I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead's Child

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: The Silkworm Road [2]

Xiao Jiang’s mood was not very high in themorning. Zhang Qiu had asked him for half a day but nothing was uttered, andonly held Xiao Jiang high and kissed him.

“Daddy, I’ve grown up.” Xiao Jiangsaid with some displeasure that the tiger’s teeth appeared.

Zhang Qiu kissed again, smiled and said,“That’s not what your eyes said.”

Xiao Jiang was exposed by Daddy and feltawkwardly embarrassed. Finally, keeping a straight face, he said in a veryserious manner. “Then, after I grow up a little bit, Daddy can’t kissanymore.”

“Well, then you can kiss your wife.” Zhang Qiu casually said. Boys could be so huggable and amusing when they were young but not until a few years later, their temper would be very bad in adolescence. He thought of that moment which was really like cats and dogs. His Dad chased after him all day long holding a sole of a shoe to beat him.

After changing clothes, Zhang Qiu saw XiaoJiang furtively glanced at Li Shu. He reached out and put Xiao Jiang in hisarms into Li Shu’s hands. While smiling, he said, “Help hold him or awhile. This boy is getting heavier and heavier now.”

“Xiao Jiang is not fat.” XiaoJiang grunted unhappily.

Zhang Qiu talked nonsense without thinkingthrough, “You’re not fat, but heavy. This shows Xiao Jiang is very strong.You see all that muscles, which are heavier. You must to be much stronger thanthe children of the same age.” [XJ is chubby lol]

Li Shu bowed his head and saw Xiao Jiang inhis bosom was happy that his tiger teeth show up. This one big and one smallpeople were quite easy to amuse.

Going downstairs, there was a back figurelike Pei Qing’s at the front, but in his arms, he was hugging a woman in pinkdress. The woman with big maroon waves had a small stature and very charmingappearance. Pei Qing occasionally bowed his head and kissed the other on theside face.

Zhang Qiu was about to blow up. He didn’texpect Pei Qing to be such a slag man, messing around behind Little Ling Dang’sback.

“Is Pei Qing at the front?” Justin case, Zhang Qiu asked Li Shu for confirmation.

Li Shu nodded and looked at Zhang Qiupuzzled. “Are you angry?”

“Of course, I’m so angry that I have toferociously sort Pei Qing out and introduce Little Ling Dang a betterone!” Zhang Qiu moved forward in a fierce manner. Pei Qing at the front turnedaround after hearing the stirring, and greeted with a smile, “It’s youguys! Let’s have breakfast together.”

Zhang Qiu snorted, “Eat you big headedghost, Pei Qing, you don’t let down little Ling Dang ah! Behind Little LingDang’s back——”

“Your-your Excellency, why do you scoldGege? Gege has not turning back from me ah!” The charming girl in Pei Qing’sarms said softly and blankly.

Zhang Qiu was momentary choked by a seriesof words. Stunned for a long time, he stuttered incredibly: “Little,little Ling Dang?!”

Pei Qing had guessed that Zhang Qiu mighthave misunderstood, so he was not angry. He was happy for Ling Dang. Zhang Qiureally regarded Ling Dang as a friend in this way.

Zhang Qiu was too 囧(shocked). He whispered to Li Shu, “You didn’t warn me. Did you see itlong ago?” It’s too awkward.

“You rushed too fast.” Li Shucalmly greeted the two people, then went away holding Xiao Jiang in one handand pulling Zhang Qiu, who was standing in awkward position in the other hand.

Out of the hotel door, Zhang Qiu even had amystified face; the shock was too great. “It’s the first time that I saw aboy wearing a woman’s dress so beautiful that I didn’t even recognize. You say,how Pei Qing’s things can be so well equipped?!”

Zhang Qiu thought of fair and delicate LingDang, wearing a small pink Western-style dress, giving the impression of very Lolita-likewith the lipstick smeared on and small leather shoes worn.

“No wonder I’m too impulsive. Ling Dangis so beautiful.” Zhang Qiu made up for his impulse just now.

