I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead's Child

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: The Silkworm Road [3]

Xiao Ling’s paper crane had ignited.

Zhang YuShui quickly sealed the little fatghost in Xiao Jiang’s bell. He took out another paper crane, a red thread, andwrapped one end around the foot of the paper crane, and the other end aroundhis own little finger. As soon as he was tied up, the paper crane burst intoflames and soon disappeared along with the red thread.

“Take a taxi downstairs.” Zhang YuShuisaid.

Li Shu took Xiao Jiang in his arms and ZhangQiu followed downstairs before they took a taxi. Zhang Yushui was sitting inthe co-driver’s seat and the driver asked where to go. Zhang Yushui pointed hislittle finger and said, “Go straight.”

The driver wondered how strange it was tosee these three big men and a child.

Xiao Jiang held Zhang Qiu’s arm and saw thatthe driver in front had been looking at him via the mirror, he felt somewhatunhappy, causisg the tiger teeth to appear. Zhang Qiu patted his son’s head.Xiao Jiang called out Daddy obediently, and the driver in front of him tookback his eyes.

It turned out that young handsome guy wasthe little boy’s Daddy. He was really young.

Xiao Jiang swayed his legs while pulling onZhang Qiu’s sleeve. “Daddy, I haven’t seen the movie, and my dessert wasforgotten by big Daddy.”

“I will take you when we’re done withthis.” At the side, Li Shu opened his mouth lightly.

Xiao Jiang did not actually wanted to gonow, he just wanted to act like a spoiled child with Daddy. He was angry aboutbeing under the bed in the morning. When he heard big Daddy coaxing him, heshowed his dimples happily. He nodded his head nicely and stopped talking.

The taxi driver looked in the mirror at arow behind his eyes. It was a real confusion of a relationship.

“Drive carefully.” was Li Shu’scold voice.

The driver looked at the pretty man in theback row via the mirror and his heart felt cold. He did not dare to think ofanything and concentrated on driving.

“Turn left.”

“Dude, where on earth are you going?Turning left needs lane shift ahead of time, it’s hard for me to drive likethat...” The driver complained very resentfully from the bottom of hisheart, but he still turned left.

Zhang Qiu knew that Erge was actuallyfollowing the paper crane as a guide, but the driver was also right. He said aspeacemaker, “Mister, you follow his words and we’ll pay more when we getto the destination.”

“Pay however much, but it is not amatter of money. You make it difficult for me to drive, and easy to getviolation tickets. Messing up, this year how can I...”

“Ten times the price; shut up anddrive.” Was Li Shu’s cold voice.

The driver was not satisfied with the man’sattitude, but he was too frightened to say anything more when he thought of thecold eyes.

From the city to the suburbs, with fewer cars,the driver drove faster. Zhang YuShui looked at the surrounding mountains andasked, “Where is it?”

“Villa area, where rich peoplelive.”

Following the loop of the mountain road, continuouslygoing up until the villa area at the highest point, Zhang YuShui called for astop. The driver clicked his tongue, “Turns out to be Gao Household. Doyou want me to wait for you to go down the mountain? But since you all come toGao Household, maybe you are going back in a luxury car..... “

“Song Bao, pay him.” Li Shu gotoff with Xiao Jiang in his arms.

Zhang Qiu looked at the meter; it was nearly300 Yuan. The driver turned to Zhang Qiu and pointed to Li Shu outside.“Ten times as he said. I ran several red lights and I still have to paythe tickets, which is not expensive...”

“Brother, I didn’t say no. Is Wechatpayokay?” To have carrying much cash would be a wonder to him.

No matter how the money was being paid, thedriver was certainly happy. Seeing the mobile money transfer was really 3000, hewas so happy that even the wrinkles on his face appeared. He kindly reminded,“Gao Household is a black-hearted businessmen, you should be careful whendealing with them.”

The taxi turned around and went down themountain very quickly, as if there was something at the gate of Gao Householdthat it ran away very fast.

Zhang Qiu stood in front of the golden-brightiron gate. Through the cracks, the trees rustle and he could see the whiteEuropean architecture faintly. He could not help asking Erge, “How can weget in now?”

“Gao Family!” Zhang YuShuimurmured and reached for the mobile phone and dialed. Zhang Qiu heard that hewas calling Big MaoGe and hung up after a few words. Then he saw Erge’s leisuresmile. “Ring the doorbell!”

