Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 336 El Tree

He couldn't believe it. Well, to be more specific, he should've expected this, given where he was at, but the thought completely eluded him until now.

Ashton's heart was still racing with excitement as he felt the surge of power flowing through him. He had just ascended to the rank of Archfey, and he could feel the magic coursing through his veins, filling him with a sense of purpose and destiny.

He didn't expect that, as he was trying to spread out his senses to assess the world with a fresh set of perceptions, he would also encounter the existence of something that he had completely forgotten.

He was just searching for the source of the sound when all of a sudden, he saw it...the mythical El-Tree, Elstar's very own World Tree.

The El-Tree is a towering oak tree that stands at the center of Elstar, stretching high into the sky and spreading its branches wide across the land. Its trunk is wide enough for several people to stand side by side, and its roots reach deep into the earth, drawing nourishment and magic from the land itself.

The leaves of the El-Tree are a vibrant green, shimmering in the sunlight and rustling gently in the wind. At the base of the tree, a circle of stones surrounds its massive trunk, and a ring of mushrooms grows around its roots, marking the boundary between the mortal realm and the very realm where it exists.

Ashton sensed the existence of this realm with the heightened perception of an Archfey.

Throughout the year, the El-Tree undergoes a cycle of growth and renewal, shedding its leaves in the fall and sprouting new growth in the spring. During the winter solstice, the faeries of Elstar gather around the El-Tree to sing and dance, celebrating the turning of the seasons and the renewal of life.

Legend has it that the El-Tree is the source of all magic in Elstar, and that its roots hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Those who are brave enough to venture into the depths of the tree may discover hidden chambers and passages, leading to forgotten treasures and ancient knowledge. But beware - the El-Tree is also said to be guarded by powerful spirits and faeries, who will defend it fiercely against any who seek to harm it.

The El Tree's very existence was awe-inspiring, noble, and majestic. It sat at the pinnacle of this world's nature. least, that's how it should've been or what Ashton expected it to be. After all, he was growing an El Tree in his backyard when he was still human. Unfortunately, that's not what he saw here.

Finally, he emerged into a clearing where the El-Tree stood, and his heart sank as he saw the damage that had been done. The tree's leaves were withered and brown, and its trunk was covered in scars and burns as if it had been attacked by a vicious enemy.

The aura of death was thick on the tree. And this does not bode well for Ashton.

As Ashton approached the El-Tree, he could see that it was in a state of great distress. The tree's leaves were dry and brittle, and many of them had already fallen to the ground. The branches that once reached for the sky now drooped heavily, weighed down by the burden of the El-Tree's suffering. couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and despair at the state of the tree. The once majestic tree was now battered and beaten, its trunk scarred with deep gouges and its branches stripped of their leaves.

Ashton placed his hand on the tree's trunk, feeling the rough texture of the bark and the faint pulse of magic that still flickered within. He closed his eyes and focused his power, sending a surge of healing energy into the tree.

As he did so, he could feel the El-Tree responding to his touch, its branches stretching upward and its leaves unfurling with newfound vigor. The withered appearance of the tree began to fade, and Ashton knew that his power was having an effect.

However, even as he worked to heal the El-Tree, Ashton couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration. The damage done to the tree was not a natural occurrence; it was the result of the corruption of the Hypogean Race.

Maybe it's because of the Fey Bloodline coursing through his veins, but the raw anger and sadness he felt cannot be masked no matter what he did.

It was clear to Ashton that the damage inflicted upon the El-Tree was not just physical; it was a reflection of the destruction being wrought upon Elstar by the demons. The very life force of the land was being drained away, and the El-Tree was suffering the brunt of it.

As he placed his hand on the tree's trunk, he could feel the faint pulse of magic that still lingered within. The El-Tree was alive, but barely so. Its energy was sapped, its spirit broken.

He knew that healing this tree cannot be done like this. At most, all he's doing now was just stagnating the damage. He can't even tell if it's going to be effective or not.

As Ashton looked at the withered and beaten El-Tree, a deep sense of urgency washed over him. He realized that he had been complacent, thinking that he had all the time in the world to fulfill his destiny.

But now, as he saw the state of the tree, he knew that he could no longer waste any time. The fate of Elstar rested upon his shoulders, and he could not let the world die.

Ashton's mind raced with thoughts of all the things he needed to do. He had to find allies, gather information, and develop a plan to defeat the demons and save Elstar.

They have caused enough destruction and chaos in the world. It's about time that someone does something against them. The world had suffered enough from their very existence.

The weight of responsibility was heavy upon his shoulders, but he knew that he could not back down. He had a karmic debt to repay, and he was determined to do so no matter what the cost.

If he failed, the consequences would be dire. Not just for Elstar, but for himself as well. His future would be uncertain, and he could not bear the thought of living with the guilt of letting the world die.

Ashton took a deep breath, centering himself, and then began to channel his power into the El-Tree. He knew that it would take time to heal the tree, but he also knew that he could not delay any longer.

Ashton knew that he could not leave the El-Tree in its weakened state. Still, he felt a strong sense of responsibility toward the tree, and he knew that he needed to do something to ensure its safety.

He closed his eyes and focused his power once again, channeling it into the tree. He could feel the energy flowing from him and into the tree, filling it with renewed strength.

Ashton was not able to fully heal the El-Tree, but he knew that he could at least slow down the rate of its decline. He wanted to buy himself enough time to move and heal the world before the demons could cause any more damage.

With a final burst of energy, Ashton released his grip on the tree and stepped back. He looked at the El-Tree with a sense of relief, knowing that he had done what he could aid its current state, even just for a little while.

Ashton then turned his attention to the task ahead. He knew that there was much work to be done if he was to save Elstar from the demons' grip. But he was ready for the challenge, armed with his newfound strength and determination.

With a deep breath, Ashton set off towards his next destination, his mind focused on the task ahead. He was determined to do whatever it takes to repay his karmic debt and save the world from destruction.

And just like that, Ashton's consciousness left the realm where the El Tree rested. He'd be back in the future to keep an eye out for it since he already knew how to go there.

Once his consciousness returned to his body, Ashton opened his eyes to the real world and sighed. The state of El Tree was depressing.

In a sense, it reminds him of Gaia.

Gaia was the personification of the Blue Planet's consciousness. And whatever happens to it will be reflected in Gaia as well. Ashton knew the extent of how much suffering Gaia had endured because of the Celestials and the Hypogeans. The fact that she could still sleep in that state is already a goddamn miracle on its own.

Gaia had suffered worse of course since she was dealing with two races at the same time. However, this doesn't mean that he could just ignore or invalidate what was happening to the El Tree since ultimately, Gaia and the El Tree are two different beings.

Still, that's not what's important here. Now Ashton what was happening, the sense of urgency he felt became stronger.

He knew that he had to re-evaluate his plans.


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