Li Shu suddenly stopped. Zhang Qiu wasthinking of Ling Dang and had not noticed, so he was head bumped. “Whyaren’t you walking? We arrived?” As soon as he looked up, he saw that beautifulface of Li Shu and was unconsciously bedazzled.

“Nothing, let’s go.” Li Shu wassatisfied seeing Zhang Qiu was spellbound by his face. In that split secondwhen he heard Zhang Qiu praising other man’s beauty, he surprisingly even feltvery angry?! [Li Shu’s POV]

This feeling seemed to have existed before.[Li Shu’s POV]

Zhang Qiu walked next to Li Shu. Only aftera while that he found out Li Shu seemed to be angry just now, but was good veryquickly that he couldn’t figure out clearly how Li Shu had gotten angry.However, when they arrived at the breakfast shop, Zhang Qiu forgot everythingas soon as he saw his favorite breakfast; particularly thoughtless.

Xiao Jiang asked for shrimp filling soupdumplings. Two white milky incisors bit the soft transparent dumpling skin, andthe small mouth whirring ’huhu’ before sucking the soup in it. Immediatelysatisfied, the whole person was soon bubbling.

“Daddy, so good!”

Zhang Qiu had half a dumpling in his mouthand half squinted eyes which seemed he enjoyed it very much. He followed hisson repeatedly nodded his head in approval.

Li Shu watched the two people eating the samefood with amusement, thinking that they had too much appetite. He put adumpling on Zhang Qiu’s plate and said, “After eating let’s go watchmovie. I heard recently there is a pretty good animated film.”

“I didn’t expect you even researched.”Zhang Qiu really didn’t expect Li Shu to plan date itineraries. As soon as heheard animated film, he knew which one was made in China. Recently, there was agreat deal of praise on the Internet. He also saw it on his Weibo the daybefore yesterday. Being busy all the time, he had not brought Xiao Jiang to gosee.

After breakfast, they went to the nearbycinema. Zhang Qiu was going to buy tickets, but Li Shu had put Xiao Jiang inhis arms.

Zhang Qiu enjoyed the care of his goldenthighs. He turned to Xiao Jiang and asked him if he wants to eat popcorn anddessert and found that his son was staring at the periphery of the cinema. Itwas an American hero blockbuster movie. In order to make campaign to attractchildren, the cinema had made many cartoon character models in the movie at onecorner. Because it was early morning, it was deserted without a single person.

“Want to play there?” Zhang Qiutouched his son’s head. This was the first time he brought Xiao Jiang to thecinema since was born. Zhang Qiu felt that there should be more parent-childactivities in the future. “Daddy accompanies you.”

Hearing that, Xiao Jiang reluctantlyregained his eyes and licked the tiger’s teeth. Unfortunately, he said,“Had better not, I’m full now anyway...”

“What’s full?” Zhang Qiu pinchedhis son’s face and said deliberately, “If you’re full, then we won’t buydessert.”

Xiao Jiang:... QAQ

Zhang Qiu wanted to laugh seeing the shockedin his son’s eyes, yet was afraid that his son would be awkwardly angered, andchoked up his laugh to say, “But Daddy wants to eat.”

When the bill was paid, Zhang Qiu lookeddown and found that his son was missing. Li Shu took over the item.“What’s wrong?”

“Xiao Jiang——”

“Over there.” Li Shu looked at acorner.

Zhang Qiu looked at the corner that XiaoJiang had been staring at, and he was relieved. He didn’t expect Xiao Jiang tosay no, but his body was honest. He was indeed a child.

Ding-ding-ling-ling sound was sharp andclear.

Zhang Qiu’s footsteps stopped. When heturned back, the golden bell on Xiao Jiang’s wrist stopped ringing. He hadasked Erge, who said this kind of bell would only ring when one met a ghost andthe wearer used Taoism.

He could not help inclined his head and askedLi Shu, “Is there something over there?”

“You mean a crying, sniveling fat kid?”Li Shu asked calmly.

Zhang Qiu opened his eyes and lookedcarefully for a circle. He did not find the crying, sniveling, fat kid mentionedby Li Shu. He was surer that his son was playing with ghosts and immediatelywanted to face palm. He quickened his pace and when he reached the corner, heheard Xiao Jiang say coldly with a straight face: “... cry again and I eatyou.”