Zhang Qiu looked at Erge, who was making asolemn vow that he would not be driven away when he rang the doorbell.Therefore, he rang the doorbell, and soon got through to the maid.

“Trouble you to pass on that it’s ZhangSanLian of Suzhou.”

As Zhang YuShui finished saying, the otherparty hung up and he turned to see his younger brother. He smiled and said,“No other way, I’m not so famous. I still have to rely on father’sprestige to get ahead occasionally when I come out.”

They stood at the gate for twenty minutes,but there was no movement inside. Li Shu had a cold face and was as cool asair-conditioned.

Zhang YuShui shook his head and said,“When Gao Family came to invite father, they were refused entry, and todaythey return it back.”

“If we wait, I’m afraid Xiao Ling can’thold up. What’s the matter with him, Erge?” Zhang Qiu asked.

“At present, his spirit is weak, but itstill can support him for some time. After we go inside, we’ll see.” Assoon as Zhang YuShui finished saying, the big iron door clicked open, and amaid came in far away and asked them get inside.

The villa was very elegant. The flowers andtrees around it were exquisite and beautiful. A fountain was built in themiddle of the villa. Zhang YuShui nodded repeatedly all the way. “Thisplace is well laid out. It’s an expert’s handwriting; to make money and haveprosperous heir.”

The architectural style was European, andthe interior decoration was magnificent. Zhang Qiu’s eyes were blinded when heentered the door. The saying beautiful really meant beautiful. This was a localtyrant, particularly that kind of a local tyrant. There were many golden colorseverywhere. Zhang Qiu could point out a few valuable antique paintings.

Who knew if it was authentic or fake?

“Authentic.” Zhang YuShui nodded.There were only a few of them in the living room. The maid went to invite theowner. There was no need to worry about anything, so he said directly,“Gao Household is a real estate tycoon who has risen in Chengdu in thepast ten years. I heard that Gao ZhiHao likes collecting antiques the best, andthe quality of its color and lustre does not look like it is fake.”

As he spoke, there was a loud laughtercoming from the stairs. Zhang Qiu turned his head to see that it was amiddle-aged man in his forties. He was not very tall, with a big belly and aplain appearance. He wore a thick gold chain around his neck and a printed silkshirt. Zhang Qiu also saw the same thing when he packed Qi Xi’s luggage.

Zhang YuShui smiled and whispered, “GaoZhiHao.”

Gao ZhiHao approached quickly, laughingespecially like an elder who had known them for many years. “Is it XiaoZhang? Hiyah, it’s really a good-looking person. I didn’t expect you to come toChengdu. If I knew you were coming to Chengdu to play, I would have greeted youearlier and sent someone to pick you up.”

Zhang Qiu would have thought that Gao Familyand Zhang Family were family friends and had a deep feeling if he hadn’t heardErge say Big Uncle had refused the other party.

“Mr. Gao, I’m Zhang YuShui. This is my youngerbrother Zhang Qiu, my friend Li Shu and Xiao Jiang.” Zhang Yushui gave abrief introduction and found that when introducing Li Shu, the smile in theother side’s eyes was a little more sincere than that just now.

“Li Shu? It’s a very special name; a goodname, such a good name.” Gao ZhiHao looked at Li Shu’s appearanceseamlessly. Such a name should be the Li Shu mentioned on the line [underworld].His smile deepened and he laughed. “My left eyelid had been jumping earlythis morning. It appeared that noble people came to drop in. Come and take asit.”

Gao Household’s sofa was a little high. XiaoJiang’s legs were short that he couldn’t climb on properly. Xiao Jiang stillneeded his face [pride] in front of outsiders. So he pulled on Li Shu’s hand.Needless to say, Li Shu took Xiao Jiang to the sofa with one hand. Xiao Jiangswayed his legs satisfactorily.

Gao ZhiHao saw and said with a smile,“This little friend Xiao Jiang is really cute. Sister Wang, go bring outthe snacks at home. We adults will talk about things and our little friend willbe bored sitting. Let’s have Xiao Jie come out and play with this littlebrother outside.”

Sister Wang was the maid. Soon there weremany snacks on the tea table. Zhang Qiu knew that all the packages were imported.Xiao Jiang was obviously ravenous but keeping a straight face pretending to belittle adult. Upon seeing this, Gao ZhiHao looked at Li Shu, and laughedhappily. “This little friend is taught well!”

“Yes.” Li Shu heard it and hisface softened.

