.

Wang Yan sat in the lounge and drank some water. Then, he took out another ticket and handed it to the customer service.

“Excuse me, can I return this ticket?”

The guy glanced at it and nodded with a smile. “Yes, sir.”

That was the return ticket that Wang Yan had bought when he arrived. It was a flight at 5:20 a.m. on the next day.

Now that the activity had ended earlier than expected, he didn’t want to get up in the middle of the night to catch the flight, so he had decided to take an earlier flight. The hotel staff had booked the flight, so he might as well return the previous ticket.

Even though he was a tycoon, there was no need to waste money.

The customer service returned with the boarding pass and the flight ticket that was about to be returned.

“Sir, I’ve finished the procedures. You’ll get the refund at the airport where you bought the ticket. After you land, you can just hand it to the VIP service over there.”

How convenient.

Wang Yan almost habitually took out his wallet to give a tip. Then he realized that the guy wasn’t a hotel attendant, so he couldn’t insult him with a tip.

As he strolled toward the exit, Wang Yan suddenly thought of a question.

“Excuse me, normally one ID can only buy one ticket. But I got two with one ID. How did it work?”

The customer service guy smiled, cursing silently

You Big Dog, is it fun to tease me?

You don’t know how it worked, then how did you get two seats?!

Holding back his jealousy and resentment, he tried his best to reply politely.

“Sir, you just need to call the airline and explain your special situation and needs. The company will make the application and arrangements according to the actual situation.”


Wang Yan nodded in confusion. He was still very curious. What reason did Rich give them?

F*ck the reason. Just four words — first-class cabin, full-price tickets!

To put it more bluntly — money can make the world go round.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was too late, Rich would have wanted to book the entire first class cabin to curry favor with Wang Yan, the generous rich guy.

But having two seats was already very good, even though there was no need for it.

Today’s flight was still a medium-sized passenger plane, Airbus 320. The distance between the two seats in the first class cabin was quite big. He wouldn’t feel crowded even if the other seat was taken.

However, there was an unexpected benefit —

When the beautiful first-class flight attendant lady served, if she was serving the passenger sitting by the window, she would stand in the aisle and bend over.

If she was serving the passenger sitting by the aisle, she would basically squat down.

Although Wang Yan was sitting by the window, the seat beside him was empty, it wasn’t polite for her to serve him standing in the aisle.

Since there was not enough space for her to squat down comfortably, she put one knee on the empty seat and asked Wang Yan what he’d like to drink in a low voice.

All the veteran passengers of China Southern Airlines knew that the air attendants didn’t wear pantyhose in summer…

Cough! Cough!

Our President Wang was a very decent guy and didn’t think much of it.

Then, something unexpected happened — the airplane just happened to enter some turbulent air.

It was a medium-sized airplane, so it would be strange if it didn’t shake in such a situation.

Then… There was no then.

There was no then.

Anyway, the young lady had to sit down in the empty seat after experiencing a bout of panic. The two of them chatted happily for 10 minutes, and for the rest of the flight, he read quietly.

The result of the chat was… Young Master Wang was forced to exchange wechat contact again.

Why did he do that?

It was a boring question.

If a girl with a score above 90 asked you for wechat contact, would you give it to her?

Oh, since nothing of the kind would happen to you, so you could say no in a righteous way.

Anyway, Wang Yan couldn’t bear to refuse her.

After landing, he had just arrived at his rented apartment in the airport’s VIP car when a friend verification came from his wechat.

Wang Yan tagged her as “Southern Airlines flight attendant Yu,” which included her occupation and surname, and then put her into a new category labeled “404.”.

The classification tag actually didn’t have any special meaning, because the classification tag for his roommates was 303, so he put his parents into 101, girls from Emperor Dance into 202, the girls he met recently into 404, and the other classmates into 505…

Okay, I can’t continue with it and have to stop.

The new category now had only one member: “Shanghai Kerry Lu Yitian”. When Wang Yan checked his wechat, he found a new verification application which came from Li Nuoyi.

This girl had been ignored by Wang Yan for almost 10 days. She sent verification applications frequently, but they were all ignored.

In the first few days, she had been quite tough, calling him names in the application.

Today, she was especially timid: I’m sorry. I was wrong, can we talk?

Wang Yan casually refused her invitation.

Talk? I don’t have time now!

But because of her good attitude, Wang Yan finally gave her a response.

It’s better to be refused than to be ignored, right?

He put down the cell phone and went to sleep.

On the September 6, Sunday, Wang Yan got up at 8 o’clock, ate an 8-yuan breakfast downstairs, and rushed to the large playground.

