I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 70: Viewer Reaction

Chapter 70: Viewer Reaction

The shooting wrapped up around 6 PM.

Compared to the entire day of waiting, the actual work time felt fleeting, yet it was an invaluable experience.

Though it was merely an hour-long drama on TV, the reality involved much more time and effort in producing the footage on-site.

The passion and zeal of those creating the drama greatly inspired me.

Of course, this didnt mean I aspired to become an actor.

It simply made me yearn for a future job where I could work with such joy.

On my way home, I boarded the chartered tour bus provided by the broadcasting station, just as I had in the morning.

The only change was the person sitting next to me.

He greeted me awkwardly,

Ah, hello.

The man was actor Yamada Junpei, who had ad-libbed a line while portraying the gang leader in the warehouse scene earlier.

He seemed to be in his early to mid-twenties.

Noticing his awkward greeting, I realized he was under a misconception, so I initiated the conversation.

I should be the one speaking informally, as Im the younger one.

Yamada looked at me with a puzzled expression for a moment.

May I ask how old you are?

Im 17 this year.

Upon hearing my age, Yamada suddenly acted more casually, sharing various aspects of his life.

Despite being strangers, he was quite friendly, so I half-listened to his stories, letting them go in one ear and out the other.

Man, I owe you one for earlier.

I really didnt do much.

You caught my ad-lib in the long-take scene. Without that, the director would have surely reprimanded me for overstepping as a newcomer.


He seemed to be the type who talked mostly about himself, so I offered a polite laugh and looked away.

Are you looking to become an actor? If you need advice, just ask. Ill teach you everything I know.

I shook my head in response.

No, I just came to do a part-time job. I dont particularly want to become an actor.

Is that so? Thats a shame. If you were interested in acting, I would have shared my acting knowledge with you.

Ultimately, Yamada talked non-stop until the bus reached the NHK Broadcasting Station stop.

I regretted acknowledging his conversation.

If I had known he was such an excessive talker, I would have just pretended to sleep.

Yamada got off the bus, waving his hand vigorously and saying we should meet again if the opportunity arises.

Id always felt this, but it seemed I was weak against people who approached without a sense of distance.

I boarded the bus while watching the sunrise, but now that the sky had darkened, I decided to reward myself for the hard work of the day.

Thank you! Come again!

Indeed, theres nothing like delicious chicken on the way home from work.

Two weeks later, the 7th episode of The Blue Academy Youth Apocalypse, in which I appeared as an extra, was broadcast on NHK.

According to Rikas explanation, the plot of the drama followed the content of the original 4th volume. It was about the protagonist, Akito, who became a teacher earlier this year, fearlessly plunging into a gang hideout to rescue a female student from his class, Sato Yuzuru, who ran away from home after fighting with her parents.

Well, as with most youth dramas, there was an unavoidable cringe factor.

Considering that, it was quite watchable.

Actually, to be honest, it was quite a piece of work.

It had less of the typical Japanese drama emotional excess, making it feel more realistic, and the story was well-constructed, making it quite engaging.

The actor playing Akito, whom I met on set, seemed more gentle, but the character he portrayed on screen reminded me strongly of Koto.

About 50 minutes into the drama, the scene in which I appeared finally arrived.

It was a scene where Akito alone infiltrated a gangs hideout to rescue Sato Yuzuru (Minato Nao), who had been captured by gangsters. The dark warehouse setting, filled with oil drums and iron bars, resembled a devils castle.

And there I was, seated at the far end of the warehouse, donned in a long, modified gakuran and a torn student cap.

Even though Id always felt it, seeing myself objectified like this, I appeared truly menacing.

I attempted to maintain a serious and unemotional demeanor, but I ended up looking more like a gangster than I had intended.

Initially, Akito and the blonde-haired thug (Yamada) were grappling with each other, surrounded by underlings, and then I slowly rose from my seat, observing the scene.

Then, with my right hand in my trouser pocket, I walked slowly towards them and said,

Let her go.

Then, the faces of the two men, previously obscured from my position, were brought into close-up on camera.

Their faces turned pale, as if they had encountered a tiger in the mountains.

Akito, the protagonist, swallowed hard with a tense expression, heightening the drama.

Indeed, it was a performance worthy of a seasoned actor.

Then, regaining his composure first, Yamada delivered an explosive ad-lib.

Brother! Sato sold Komuro to the police for her own safety! Are you still going to let her go?!

I was taken aback by his unplanned ad-lib, and my face captured on camera seemed to express, The subordinate is talking back?

Following this act of defiance, Yamada, looking scared, turned away and released Akitos collar.

Damn, take her.

Then, the actor playing Akito glanced back and forth between me and Yamada, and quickly carried away Minato Nao, who had collapsed on the ground, concluding the 7th episode.

They cut it off here?

I was amazed by the drama PDs incredible editing skills.

At that moment, viewers were flocking to the message board, posting their comments on the 7th episode of The Blue Academy Youth Apocalypse.

1. Hereinafter, sent by VIP in the name of obscurity: 2017/06/14 18:23:18.47 ID:BlackCOW

Why are there real thugs in the drama?

2. Unknown office worker.

The last look in Akitos eyes didnt seem like acting. Maybe he was genuinely scared?

3. Unknown high school student.

Hey, that looks good. Can I borrow it for a second?

4. An unknown college student.

Stop it! It brings back my high school traumas!

5. Unknown clerk.

The actor at the end is a famous high school student from our neighborhood.

6. Unknown office worker.

A high school student with that face and body?

7. Unknown clerk.

Yeah, hes actually a top student. Hes never lost the top spot in his class since entering high school.

8. An unknown college student.

Hes good at studying and sports? Life is unfair.

9. Below, sent by VIP in the name of obscurity: 2017/06/14 18:43:23.41 ID:BlackCOW

At least his face is gaunt.

10. An unknown college student.

Ah, thats a relief. Surely it must be small, right???

11. Unknown high school student.

But if what the clerk says is true, isnt he completely unrelated to showbiz? Why is his acting so good?

12. Unknown clerk.

He didnt really act. Hes a regular at our store, and he always has that kind of atmosphere when hes quiet.

13. Unknown high school student.

He always has that kind of atmosphere? If I randomly encounter him in the neighborhood, Im confident Ill freak out.

14. Unknown office worker.

Ive already put on a diaper.

15. An unknown college student.

The atmosphere is no joke. Will he continue to appear in dramas? With that face and vibe, he could easily do a noir film.

16. Unknown office worker.

It seems he is too strong to imagine him losing, doesnt he?

17. Unknown high school student.

??? I want to know defeat.

18. Below, sent by VIP in the name of obscurity: 2017/06/14 19:08:37.12 ID:BlackCOW

You should read fewer manga.

Hehe, as expected of Senior.

Minato Nao, lying on the bed and browsing the viewers message board, couldnt help but let out a chuckle between her lips.

It was a spontaneous act, hoping others would recognize how amazing her senior was.

And as she initially intended, people began to take an interest in the individual named Kim Yu-seong.

Gradually increasing his recognition in this way, surely her Seniors popularity would snowball.

And by then, even her mother couldnt deny it.

Even if she and her Senior became a couple.

She looked at the photos in her smartphone gallery, precious memories with her Senior, and took a deep breath.

She was determined to become someone suitable for her Senior.

For that reason, she couldnt confess just yet.

For now, she was content to carry around her Seniors muscle photos as a sort of charm.

But in the future, once she would become a person fitting for her Senior, she planned to face him head-on.

To be accepted as his bride.

Imagining a future yet to come, Minato Nao murmured the words she couldnt yet say in front of her senior.

Senior, I like you


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