Zhang Qiu felt that Gao ZhiHao had quite theskill to talk. At first, Li Shu was a little angry when he was waiting for theother party. Now, with a few words of praise to Xiao Jiang, they were on goodterms than the direct praise to Li Shu. Not to mention the whole process ofsmiling and laughing, neither big nor small was snubbed, and the wholeatmosphere was driven by one person.

After a while, a 16-17 years old teenagercame down the stairs. His eyebrows and eyes hid the dash of a teenager. Hisface was wild and intractable. He called Gao ZhiHao ’Dad’ languidly. Gao ZhiHaolooked back. Zhang Qiu did not notice Gao ZhiHao’s expression. However, hefound that the languidness of the teenager just converged and became somewhatobedient.

“My son Xiao Jie. Come, Xiao Jie. Youtake little brother to play. Be careful not to fall.” Gao ZhiHao looked atXiao Jiang kindly and cheerfully. “Little friend, go to play with bigbrother. There’s a small amusement park in the back garden of Uncle’s house.It’s fun.”

Xiao Jiang turned to Zhang Qiu. Zhang Qiucould not help paying attention. Xiao Ling had an accident at this home, itshould be dangerous here, but looking at Gao ZhiHao’s appearance, there shouldbe something he wants to tell them. As he was just thinking about it, next tohim, Zhang Yushui, laughed and said, “You have a good time with bigbrother and come back when you are tired.”

“Xiao Jie, brings snacks to littlebrother. Go and play!” Gao ZhiHao waved his son away.

Xiao Jiang showed his dimples as he smiled.He slipped down from the sofa somewhat craftily and pitter-patter as he walkedin front. Xiao Jie walked with snack packages while Gao ZhiHao was telling himnot to fall down and take good care of the little brother.

When they left, Gao ZhiHao chatted a fewmore sentences, such as to give his respects to Zhang Sanlian, health and soon. Seeing that Zhang Qiu and the others were not a group of people with socialniceties and polite greetings, Gao ZhiHao smiled, “I won’t talk modestly.At that time, I asked Great Master Zhang to help me read Feng Shui, but it wasimpossible for me to see him. Today, Brother Xiao Zhang came to visit me, I’mvery happy. No matter what you’re here for today, there’s something I want totrouble you with.”

“Oh?” Zhang YuShui answered with asmile.

Gao ZhiHao said, “I got a treasure afew days ago. I’ve been having nightmares these days. I want to ask BrotherZhang for help; requesting for safety [at peace] talisman or something. Theprice is up to you.”

Zhang Qiu thought it was something, for GaoZhiHao to let Xiao Jiang out, but he did not expect that it was only asking forsafety talisman, so he could not help but be a little disappointed.

“Mr. Gao wants to ask for a safetytalisman, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll send it to you after I get backto draw it.” Zhang YuShui answered with glee.

Upon seeing Zhang YuShui appeared to help ingreat hurry, Gao ZhiHao said happily, “How would I have the cheek to letyou send it personally. Which hotel does Brother Zhang staying at? I’lldispatch someone to pick it up.”

Zhang YuShui reported the name of the hotel.Zhang Qiu noticed that the smile radiating on Gao ZhiHao’s face had turned cold.He began to speak but hesitating before saying, “Why do you stay in this hotel——”

“What’s wrong with this hotel?”Zhang Qiu thought that the hotel was very good, as the location was convenient,it was quiet and the service was good, too.

“It’s not me, but the people from thesame trade that supplanted to say these. This hotel is an old local brand.Everything is good. Only one thing is that it’s easy to get bad luck.” GaoZhiHao said halfway and stopped suddenly, before he laughed and said, “Let’snot say these things, what is there to be scared of when there is Brother Zhang?”

Into the living room came brisk footsteps.Zhang Qiu knew Xiao Jiang was coming without looking at it.

Wearing small leather shoes, Xiao Jiangclattered into Zhang Qiu’s bosom, showing his tiger’s teeth while actingspoiled and said he wants to go home.

Zhang Qiu seldom saw Xiao Jiang acting socoquettishly in front of outsiders. He guessed something happened. Gao ZhiHaoshowed regret when he saw this. “I still want to keep you for dinner, butthe little friend is shy with strangers so I won’t keep you here.” At thispoint, Gao ZhiHao looked at Li Shu, then looked away, laughed and said,“It’s just a coincidence that I’m going to have a party at home in twodays. When the time comes, I ask the gentlemen to give face [give the honor byattending].”

