Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 332 Water Sprite

He wasn't expecting that question from a Faery he just met. In truth, Ashton was also slightly embarrassed because he had actually forgotten about it altogether.

Ashton inhaled and said: "I'm a Demon Slayer," he blurted out. "That's why there's so much Demonic Resentment on me. I forgot to cleanse it off."

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" she said. "We have Demon Slayers in this kingdom too. Maybe we could help you."

Ashton was taken aback. He had never met anyone who could understand his line of work. "You have Demon Slayers here?" he said.

Lyra nodded. "Yes, we do. And we also know how important it is to cleanse yourself of Demonic Resentment. It can be a heavy burden to bear."

Ashton felt a weight lift off his shoulders. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had found a place where he belonged. "Thank you," he said, feeling grateful. "But there's no need to. I can get rid of this on my own. I just truly forgot about it since I was too busy."

Lyra just smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "Very well, then. Welcome to the Mistwood Kingdom," she said. "We're glad you're here." And with that, she took his hand and led him into the heart of the faeries' joyful celebration.

She and her other friends danced around him, giggling and leaving sparkling dust everywhere. Ashton chuckled at their antics but this gesture melted the exhaustion he felt during his travels.

It was then that he noticed something in the corner of his eye. He saw a small pond and noticed some movements within. Lyra and her friends went to the pond before he could even ask them anything.

As he came close, he the rest of Lyra's group gathered around a small pond. They were watching intently as a tiny, glowing creature swam in the water.

Curious, Ashton approached the group and asked what was happening. A fey named Elora turned to him and said, "We're watching the birth of a water sprite. It's a rare and beautiful thing to witness."

Ashton looked closer at the glowing creature in the water and saw that it was indeed changing shape, its tiny body elongating and taking on a more humanoid form. As he watched, the water sprite emerged from the pond, its skin shimmering with the same ethereal light as the Mistwood trees.

Elora turned to Ashton and said, "We are the guardians of this pond, and it is our responsibility to protect and care for the creatures that live here. It's a duty that we take very seriously."

Ashton nodded as he heard the fey's sense of responsibility and dedication to their duties. He realized that the inhabitants of the Mistwood Kingdom had a deep respect and reverence for nature and that they saw themselves as its caretakers and protectors.

Moved by what he had witnessed, Ashton asked Elora if there was anything he could do to help. Elora smiled at him and said, "You could help us gather some supplies for the creatures that live in the pond. We need some special plants and berries that grow deep in the forest, and it's not safe for us to go alone."

Ashton agreed to help, eager to contribute to the well-being of the creatures in the pond. He followed Elora and her companions deep into the forest, marveling at the beauty of the trees and the creatures that lived among them.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, Ashton noticed that the air was growing colder and the trees were becoming darker and more ominous. He realized that they had strayed from the well-traveled paths and were now in a more dangerous area.

He frowned and felt that this was odd. This was inside the Mistwood Kingdom, and that didn't make sense.

Just as he was about to voice his concerns, a group of shadowy figures emerged from the trees. They were dark, twisted versions of the fey, with sharp claws and teeth and eyes that glowed with a malevolent light.

Elora and her companions drew their weapons, preparing to defend themselves. Ashton went on alert as well. He didn't expect there to be corrupted fey here.

Just as the shadowy figures were about to attack, a beam of light shot out from Ashton's hand, striking the creatures and driving them back into the shadows.

The fairies were shocked by his sudden attack. He didn't expect him to act quickly with no questions asked. He gathered his strength and focused his will, unleashing a powerful burst of energy that drove the creatures even further back.

The shadowy figures retreated into the darkness, but Ashton didn't like that idea so he immediately used stronger spells to deal with them permanently.

The corrupted fey turned into ash and scattered to the wind. Somehow, Ashton was hoping that they would leave a body behind but it didn't happen. He had a few questions in mind but he thought that he wasn't in a position to ask them now, so he postponed it for later. He turned to Elora and her companions and saw that they were looking at him with a newfound respect and admiration.

"Thank you for ending their suffering." Lyra bowed to him.

"Don't mention it. I just did what I could to protect us." He replied, "But I wasn't expecting a corrupted fey to be lurking around so close."

"That one escaped from the guards." Elora said, "It had made its nest here. We couldn't kill it because it was way too strong and could recover quickly so we just sealed it in this place instead. But it's dead now so I guess we do not need the seal anymore."

He nodded at that and decided to no longer ask any more questions.


Ashton and the faeries had just defeated a corrupted shadow that had been lurking in the forest. Well, it was only Ashton who did the killing but he's accompanied by the Faeries, and that counts.

They then began going deeper into the forest in search of the resources they came here for, the faeries began to gather the magical berries that they needed to assist in the birth of a water sprite.

Ashton watched as the faeries carefully plucked the berries from the bushes, their small hands moving quickly and efficiently. They worked in silence, their concentration focused on the task at hand.

Ashton walked over to Lyra, who was examining a particularly large berry. "What do these berries do, exactly?" he asked.

Lyra looked up at him, her eyes bright with excitement. "These berries are crucial to the birth of a water sprite," she said. "They contain the magic that will help the sprite to form and grow strong."

Ashton nodded, fascinated. He had never heard of such a thing before. "And you need all of these berries for just one sprite?" he asked.

Lyra nodded. "Yes, it's a delicate process," she said. "But it's worth it. Water sprites are powerful allies to have."

Ashton watched as the faeries finished gathering the berries, and then they all made their way back to the water sprite's home. The journey was short, and soon they arrived at a secluded pool of water surrounded by tall trees.

Ashton looked around, taking in his surroundings. The air was thick with magic, and he could feel the power of the water sprite's birth beginning to stir.

Lyra walked up to Ashton and handed him a bowl filled with water. "Here, hold this," she said. "It will help to focus your energy."

He was expecting that he would be included in this but he did what he was asked of anyway. He's also curious about this process they speak of so he might as well do something to help.

Ashton took the bowl and held it in both hands, feeling the coolness of the water seep into his skin. He closed his eyes and focused his mind, trying to channel his energy into the bowl.

The faeries gathered around the water's edge, each one holding a handful of berries. They began to chant softly, their voices blending together in a melodic harmony.

Ashton felt the power of the magic coursing through him, and he knew that something incredible was about to happen. He opened his eyes just in time to see a tiny water sprite emerge from the pool, its form taking shape before his very eyes.

The faeries continued to chant, their energy fueling the sprite's growth. Ashton watched in awe as the sprite grew stronger with each passing moment, its powers expanding and strengthening.

Finally, the faeries stopped chanting, their work complete. The water sprite floated in the pool, its form fully realized and glowing with a bright blue light.

The water in the pond released a faint brilliance under the influence of the Sprite. Its volume also seems to have doubled.

Lyra and the rest of the faeries began dancing around the newly born sprite, playing with it and celebrating its birth with cheers and giggles.

Ashton then saw the sprite looking at him and it gave a grateful look. Ashton smiled and nodded to it, feeling satisfied that he was able to help with the birth of a nature's darling.


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