I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 21: magic

Nine people... Even if they were all a mob like before, it would be very difficult to deal with.

Want to face more than ten people alone like in the comics...

Even if he is an ordinary person, he may not be able to do it, but—he must not lose his momentum, he is very clear about this, once he shows cowardice, it will give them courage and put him in a more unfavorable form.

And now—

Faced with such a situation, the best way is to catch the "leader"!

That is, the one who is wearing a black robe and a mask as if he has no face—

Think and do it!

Kurokawa and Mi suddenly rushed towards him—

"Hmph, that's too arrogant!" Garfield looked at Kurokawa and Mi and said, "It is true that generally speaking, this is the right choice, but... that's fine—let me show you my magic tricks."


Kurokawa and Mi's heart beat violently!


I also met Emiya Kiritsugu before, although it is possible that he in this world is just an ordinary killer, not a magician killer or something. But there is another possibility, the world has concealed its own mystery from itself, and that person is the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu—

And now, the person in front of him said something about "magic".

That's right, it would be better if he said magic... Generally speaking, the public's perception of magic can be summed up in a few words.

The words "juggling" are enough.

However, it is different in the Xingyue world. The magician at this time is almost equivalent to the existence of "magicians" in other worlds, and the "magicians" in this world have touched the world to some extent. The existence of the roots—Th.ê most uptodat𝓮 n𝒐vels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

At this moment, he thought a lot in his mind, could it be that this world is really a moon world, and the person in front of him is a magician of the moon world, right?

Then if this is the case, the Yuansaka and Liangyi's house that I went to before deliberately concealed the "mystery" from me!

The next moment, the black-robed man in front of him picked up the staff in his hand and pointed it at himself.

The people who were about to rush up at the side stopped, looking expectantly at the "magic technique" used by this "god envoy". The look is very respectful, as if waiting for the gods to descend.

boom---! !

Agni appeared out of thin air!

"This is magic???" Kurokawa and Mi's expressions changed.

"elder brother-!"

"It's amazing! You are indeed the envoy of God!" Several people nearby said like booing.

Garfield looked at Kurokawa Kazuya: "Have you avoided it? Not bad skill, so let me give you a chance."

Garfield said to Kurokawa and Mi: "Give you a chance to join my subordinates and bring back a child under the age of fifteen within two hours, then I will spare you and your sister how?"

Touching his hair that seemed a little scorched, Kurokawa and Mi smiled instead: "What if I say no?"

"...Then go die! Under the flames of my god's destruction of the world!"

"Mieshi? Are you talking about the little flame just now?" Kurokawa and Mi said as they rushed towards Garfield!

"Kill him! My lord envoy!"

"Yeah, kill him, kill this disrespectful person!"

The brainwashed people were shouting, probably out of trust in the envoy, thinking that it was impossible for the envoy to lose, and they had no intention of rushing to help.

The complexion under Garfield's mask was a bit ugly, but he still picked up the staff in his hand and waved a flame—

"Dodged again?"

Garfield frowned watching Kurokawa and Ya's actions. Although he didn't dodge completely this time, he took off his sleeve and threw it away as soon as the flame reached his sleeve, which even prevented the flame from spreading to a certain extent.

Seeing Kurokawa and Mi approaching constantly, Garfield couldn't help taking a step back.

The face under the mask turned blue and white, as if he had been insulted: "It's just an ordinary person, don't be too arrogant!"

"It's you who are arrogant."

Kurokawa and Ya had already leaned in front of Garfield and said.

"You bastard... what are you doing! Hurry up!" Garfield thought of the other people around him at this time, but it was already too late—!



Kurokawa and Mi slammed his right arm with one hand, and there was a crisp sound as if something was broken...

Then... a few drops of water-like liquid dripped from his right arm.

"Sure enough... I felt strange about the flames at the beginning... Sure enough, it seems that I was right. What kind of envoy! It turned out to be just a liar."

"you you..."

Asking about the smell of gasoline in the air, Kurokawa and Mi frowned slightly.

When the flame came out just now, he smelled a slight smell of gasoline... Now it seems...

Ah, he is suspicious.

Sure enough, this world is a world without any mysteries?

However, the masked man in front of him was a "magician" as he himself said. Of course not the kind of magician in the Xingyue world, but a magician who can do tricks for people...

It's just that this person put the magic that magicians usually use to cover people's eyes and ears on the attack.

Conjuring magic with oil and lighters by hiding magic devices under black robes...

In this case, it can be explained, asking why the ones I met were all weak guys... It's completely because of the rabble, after all... Guys who can be deceived by this level of magic are nothing special in themselves place.

And this fellow can only deceive these people with his inferior magic tricks.

It is estimated that after this guy is going to arrest these children, he is thinking of a way to use his own magic means to confuse them, and then sell them for money or something.

Low-level traffickers.

"Don't underestimate people—!!" At this moment, Garfield saw in Kurokawa and Mi's faces, the eyes of other magicians looking at him... that look of contempt...

But ah... After all, this guy is not even a magician, not even qualified to step into the threshold of this world! What right do you have to act so...so recklessly in front of him!


The next moment, Kurokawa and Mi punched him heavily on the head, and Garfield felt his brain go dizzy, and the thing he was going to take out fell to the ground without holding onto it.

It was a pistol.

"Pistol? Tsk...it's really dangerous, there's such a thing hidden..."

However, in this way, one thing can be confirmed... Sure enough, there are no magicians, and even if there are, they should be such dirty and scary things.

It seems that Emiya Kiritsugu should also be just an ordinary killer.

In this case, I will feel at ease.

However, why does this guy still use this third-rate method even though he has a gun? Is it to maintain his dignity as a "God Envoy"? Want to play a full set?


Kurokawa and Ya picked up the pistol, checked the bullets, and fired a shot at the ceiling.

Anyway, even if this guy shot himself before, he would have been injured at most, but now...

Look at those nine people.

Kurokawa Kazuya looked at the gun in his hand and smiled.

In this case, you will be completely at ease.


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