I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 22: Finish


Garfield looked at Kurokawa and Ya who picked up the pistol, his head was dizzy for a while, and then the force passed out directly...

Indeed, he should have used the pistol first, and it is impossible for ordinary people to avoid bullets, but.

That is, his dignity as a magician...

His magic ability is very poor, so he thought of a way to increase his magic power by this method...

The magic dress he made is indeed filled with gasoline, but there is no device for igniting the fire. The device for igniting the fire relies on his magic power...

In this way, I can use a small amount of magic power each time to unleash a powerful magic... and this kind of flame contains magic power, which is also a good attack method for some magicians who are not close enough. , but what he didn't think about was that this person was so flexible, and he was so agile even though he looked so big.

Failed... In the end, I still failed...

It's... ugly.

Kurokawa and Mi checked the bullets after picking up the pistol. In that dream world, he was already fully used to how to use the pistol, and... the feeling of being aimed by the gun.

The moment Garfield took out the gun, he felt the familiar sense of crisis, so he directly punched him **** the forehead.Fiind upd𝒂ted 𝒏ovels on n𝒐/v/elbin(.)co/m

The mask was slightly cracked under this punch.

Taking off the mask and taking a closer look, what fell on the ground was a man whose hair was half gray... He looked about sixty or seventy years old.

In fact, Garfield is only thirty-six years old this year...

He dedicated everything to magic, just like his own aptitude, he achieved nothing, but this is the real situation of magicians in this world.

Giving doesn't mean getting something in return...

It might just be a blank slate...


Kurokawa and Mi fired a shot at the ceiling, and then, amidst the yelling of the children in the room, they said to those dazed...no, it should be said that they looked stupid: "Don't act rashly!"

After a while, the police came.

The chaos here is over, and until the end, those people didn't have the slightest thought of resisting or escaping. They just stood there like a fool, which made Kurokawa and Mi a little puzzled...

Is this how criminals end up? Or is it because the faith of these people has disappeared?

"Maybe it can be drawn in comics? No, no, readers shouldn't believe that criminals will end up like this." Things calmed down, and Kurokawa and Ya also had time to think about the effect of applying these things to comics .

"elder brother."

"How's it going? Kazumi."

"Well, I'm fine."

Looking at their younger sister, Kurokawa and Mi nodded in satisfaction, neither crying nor fussing...well, not bad.

"However, speaking of which, how did they get in?" Kurokawa Kazuya asked after thinking about it.

"It seems to have opened the door directly..." Kazumi tilted her head and thought for a while: "Maybe there is a door key?"

"Well... this matter also needs to be paid attention to, but for the time being, this matter has come to an end. Okay, let's go, our journey has just begun, right? Or are you already scared so you want to go back?"

"Continue!" Kurokawa Kazumi said without hesitation, even her eyes lit up.

"Haha, sure enough, you are still as courageous as ever."


"That person...did he do it?" Emiya Kiritsugu, who was about to leave London and return to Einzbern, looked at the news in the newspaper and smiled slightly...

He didn't shoot at that time...

There are two reasons, one is downtown and the other is London.

It doesn't matter if it's just a downtown area, I can use magic to fool it, but it's still London... Once I do it myself, it is very likely that others will know the information that "the magician killer has been to London", which is very important for him to obtain information. disadvantage.

But... in the future, I guess there will be no chance to meet him...

Emiya Kiritsugu casually put down the newspaper and didn't think about his affairs, but put his mind on how to win the Holy Grail War.


His eyes were on a store beside him.

"Before you go back... take some gifts for Elijah."


"Speaking of which, I heard that your "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" will change the protagonist?"

Takeshi Mogi, who belongs to another team of the JUMC editorial department, suddenly turned his head and said to Yu Iwamoto, who was reviewing the manuscript.

"Ah, that's right, the main character will change after the end of this one, and Jonathan Joestar will usher in the end with death."

"No way?" Fortunately, he didn't drink any water, otherwise Takeshi Motegi felt that he could spit it out.

"Well... that's true." Iwamoto Yu thought for a while and said: "Anyway, this part is coming to an end, so there is no need to hide it, but it's just that there is no need to hide it inside the editorial department, so don't say it. Get out."

"Yes, I understand, tell me quickly, how did Jonathan die?" Takeshi Mogi asked quickly, he actually liked the comic "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" very much. Especially recently, the painting style has changed drastically, as well as the various efforts of the BOSS Dior inside, and the death of Zeppelin, which caused a sensation some time ago.

This middle-aged man who knew he was going to die but still rushed forward without hesitation showed his charm at the end. After handing over everything to JOJO, he died gloriously. At that moment, he felt the essence of this comic. Different, and this hymn of human beings, he was also attracted to become a fan of this comic "JOJO".

"Could it be that Dior killed it?" Takeshi Mogi couldn't wait to know the following plot, he was extremely envious of Iwamoto Yuu being able to become Kurokawa Kazuya's editor.

Because of this manga, Yu Iwamoto is likely to be on the verge of success, and what a blessing it is to be able to see the original manuscript of "JOJO" for the first time!

Why did he choose to be an editor? Isn't it because of the love for comics!

"Uh...you really want to know?" Iwamoto Yuu sighed: "Spoiler or something...you know it too? You won't hit me then, will you?"

"Haha, how is it possible, you and I...forget it." Takeshi Mogi thought for a while and decided to forget it: "I'll see for myself when the time comes, it's really not good to know in advance..."

"Hi, this is the Shonen JUMC editorial department, huh? Mrs. Kurokawa? Ah...So the school's spring break is coming...Yes...Yes, I see, I have nothing to do tonight Send it to you, cat. Yes... yes, ah, it's nothing, after all, I can't help anything as an editor, these should be... yes, I know."

"Teacher Kurokawa's phone number?" Takeshi Mogi looked at Yu Iwamoto who hung up the phone and said.

"Ah, yes, some time ago he went abroad to travel and raised the cat at my house. I will send it to him later."

"So strong..."

"Oh? What?"

"Evidently in the middle of serialization, but still able to continue to update the manga artist in the case of going out to play for a month... so strong."

"Ah... ah, yes..." Iwamoto Yu laughed... I can't say that he has already finished drawing in the next few years, and is slowly preparing other new comics, and It has already started to be serialized in other magazines of Yourongshe...

"Not much to say, I'm going to send the cat back after processing the manuscript in my hand."

For him, the most important thing now is to get things done with Kurokawa and Mi, which is a ladder that will allow him to keep going up.


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