Although he could not see the fat ghost kid,he could indescribably feel the tension of the air for a moment.

Once Xiao Jiang saw Daddy coming, he put hishands behind his back and looked very clever. If it hadn’t been for Li Shu’swords, Zhang Qiu would have thought that his son’s sweet and naively wanted toplay at this corner and he would have followed him with great interest to takephotos.

“You can’t bully other little friend—uh,little ghost friend?!” Zhang Qiu raised his eyebrow, followed along.

Xiao Jiang muttered and snorted ingrievance. “There is no time to bully, blame him for crying all the time.I haven’t eaten him, I am very good.”

Faced with Xiao Jiang who showed hiscleverness, Zhang Qiu couldn’t bear to say anything. His son was different fromordinary children. He was also a novice Dad. He gropes for each other on hisway to education. He touched his son’s face. “Be good, the movie hasstarted. We should go in.”

Better let the little ghost friend go!

A family of three went in. Zhang Qiu foundXiao Jiang looking back while baring his small tiger’s teeth and knew the littleghost friend was following. He poked Li Shu’s arm next to him and whispered,“You take care of it.”

Li Shu stopped, slightly turned his head andglanced at the back.

Xiao Jiang jumped forward happily. “Haha,he was scared away! Coward little ghost!”

Zhang Qiu was speechless at once. He wantedLi Shu to take care of Xiao Jiang, not the little fat ghost!

When they got in the broadcasting hall, the firsttime Xiao Jiang was curious to see everything. He sat on his chair assuming aclever (child) posture. As soon as the animation was put on, he was unable totake his eyes off for a while. When he saw a happy scene, a small dimple showedand he laughed without making any sound at all.

Zhang Qiu watched halfway and had to go tothe toilet, having drink too much. He pulled Li Shu’s sleeve and whispered,“I’ll go to the bathroom. You look after Xiao Jiang.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“I’m not schoolboy who has to go to thebathroom hand in hand.” Zhang Qiu got up in a hurry and halfway through,he thought that maybe he could do something after using to the toilet. Why didhe not think of such a great opportunity?

You looked at Pei Qing, he was thinkingabout intimacy twenty minutes before boarding the plane. He (ZQ) really had nobrain at all.

Zhang Qiu regretted it, but he had come outand could not call Li Shu. He could not say that he was afraid to go to thetoilet alone. There was no ghost in the toilet.

Wait until he was washing hands after usingthe toilet, Zhang Qiu really wanted to hit his face; crow’s mouth!

Red skirt flashed in the mirror, with longblack natural curly hair and deathly pale face. In the mirror, a slender bonyhand stretched slowly to his waist, and a whole side face leaned on hisshoulder. Zhang Qiu saw his own face in the mirror was almost stiff. He simply continuedpretending that he saw nothing, and quickly sided. The ghost behind pouncedinto the air and the originally gentle face suddenly turned fierce, tongueimmediately extended longer and eyeballs protruded.

Zhang Qiu touched his windbreaker pocket fora small fruit knife. He didn’t know whether it was useful to deal with ghosts.

“I advise you to stop and go enterreincarnation as soon as possible.” He put on the appearance of a hucksterthat he learnt from Erge, and said very profoundly in an easy manner: “Youdo not belong to this world anymore, why persist?”

As Zhang Qiu’s cover was over, he saw theghost’s fierce face coming near.

He immediately rained curses and quicklydodged. He went towards the door, and who would have known that the door handlecould not be opened. The ghost grinned grimly, “You do not love me, youdid not love me, we end in mutual destruction, end in mutual destruction.”

“Sister, you are fair-skin andbeautiful. I am not match with you!” Zhang Qiu’s mouth said carelessly whilehis hands exerted too much force and the doorknob was pulled down, yet the doorwas still closed tightly. Zhang Qiu easily smashed the doorknob over. The femaleghost had some human’s consciousness and subconsciously dodged. The femaleghost was soon irritated, and the originally beautiful face, opened a largemouth to Zhang Qiu’s side.


