I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 665 - Shopping

After knowing Giselle's plan to trap him, Jack ordered all his men to block Giselle's access so she couldn't get close to him and Anne. Jack was really still playing smooth to deal with Giselle. Jack did this neat thing without Anne knowing. He didn't want Anne to know that he was still intervening against Giselle. With the help of Shane, who was his new source of information, it became easier for Jack to take his next steps, as he and his three confidants were currently on their way to the police station where Frederick was assigned.

Along the way, the conversation the three of them were only about Giselle and her new plan. Alice, who was already very upset with Giselle, continued to curse her without stopping.

"Calm down, Alice, we can't be careless. Everything we do has to be carefully calculated," Nicholas said slowly in response to Alice's words.

"Tsk!? Don't do that. We have to be violent in dealing with a crazy woman like her, no need to beat around the bush. It's a waste of energy," said Alice curtly as she folded her arms across her chest.

Jack smiled faintly. "Are you ready to marry such a chatty Alice, Erick?" Jack asked quietly, trying to change the subject.

Erick, who was drinking his coffee, almost choked because he got an unexpected question from Jack. Luckily, Nicholas gave him water right away.

"Don't ask about that, sir. You will only make our groom-to-be hesitate," said Nicholas quickly teasing Erick.

"Who's the bride-to-be? Erick? When are we going to get married?" Alice curtly asked Nicholas.

"Why aren't you two getting married? Isn't your relationship long?" Jack asked again, pretending not to know what had happened to Erick and Alice.


Erick and Alice snapped at Jack in unison.

Nicholas and Jack immediately burst out laughing at the cohesiveness of the couple of lovers who were in a cold war, even though only yesterday they made up. Erick and Alice really looked like teenagers who had just been dating, fighting a little and keeping quiet about each other even though in the end they were still looking for each other.

Jack and his men's conversation ended when the car that took them arrived at the police station where Frederick was on duty. Previously, Frederick and his men came to Jack's office, now Jack is taking turns visiting him. But this time Jack's goal was not to discuss office matters, but more to personal matters. Jack really wanted to solve Giselle's problem right away, just like when he finished his business with Sophia Higgins. But because Jack remembered his friendship with Giselle, Jack still gave this kind of leniency.

The arrival of Jack and his men suddenly made the atmosphere of the police station noisy, everyone who was in the place suddenly panicked when they saw the most highly respected man in Switzerland suddenly appeared in front of them. Several police officers who had visited Muller Finance International when Jack was accused of sending funds to a terrorist network in the Middle East immediately avoided Jack. They did not want to face Jack because they were afraid and felt guilty because they had wrongly accused him.

Frederick himself was also surprised when he saw the presence of Jack and his men in the office where he was on duty. He even almost cursed at Jack if his boss didn't come straight to Jack and greet him. It was very common for Jack to get when he met government people.

"It's an honor for this police station to have someone as busy as you, Mr. Clarke. Can I help you?" asked the chief of police to Jack, who was already sitting in a very comfortable guest chair, a chair usually occupied by important people who came to the police office.

Jack smiled. "As a good citizen, isn't it a natural thing for me to come, sir? So it seems very excessive if you say that, I don't want anyone to misunderstand me again like a few months ago. At that time, I was accused of treason to country, for sending money to a terrorist organization that was in the Middle East when my office finances were hacked."

The police chief's face immediately paled when he heard Jack's words. His nervous smile immediately grew. Even though he didn't mention names, the bald-headed man knew who the great man sitting in front of him was referring to at this time.

"I-it was a misunderstanding sir, I hope you can understand it. Really, I am also very ashamed of that incident, just so you know, sir, I have given disciplinary action to my subordinates who have led the operation, sir. Really I have taken strict action against him and everyone involved at that time," the police chief replied solemnly.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "You shouldn't have done that, sir. The police who came to my office at the time were doing their job, so there was no need to punish or prosecute them. You should be proud of them for having the courage to act decisively like that, and immediately came to my office indiscriminately. They are honest cops, sir," said Jack softly and sarcastically at Frederick and his men.

"Y-you're exaggerating, sir, really I'm getting more and more uncomfortable. Hmmm About your coming here this time to our office, does it have anything to do with..."

"No, I didn't come this time for that matter. This time I came because I wanted to meet with one of my old school friends, sir." Jack immediately cut off the words of the police chief named Liam quickly.

"Y-your school friend?"

"Yes, Frederick, your subordinate who led the operation at my office at that time was a friend of mine from school, sir."

The face of Liam Bradley, the police chief, who sat in front of Jack grew even paler. He couldn't believe that Jack and Frederick were old friends. Because he didn't want to make Jack wait long, the police chief finally called Frederick directly and let him talk one-on-one with Jack in his room.

* * *

< Bon Genie >

Anne, who was bored at home, took Christian for a walk to the mall. Of course, he didn't go alone. There was Luis and ten members of the Warriors escorting her. Anne took her son to the mall to buy cute knick-knacks for the princess who was still in her stomach. Christian, who couldn't wait to meet his younger sister, also looked very excited. Several times, Christian pointed out various cute pink items for Anne to buy. Anne patiently explained to her son that at this time they were only going to buy a stroller and some cute socks, and were not toys as Christian pointed out.

"Baby, be careful. Don't run like that, you have to walk, dear," said Anne softly warning her son not to run around in the mall.

"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a big brother soon, Mommy!!" Christian protested with his trademark slur.

Anne chuckled as she clutched her stomach. "Okay... okay... big bro, I'm sorry. Be careful, don't run. Mommy and your sister have a hard time chasing you, honey."

"Are you serious, Mom?"

"Yes, your Mommy is serious, Christian," said a man suddenly in response to Christian's words.

Reflexively, Anne, Christian, Luis and the members of the Warriors who were there immediately turned to find out who the figure of the man who had just spoken was.

"Chester," Anne mumbled quietly when she recognized the figure of a man standing not far from her. At the moment, the man was holding his daughter, Charlotte, who was enjoying her candy.

To be continued


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