I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 664 - We Love You

After Anne was full, Jack took her home. He didn't want to keep Anne outside too long, especially when the weather was quite cold. Shane and Jack had a serious conversation again while Anne was washing her hands. From where she was standing now, Anne could even see Shane was patting Jack on the shoulder a few times while talking. Anne was sure that the two men were discussing about Giselle and the reunion she had initiated. Anne was very grateful to be able to meet Shane tonight because she and Jack received important information about Giselle's other plans.

"It's okay, baby, Daddy will still be yours. You don't have to worry, no one will be able to take Daddy away from you, Princess," said Anne softly while stroking her stomach.

During the past 30 minutes when they were eating with the baby in Anne's stomach, it kept kicking from the inside. The baby seemed to be angry with Giselle, who still hadn't given up on teasing her father. Anne, who was in pain, could only hold on as she continued to eat slowly. She didn't want to make Jack worry if she said the baby kept kicking her stomach from the inside.

"Don't worry, you've got us, Jack. Don't worry, that girl won't be able to touch your family," Shane said quietly, closing his conversation when he saw Anne approaching where they were standing now.

Jack just smiled back at Shane because he didn't want Anne to hear their conversation.

"Are you done?" Jack asked quietly as he held out his hand to Anne.

"Yeah, are we going home?"

"Of course, it's time for my daughter to sleep comfortably in bed. Today is a tiring day for her," replied Jack softly with a big smile on his face.

Anne chuckled at Jack's words. She grabbed her smart phone which was on the table and prepared to leave the restaurant with Shane who followed them from behind.

"Come for a visit, Shane. I'm sure Christian will be pleased to meet you," said Anne softly to Shane when they reached the side of the car Nicholas had prepared.

Shane chuckled. "As soon as possible, Anne. But thanks for the invitation."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come," said Anne quickly, grabbing Shane's pinky and hooking her own little finger. "See, we made a pinky promise. So you must come."

Shane burst out laughing at the way Anne made him unable to refuse her invitation. "Okay... okay... Mrs. Clarke, I will definitely come. You take it easy."


Jack shook his head seeing Anne's attitude, he then helped Anne into the car carefully.

"Thanks for coming, Jack," Shane said quietly to Jack who was about to get into the car.

Jack smiled. "I should be the one thanking you. Well then, we're going home. I'm waiting for further information from you, Shane."

"Ready, be careful on the road, Nick."

"Ready Sir."

After saying that, Nicholas then pressed the horn to signal Shane that he was leaving. Shane was still standing where he was with his hands on his hips. He only went back into his restaurant after the car carrying Jack was out of sight. While walking to his private room, Shane was seen talking to someone on the phone, discussing the reunion program initiated by Giselle seriously.

"Why have you been quiet all this time, babe? You're not mad at me, are you?" Jack asked quietly, breaking the silence in the car.

Anne shook her head. "No, why would I be mad at you? After all, you haven't done anything wrong to me, have you?"

"Then why are you silent?"

Anne took a deep breath. "I was just imagining how popular you used to be when you were in school, Jack. I'm pretty sure Giselle isn't the only one who's crazy about you."

"Hahaha... Why do you have to talk about that? Didn't I say that during school I didn't have any feelings for those girls, including Giselle, who was only close to me because I protected her. So you don't have to talk about that matter anymore. It's in the past, I think I fell in love only with you, Anne. My feelings for you are too great, Anne," said Jack quietly, seriously. "I adore you, Anne."

"You sweet-mouthed, please don't talk about nonsense, I want to sleep for a while. I feel like I'm really sleepy right now."

Jack grabbed Anne's head and laid it on his shoulder. "Go to sleep, we still have a long way to go."


Ten seconds later, Anne was fast asleep, the sound of her soft snoring was heard by Jack. Since entering the final months of pregnancy, Anne had indeed become sleepy, especially when she was already full as she was now. Realizing the mistress was asleep, Nicholas slowed the pace of his car, he was very careful to drive the car.

"Don't slow down, Nick. I have to get home soon, I have work to do," said Jack quietly.

"Oh okay, sir."

Nicholas again increased the speed of his car according to his master's instructions. While on the way, Jack did not move at all. He didn't want to wake Anne up. Seeing Anne's peaceful gaze lying on his thigh made Jack very happy. Anne really looked more beautiful in his eyes. Pregnant with a baby girl made Anne's aura of beauty shine even more which sometimes made Jack couldn't help but touch his wife.

"Patience Jack, you were able to make it through three years well. Now you definitely can, it's only a few months left, Jack. You sure can do it, be patient for the sake of your beloved daughter," said Jack in his heart, strengthen himself so as not to be provoked.

Jack's ordeal was finally over when Nicholas' car arrived at his mansion. Jack carefully carried Anne out of the car. Because Anne's stomach was already big, Jack must be careful to carry Anne. He didn't want the princess who was still in Anne's stomach to get hurt.



"Put me down, I can walk on my own."

Jack smiled. "No, you just sleep. I'll take you to your room."

Anne slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jack who was carrying her up the stairs to the main door. "But I'm heavy, Jack. You must be in trouble."

"Your body has changed because you are currently pregnant with my very healthy daughter, so you don't need to talk like that. I love your heart, your true beauty. It's not your face or your body shape, so if you're going to continue like this after giving birth, I'm fine. The most important thing is that you are healthy and the princess who is still in your tummy is comfortable, happy, and perfect when she is born. So don't talk about your weight anymore, I don't like it." Jack replied slowly to Anne's words with a serious tone, even his eyes flashed when he spoke, showing his seriousness.

Anne pursed her lips. "I love you, Daddy. We love you."

"I love you too, Anne. Don't ever doubt my love, even though there is a hurricane that comes to disturb our household, okay? I can't be separated from you anymore, Anne. It's been five years since we've been apart and missed each other, now and forever I just want to be with you, spending the rest of my life in this world with you."

Anne did not respond to Jack's words. She preferred to lay her head on her husband's chest which emitted an intoxicating masculine scent.

To be continued


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