Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 331 Mistwood Kingdom

Ashton didn't stay at Sylvenvale despite the Guildmaster's convincing. Ashton was determined to fulfill his end of the bargain and nothing could change his mind, the Guildmaster knows that too.

And so, even though it pains him to see Ashton go, cause Sylvenvale would lose a fearsome protector, the guild master had no other choice than to let him go.

Of course, Ashton left something that would protect the city in his disappearance. He hopes that it'll never get to the point where that something get's triggered by another invasion, but at this point? Only time could tell.

After leaving Sylvenvale once more, Ashton traveled for almost a month and arrived at his next destination, which is the Forest of Hallucinations.

The Forest of Hallucinations is a dense, ancient woodland that lies on the border between Syvlenvale and the Mistwood Kingdom. It is a place shrouded in mystery and legend, known to few who dare to venture into its depths.

The trees of the forest are tall and imposing, their trunks covered in a thick layer of moss and vines. The leaves rustle ominously in the slightest breeze, their colors shifting from green to gold to red and back again. The branches twist and turn, their gnarled fingers reaching out to snag unwary travelers.

Ashton had heard stories of the forest's whispered secrets, of the voices that spoke from the trees and the illusions that danced through the air. He knew that many had come before him, only to be driven mad by the forest's enchantments.

The Forest of a Hallucination serves as the first line of defense for the Mistwood Kingdom - Ashton's true destination. He heard that only those who could make their way through the forest and reach its core would be given an audience in the kingdom. And Ashton isn't one to retreat from a challenge.

The forest floor is covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves, their colors vibrant and diverse. As Ashton walked, the leaves crackled underfoot, and the air filled with the scent of damp earth and decaying foliage.

The forest is home to an array of creatures, both natural and supernatural. Small animals scurry through the underbrush, while larger beasts prowl the shadows. The fey are said to hold sway over the forest, and many travelers have reported glimpses of elusive creatures, disappearing into the mist as quickly as they appeared.

Ashton set up camp at the edge of the Forest of Hallucinations, preparing himself for what lay ahead. He had heard many stories of this place, where the trees whispered secrets and the very air was filled with illusions that could drive a person mad.

Despite the danger, Ashton was determined to make it through the forest and continue on his journey to the Mistwood Kingdom. He had a clear goal in mind and he knew that he couldn't let the forest get the better of him.

As the sun began to set, Ashton took a deep breath and stepped into the forest. At first, everything seemed normal. The trees were tall and majestic, and the birds chirped happily in the branches. But as Ashton walked deeper into the forest, things started to change.

The trees began to twist and turn, their bark taking on strange shapes and colors. The birds turned into bizarre creatures with wings of fire and eyes of ice. Ashton could feel his mind starting to wander, his thoughts becoming jumbled and confused.

'Interesting...' Ashton mused as he casually dispelled the illusion.

Illusions of this level were child's play to him. He didn't even need to lift a finger to dispel it. Frankly, he could just ignore them and he'd be completely fine.

As Ashton continued deeper into the forest, the trees began to take on more fantastical forms. Some appeared to be made of ice, while others glowed with a strange, otherworldly light. The birds that perched on the branches were no longer of this world, their feathers shimmering with colors Ashton had never seen before.

As Ashton continued to walk, the illusions became more and more intense. He saw strange creatures and heard voices calling out to him from all directions. But he pressed on, his feet moving forward, not all affected by whatever images the forest tried to feed him to confuse him.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Ashton saw a light in the distance. It was the first sign of the Mistwood Kingdom, and he knew that he had made it through the forest. He wore a thin smile on his face as he did so.

'That was fun.' He told to himself. 'I wished that the illusions had more depth to them but oh well, you can't win them all.'

His thoughts would surely turn anybody who hears them mad. Many Feys had fallen to the weird and captivating illusions of the forest and yet here he was, wishing that the illusions were more realistic.

Shaking his head, Ashton approached the core of the forest with confidence. The challenge of the forest was already over, and he passed with flying colors. All that's left is for him to enter the Mistwood Kingdom.

As he entered the heart of the forest, Ashton saw a group of Fey standing guard at the entrance to the Mistwood Kingdom. They were tall and lithe, with pointed ears and delicate features. They wore clothes made from leaves and bark, and their eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint.

The Fey stepped forward, blocking Ashton's path. They asked him who he was and what his business was in the Mistwood Kingdom. Ashton introduced himself as a wandering mage, explaining that he was on a journey of discovery and seeking to expand his knowledge of the world.

The Fey looked at Ashton skeptically, eyeing him up and down. They asked him a series of questions, testing his knowledge and his intentions. They wanted to make sure that he was not a threat to their kingdom or to the balance of nature that they protected.

Ashton answered the questions to the best of his ability, trying to stay calm despite the intense scrutiny. He knew that the Fey were not to be trifled with, and that any misstep could lead to dire consequences.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the Fey seemed to be satisfied. They stepped aside, allowing Ashton to pass through the entrance to the Mistwood Kingdom.


Ashton marveled at the beauty of the Mistwood Kingdom as he walked through its lush forests and meadows. The trees here were unlike any he had ever seen before, with trunks that shimmered like silver and leaves that glowed with a soft, ethereal light. The branches of the trees seemed to reach up to the sky, as if trying to touch the stars themselves.

The meadows were dotted with wildflowers of every color, and Ashton could see small animals darting about, enjoying the freedom and abundance of the kingdom. The air was sweet with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and Ashton felt his senses come alive with the beauty of the natural world.

The Mistwood Kingdom was a place of magic and wonder, where the boundaries between the physical world and the realm of the fey seemed to blur. Ashton caught glimpses of fey creatures darting between the trees, their movements graceful and otherworldly. He saw small streams and waterfalls, their waters crystal clear and inviting.

Ashton was amazed by the architecture of the kingdom as well. The structures here were unlike anything he had seen before, with intricate designs and beautiful, flowing shapes that seemed to be born of the forest itself. The buildings were constructed from wood, stone, and other natural materials, with decorations of flowers and vines adding to their beauty.

As Ashton continued to explore the Mistwood Kingdom, he discovered more and more secrets that lay hidden within its borders. He learned of ancient ruins that lay buried beneath the forest floor, of hidden paths and secret gardens that only the fey knew of.

Later that day, Ashton was wandering through a clearing when he heard the sound of music. He followed the sound, and soon came upon a group of fey playing instruments made from leaves and twigs. They were dancing and laughing, caught up in the joy of the moment.

Ashton watched them for a while, feeling a sense of wonder at the beauty of their music and their movements. He was so caught up in the moment that he did not notice the approach of a small, winged fey until she landed on his shoulder.

"Hello, traveler," she said, her voice musical and light. "Are you enjoying our music?"

Ashton turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden appearance. "Yes, it's beautiful," he replied.

The fey smiled at him. "I'm glad you like it. My name is Lyra. What brings you to our kingdom?"

Ashton explained that he was a wandering mage, seeking to explore the wonders of the world. Lyra listened attentively, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"I see." Lyra nodded after hearing his explanation. "But, I'm rather curious about one thing, Traveller."

Lyra got off from his shoulder and hovered in front of his face.

"Why are you carrying an ocean's worth of Demonic Resentment behind you?"


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