There were so many girls in the school that the military training was not as strict as it should be. Every Saturday, there was a day off, but they still had to do training on Sunday.

When they arrived at the field, students were taking their positions in the phalanxes.

Instructor Yan Chuan glanced at Wang Yan and asked with an amiable expression, “Did you practice yesterday?”

Wang Yan told the truth, “I had some personal matters yesterday. I was busy all day.”

Instructor Yan immediately frowned, “You have to maintain the intensity of your training. I have high hopes for you. Don’t slack off.”

Wang Yan nodded with a smile and silently took his place standing in the military posture.

For someone who always used the standards of a god-level tycoon to demand of himself, explaining was meaningless.

When other god-level tycoons were showing off, they all said, “Shut up. Money talks.”

Wang Yan had a higher standard for himself. He still dared to shout in situations where the money was useless: when the time comes, let’s see who’s stronger.

In the afternoon, when he gathered with his roommates, he found Like Jade was looking at him sulkily.

“Boss, you left us and went out to have fun by yourself again…”

“I didn’t have fun. I did something important.”

“I don’t want to hear it. Just tell me if you met any good-looking young ladies.”

Wang Yan: “…”

Like Jade’s question was really hard to answer.

His roommates’ expressions suddenly changed. There were all kinds of complicated feelings in their eyes, which made Wang Yan feel like a bad guy.

“Alright, Alright, don’t look at me like you’ve been abandoned… After the military training, I’ll take you guys out to have a good time, okay?”


They were instantly happy.

Like Jade, Squirrel, and Sichuan Boy were excited. Dutch Potato was so nervous that he was sweating. No one knew what he was thinking about…

Hey, wake up. It’s a little early to think about it!

Brother-in-law didn’t seem to be interested. He wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he shut his mouth tightly.

After lunch, the group went back to take a nap.

When they reached the dormitory, they immediately turned on the air conditioner. Before closing the door, the little fatty, Hu Liang, went in with a mattress.

“Bros, can you let me stay? I’ll put together a few chairs and sleep on them!”

The roommates did not respond. They all looked at Wang Yan.

The fatty’s eyes were so pitiful. Who would have the heart to refuse him?

“Fine! Be careful not to fall.”

Wang Yan warned and climbed onto his own bed.

The dorm across from them scolded Hu Liang through the door, “Damn Fatty, are you just going to abandon your own roommates? You bastard!”

Hu Liang laughed mischievously and did not say a word as he put the chairs together.

Currently, of all the freshmen dorms in the entire school, only dorm 303 could take a nap after lunch

During the freshmen military training, everyone was tired and sleepy. However, the air was as stuffy as a steamer. Who could sleep at noon?

Every time dorm 303 closed its door, the guys from the neighboring rooms would get envious.

Then, they would grab onto the topic of “Should we install an air conditioner” and start discussing until it was time for the afternoon training.

It happened every day.

Yes, after a few more days of discussion, the autumn would come and they would feel more comfortable.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, when everyone woke up and left their dorm rooms, his roommates who were covered in sweat grabbed Fatty and gave him a good beating. He cried out loudly.

The guys were all laughing, but there was a hint of envy hidden in their eyes.

F*ck, why am I not so as cheeky as he is?!

The guys of room 303 walked arrogantly in the crowd, feeling good about themselves.

In the afternoon, they trained as usual. They held the flagpoles and marched in front of the girls, or just stood there foolishly for a long time.

The girls from the tourism class trained for 30 minutes, and then they began to laugh and talk.

After all, they were girls.

Most of the instructors were young men around 20 years old. They could get strict with the girls at all. It had only been three days, and the girls were already spoiled.

He Miaomiao was sitting on the grass to rest. Her roommate suddenly poked her with, signaling her to turn around.

When she turned around, she saw Wang Yan walking towards them with a flagpole.

“Hey, Miaomiao, have you noticed? Wang Yan is getting more and more dashing!”

Her friend was quite excited, but He Miaomiao curled her lips in disdain and continued to play with her phone.

“How is that possible? It’s just that his movements are a little better than others.”

The two friends sitting next to her turned their heads in shock and looked her up and down a few times before exchanging a glance with each other with strange expressions on their faces.

A: I said Wang Yan is handsome. What did Miaomiao say?

B: I don’t know. It seems like she talked about his goose steps?

Then, they turned back and tried to see the difference between Wang Yan and the other flag bearers as they did goose steps.

After observing for a long time, they couldn’t say which parts Wang Yan did better than the others, but…

He looked more natural with his movements?!

They didn’t know how to describe it. Anyway, it was indeed a little different, but the difference was too small. They had to carefully observe to notice it.

Yeah, careful observation…


What’s happening?!


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