Right now Zhang Qiu really regretted not lettingLi Shu come here just now, but now it was not the time to talk about this. Heand the female ghost were fighting around in the toilet; nobody could get anyadvantage over. It was annoying enough.


The door suddenly opened and Zhang Qiulooked back. Li Shu stood at the door with a cold face and he exclaimedhappily, “Xiao Shushu, you are here!”

Li Shu’s heart surprisingly was tickled abit when he heard this name calling, but his face was still the same as before.


When the female ghost heard the sound of thebell, she screamed in horror. The whole ghost trembled as if it had been pinnedin place.

Xiao Jiang came in and snorted unhappily,“Beat you to death for hurting my Daddy.”

“Dare not, dare not.” The female ghostbegged pitifully for mercy.

Zhang Qiu was thinking that people could distinguishgood and bad and the same were for the ghosts. The female ghost in front of himobviously met a dead end, only saying these words now but when the female ghostfirst chanced upon him alone, she didn’t have any leniency towards him.However, to be frightened stiff and what not was too exaggerated. Zhang Qiuasked Xiao Jiang if he has the ability to dispel persistent resentment but XiaoJiang hadn’t learned it yet. So it was decided to pack it back and give it toErge.

“By the way, why are you allhere?”

Xiao Jiang was a little unhappy but said,“That little fat ghost who loves crying told.”

How nice of you to nickname people likethat?! Zhang Qiu touched his son’s head. “You can’t nickname the littleghost friend.”

Only after the ghosts were packed that ZhangQiu found that neither the female ghost nor little fat ghost could come out ofthe shopping mall. The female ghost died three days ago. She was unable to getover it because of her emotional disputes. She was supposed to have been on datewith her boyfriend at the cinema, but because of a small dispute she was in a lowmood. There was always a voice in her mind that told her to die as retaliationfor her boyfriend making her miserable. Ultimately, she chose to commit suicidein the toilet. [What?? NO NO cherish yourself]

Because she wore a red skirt at that time ofdate and the toilet was a Yin place, it merely took three days later for her tohave a tendency of wraith and malicious spirit.

The little fat ghost was crossing the streetwith his mama towards the shopping mall, and was carelessly hit. In the end, hewas in the cinema after his death and could not leave no matter what. However,it happened ten days ago.

Now both ghosts looked at Zhang Qiu and theothers pitifully. The female ghost asked to enter reincarnation. The little fatghost asked him to let him go home. He wanted to see his mama.

Zhang Qiu had a headache. He was notfamiliar with this kind of business.

There was no other way, so he took hismobile phone and called Erge. In the phone, Erge seemed to be in a good mood.After a brief talk, he reported the address. Zhang YuShui on the other end ofthe phone listened, frowned and said, “Where? Well, I know I’ll be theresoon. When I first passed by that place, I found something wrong. The evil Qithere is relatively heavy.”

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yu Shui arrived.After sending the female ghost to enter reincarnation, he said, “Sureenough, the feng shui here was altered by people. The evil Qi is too thick. Notto mention it is unfavorable to make money, in the long run, it’s easy for peopleto die here. The trapped departed spirit will deepen the Yin and evil Qi; it willbe a vicious circle in the long run. If the boss at the back wanted tocompensate, probably even a pants would not be left.”

Zhang Qiu also found that there was a shoppingmall at the crossing, several hundred meters away. That mall’s front yard was asbusy as a marketplace with many people, while this mall was very desolate. Hewould not have chosen this one if he hadn’t eaten breakfast near here.

“It is very possibly an industrialcompetition.” Zhang YuShui laughed. “It seems that I will have milkpowder money in my pocket again, depending on whether the boss believes it ornot!” After that, he looked down at the little fat ghost, smiled and said,“Where is your home, boy? It happens that today——

Zhang Qiu saw Erge, who was talking well, suddenly changed face. Then he heard, “No good, something happened to Xiao Ling.”

Xah: Death is inevitable but not invitable. So don’t seek death.

> Chapter 69


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