Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 337 Mirror World

Ashton stepped into the Demon Slaying Squad's training grounds, his presence causing the air to shimmer with magic. The trainees stopped their drills and stared at him in awe, their eyes wide with wonder as they took in his regal bearing.

Marcus, the squad leader, strode forward to greet Ashton, his expression serious and respectful. "My Lord," he said, bowing low. "It is an honor to have you grace us with your presence."

'Oops, forgot to mute my aura down.' Ashton inwardly scolded himself for being careless.

He acknowledged Marcus' greetings with a friendly smile. He also nodded to the Trainees who seem flabbergasted by Marcus' sudden show of respect for him.

"Are you busy?" He asked Marcus.

"I'm just about to wrap up the drills for the new trainees, My Lord." Marcus replied stiffly, causing Ashton to wince in awkwardness.

Marcus motioned to the trainees, who immediately resumed their drills, eager to show off their skills to the Archfey. Ashton watched them with a critical eye, nodding occasionally as he observed their techniques.

After a few minutes, Ashton turned to Marcus and said, "You have done well with these trainees. They show great promise."

Marcus bowed again, a hint of pride in his voice as he replied, "Thank you, My Lord. We have been working hard to improve our skills and become better demon slayers."

Ashton nodded in approval before turning to leave. As he walked away, the trainees couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the Archfey. They knew that he was not just any Fey, but a powerful Archfey who commanded respect and admiration from all those around him.

Marcus breathed in relief after seeing Ashton walking away. That was surprising. He would've never expected that Ashton turned out to be an Archfey already!

Ashton told him that he'd like to talk to him in his office after an hour since he had something else to do first. Marcus doesn't really know what for but decided to be there anyway.

After all, the existence of an Archfey demands an incredible amount of respect. It doesn't matter if he was technically Ashton's superior.


After an hour passed...

Marcus sat behind his desk, his expression serious as he watched Ashton enter the room. The Archfey's aura was even more powerful in this enclosed space, causing the air to hum with magic. Marcus stood up and bowed respectfully before motioning for Ashton to take a seat.

"Thank you for seeing me, My Lord," Marcus said, his voice respectful but hesitant.

Ashton smiled warmly, his emerald eyes sparkling with amusement. "Please, there is no need for such formality between us, Marcus. We are colleagues and friends."

Marcus nodded, his expression relaxing slightly at the Archfey's words. "Of course, My Lord...I mean, Ashton."

Ashton chuckled before getting straight to the point. "I have come to speak with you about my plans to cleanse the Mistwood Kingdom of demons."

Marcus raised an eyebrow, surprised by Ashton's sudden announcement. "Alone, My Lord?"

Ashton nodded, his expression serious. "Yes. I believe it is time for me to take matters into my own hands and rid our land of these foul creatures once and for all."

Marcus couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the Archfey's determination and courage. He knew firsthand how dangerous demon slaying could be, and yet Ashton seemed undeterred by the risk.

"I understand your desire to cleanse our land, Ashton," Marcus said, his tone respectful but cautious. "But the demon threat has been growing stronger, and I fear for your safety if you venture out alone."

Ashton smiled reassuringly. "I appreciate your concern, Marcus, but I assure you, I am more than capable of handling myself. Besides, I have faced much greater dangers in my time as a Fey."

"In fact, I've been doing this even before I became an Archfey. It's the true reason why I'm wandering around." Ashton continued.

Marcus nodded, his expression still hesitant. "I understand, Ashton. But please, take caution when you venture out. And if there is anything I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to ask."

Ashton's expression softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Marcus. Your support means a great deal to me."

The two continued to talk for a while longer, discussing strategies and tactics for demon slaying, and exchanging stories of their past battles.

Despite Ashton's new status as an Archfey, their friendship remained as strong as ever, and Marcus knew that he could always count on the powerful Fey for support and guidance.

Ashton knew that this will likely take some time so he gave Marcus some of his unique trinkets to use just in case something happens. After that, Ashton wasted no time and immediately left to do his job.


Ashton ventured deeper into the Forest of Hallucinations, his senses attuned to the dark energy emanating from the demon-infested areas. He had come prepared for battle, armed with his powerful magic and a steely determination to cleanse the land of evil.

The first demon-infested area he encountered was a twisted grove of gnarled trees and twisted vines. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the ground was littered with the bones of unfortunate travelers who had stumbled into this cursed place. Ashton stepped forward, his eyes glowing with magical energy as he prepared to do battle.

With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a torrent of magical energy that engulfed the grove in a blinding light. The demons within screeched in terror and pain as they were blasted into oblivion, their twisted bodies disintegrating into ash.

Ashton remained in the grove for a while longer, using his magic to reinforce the space and prevent the Netherworld from sending its minions to this place ever again. He created a powerful barrier that glowed with an otherworldly light, warding off any would-be invaders.

The second demon-infested area was a dark and foreboding cavern deep beneath the forest floor. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and brimstone, and the ground trembled with the movement of demonic creatures lurking in the shadows.

Ashton remained undaunted, his eyes glowing with determination as he summoned a blast of magical energy that lit up the cavern with a blinding light. The demons screeched in terror as they were disintegrated by the powerful blast, their twisted bodies collapsing into piles of ash.

He continued to explore the demon-infested areas within the Forest of Hallucinations, each time using his powerful magic to cleanse the land and reinforce the spaces with powerful wards and barriers. By the time he was finished, the forest was a much safer place, free from the malevolent influence of the Netherworld and its minions.

But with his success in doing so, Ashton could sense the anger and frustration of the Netherworld's denizens as he continued to cleanse the demon-infested areas of the Forest of Hallucinations. He knew it was only a matter of time before they launched a full-scale attack against him.

One day, as he was finishing up reinforcing the last area of the forest, he decided he had had enough. He was tired of waiting for the demons to come to him, and he wanted to take the fight to them. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he set out for the Netherworld.

Ashton emerged from the portal leading to the Netherworld, his eyes blazing with magical energy as he surveyed his surroundings. He knew he was vastly outnumbered, but he was confident in his abilities. He had become an Archfey for a reason, and he was determined to use his newfound power to rid Elstar of the Netherworld's influence once and for all.

As Ashton made his way through the twisted landscape of the Netherworld, he couldn't help but notice how familiar it all seemed. The dark forests and twisted, gnarled trees looked almost identical to those in the Forest of Hallucinations.

It wasn't until he stumbled upon a clearing, however, that he realized just how closely the two realms were linked. As he stood there, spreading his senses as far as he could, his consciousness touched a special place that gave in and sucked his consciousness in.

He opened his eyes and was shocked to discover that he was looking at a massive, twisted tree, with its gnarled branches reaching up towards the dark sky.

And as Ashton looked closer, he realized that the tree was an exact mirror image of the Tree of Life that stood at the center of Elstar. Only this one seems to be siphoning the vitality of the one on Elstar.

Ashton could feel a sense of foreboding rising within him as he realized the full extent of the connection between the two realms. It was as if the Netherworld was a twisted, corrupted reflection of Elstar, with each place and creature mirrored in some dark, twisted form.

When his consciousness returned to his body, he opened his eyes with a new sense of clarity in them. He now knew that he was standing in the mirror image of the Netherworld.

His senses also discovered the real way to completely get rid of demons once and for all. That has something to do with detaching the Netherworld from Elstar.

"Alright. Let's get to work." He whispered to himself.


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