“Well, I’ll send the safety talismanalong.” Zhang YuShui agreed.

Gao ZhiHao also looked at Li Shu next to himand saw Li Shu nodded his head. He happily sent them out in person and sent thedriver to see them off.

There were very quiet the whole way. Aftergetting out of the car and returning to the hotel, Xiao Jiang showed his littletiger’s teeth while his face asking for praise as he waved his wrist. “BigBrother Xiao Ling is inside, I found him!”

Only after Zhang YuShui took out a congealsoul talisman, did Xiao Ling dared to come out of the bell. He was almosttransparent, but he was very excited to see them. “Big Brother Zhang,please help my young master.”

Why is there another young master? Zhang Qiu wasconfused and listened to Xiao Ling’s story.

Xiao Ling was an orphan who was adopted bythe Lin family when he was eight years old. The Lin family was a veteran realestate tycoon in Chengdu. The hotel they were staying and the cinema where theaccident happened in the morning were all Lin family’s industries. According toXiao Ling, he could not rest assured about his young master. This time, hewanted to go back and have a look. Unexpectedly, the originally strong and healthyYoung Master Lin suddenly became ill. Xiao Ling could see that Young Master Linwas surrounded by dark qi. He was a ghost and could guess what this was.

Xiao Ling found the Gao Household after allthe bad luck that kept pouring into Lin Household. He was caught by a foreignman as soon as he entered. He ignited the paper crane and only able to escapeafter he covered the congeal soul talisman. However, his spirit was too fragileto move around. He was only huddled in the greenhouse and sundry room, and waslater brought back by Xiao Jiang.

“Foreign man? Which country?”

“He’s speaking Thai.” Xiao Lingwas not sure. That man mixed with not fully proficient Chinese language andlooked like an old man. He would not recognize it if he did not occasionallyspeak two Thai sentences.

Zhang YuShui nodded. “Your young masteris subjected to some kind of dark mark, such as ghost trick and bad luck. Idon’t know much about it, but when it reaches to our place, it has to abide byour rules. Such a cruel means cannot be left behind.”

Xiao Ling was very happy to hear that. ZhangYushui saw Xiao Ling’s spirit was falling apart, but he (Xiao Ling) didn’tworry about himself at all. Instead, he worried about Lin family’s young master.Plus, what decade were you living in? Xiao Ling had shouted ’my family’s youngmaster’. Zhang Yushui could not help but glance at Xiao Ling with a smile. “XiaoLing, it couldn’t be that you like your family’s young master, right?”

Without waiting for Xiao Ling to speak,Zhang Qiu knew the guess was right. Clearly, a ghost did not blush, but hecould see Xiao Ling’s shyness and embarrassment.

“No, no. Don’t talk nonsense. Youngmaster is going to get married and have children.” Xiao Ling quickly wavedhis hand and explained, “I’m just worried about him. If he’s all right, Ican safely reincarnate.” At this point, Xiao Ling himself did not noticethe gloom on his face.

Zhang Qiu did not make fun of him. Afterall, not everyone could accept a ghost, or a male ghost at that. Perhaps, itwas best for Xiao Ling to forget the past and be reborn.

Xiao Ling was badly hurt. Zhang Qiu askedPei Qing to borrow spirit bead. Pei Qing listened to what happened to them todayand said enthusiastically, “There is no code of brotherhood when you didn’tinvite me to this kind of bustling thing. Tomorrow I’m going to Lin Householdtoo.”

Zhang Qiu thought: you are mating all day,who dares to disturb your papapa withlittle Ling Dang ah!

But it was not a bad thing to have morepeople. The more the merrier.

The next day, Zhang YuShui had to send the littlefat ghost home first. Xiao Jiang was so tired of the crying little fat ghostthat he could not stop himself to eat the little fat ghost if he did not sendit away.

“Where is your home?”

The little fat ghost did not cry when heheard that they were going to send him home. He reported the address happilywith tears in his eyes.

Zhang Qiu heard it and said, “It’s really a coincidence. There are so many rich people, all of whom piled up on a mountaintop.”

This little fat ghost’s house was also in the mountain villas of Gao Household and Lin Household.

There is an author’s note about Erge’s and Ersao’s past lives. It is quite long actually, 3 pages, and very explicit. I’m sorry that I won’t translate that for the time being (fingers crossed).

> Chapter 70


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