I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 69: One Wish

Chapter 69: One Wish

Let him go.

It was just a single phrase.

Yet those overwhelmed by his charisma held their breath as if on cue.

Complete silence ensued.

It felt as though time had momentarily stopped.

Even seasoned actors on set, drama staff, Minato Nao, who had cast him, and the director seemed bound by invisible chains, unable to move.

In the unintentionally created prolonged silence, the first to speak was a rookie actor holding the protagonist, Akito, by the collar.

Brother! This Sato sold Komuro to the cops for his own protection! And youre going to let him go?!

It was an improvised line, not in the script.

But it was so natural that no one interrupted him.

The flustered Kim Yu-seong looked at the rookie actor.

With a look that said, Why are you doing this to me?

Perhaps interpreting his gaze differently, the actor, after looking into Kim Yu-seongs eyes for a few seconds, gave up in resignation and let go of Akitos collar.

Tch, take him away.

Then, the actor playing Akito, with a dazed expression fiddling with his collar, looked back and forth between Kim Yu-seong and the rookie actor. He then hurriedly helped up Minato Nao, who had fallen to the ground, and quickly left the dark warehouse.


It was at that moment that the director, who had been watching the screen beyond the camera in silence, shouted loudly.

Wow! That was some excellent acting, Kim!

Eh? Oh, thank you.

I was somewhat surprised by the directors sudden praise but graciously accepted it.

It was my first time acting, but Im glad it was well-received.

Have you had any vocal training? How is your diction so clear? Despite the distance, your voice came through loud and clear.

I havent really learned anything like that.

Then, what about acting? Not everyone can project an aura that commands the room!

This is actually my first time acting since I was born.

Have you ever considered becoming an actor?

No, I prefer sports.

Ah! What a waste! To use such raw talent only for a bit part!

Feeling out of place in this atmosphere and looking for assistance, I glanced around, but Minato, the only person I knew, was nowhere to be seen.

She must have gone to the restroom, as the shooting had just ended.

Thanks to being caught up with the director and various matters, I was finally able to leave due to another staff member mentioning the need to shoot the next scene.


Just one shot, but incredibly exhausting.

I heard that usually in drama or movie shootings, they reshoot several times to get the best footage, but the director said this take was perfect and there was no need for retakes, advising me to rest in the lounge.

So, after thanking the director, just as I was about to return to the container where the extras were resting, I saw the actor who had improvised earlier.

I wasnt the only one who noticed him; the director, with a pleased expression, asked him,

Whats your name?

Im Yamada Junpei!

Your improvisation earlier was fantastic! Keep it up!

Yes! Thank you!

The actor, praised by the director, caught my eye, gave a thumbs-up with a beaming smile, and then went off to shoot another scene.

What did that mean?

When I returned to the container where the extras and minor actors were waiting, there was no one else there.

It seemed everyone had left for the afternoon shooting.

This left me feeling like I had the lounge to myself.

I first went into the changing room to change out of the constricting outfit.

After removing the wax-styled hair and the student cap that seemed almost fused to my head, and undressing the modified gakuran, a symbol of delinquency, I felt much lighter.

It felt like I had been forcibly wearing clothes that didnt fit until just now.

After straightening my attire in the mirror, I opened the changing room door and stepped out.


There was Minato Nao, whom I thought had gone to the restroom.

How did you get here?

As I expressed my surprise, Minato Nao placed her finger on her lips and shushed me.

I found it unnecessary since we were alone, but I nodded in agreement anyway.

Then, with her hands clasped behind her back, Minato strode forward and stopped just in front of me, her gaze level with my chin.

Senior, theres something I need to ask you.

Her somewhat ominous demeanor took me aback, and I instinctively tried to step back, only to find myself blocked by the wall.

What is it you want to ask?

Its quite simple, really.

With that, Minato Nao revealed what she had been concealing behind her back.

This is you in the video, isnt it?

She was holding a smartphone that played a video.

It was a low-quality video that had been circulating around the school a few days prior.

There was no concrete evidence linking me to the protagonist of this video, so the matter eventually died down, but Minato Nao seemed convinced otherwise.

She was sure that the man fighting furiously in the video and I were one and the same.

I decided to approach the situation logically.

First off, it was evident she didnt possess any definitive proof.

Otherwise, she wouldnt have approached me directly like this.

Therefore, as long as I didnt give in to Minatos probing, there seemed to be a chance to emerge from this situation unscathed.

Alright, lets give this a shot.

Sorry, but Im not the person in that video.

Then, Minato gave a sly, cat-like grin.

Is that so? However, my eyes suggest otherwise.

Minato said, pausing the video at a specific frame.

The forearm, trapezius, and the overall shape of the muscles from the thighs to the calves. The muscle structure of the man in this video matches yours perfectly. As someone who takes an interest in muscles, youd know that no two individuals have the exact same muscle shape.

This was undeniable evidence.

Just like fingerprints, each persons muscle structure was unique.

It seemed I was mistaken from the beginning.

In such a situation, it was wiser to admit defeat quickly and negotiate.

What do you want from me?

There had to be a reason she approached me so covertly.

She must have had plans to use my secret for something.

Of course, I wasnt going to simply comply with any threats, but I was curious about her intentions.

Believing we were on the same wavelength, Minato Nao took a small breath, stepped back a few paces, and spoke in a tense voice.

Its not a difficult request. What I want to ask of you, Senior, is

What is it youre asking?

Po Po


Then, with clenched fists, Minato Nao spoke earnestly.

Can you show me a side chest pose?

Side chest.

One of the seven compulsory poses in bodybuilding.

You push forward the chest on your dominant side, slightly bend your legs, and contract the biceps and calf muscles facing the judges.

Its one of the first poses that comes to mind in bodybuilding, as it showcases the development of the pectoral, biceps, and calf muscles all at once.

Usually, when men do some workouts at the gym, the poses they often try in front of the bathroom mirror are the side chest or front double biceps.

And now, I was performing this side chest pose in front of Minato Nao, my junior at school, known as the nations younger sister and a famous talent.

Kyaaa! Can I take a picture?

As long as you keep your promise.

In exchange for keeping the videos secret, Minato Nao requested that I pose for bodybuilding pictures to her satisfaction.

Thus, I found myself proudly displaying a body I never planned to, feeling a strange sense of embarrassment under Minatos scrutinizing gaze, yet obediently striking various poses as she requested.

From double biceps to lat spread, side chest, triceps, and even the abdominal and thighs pose.

After a flurry of pictures, and, finally, a commemorative shot with Minato hanging onto my arm, I asked in a weary voice,

Why did you make such a request of me?

Then, hugging her smartphone, Minato Nao smiled broadly and said,

Well, Senior, you have muscles beyond my imagination!

Muscles beyond imagination, huh?

It felt vaguely familiar.

Anyway, this means youll keep your promise, right?

Of course! Ill take your secret to the grave!

Minato declared, striking a pose to show off her biceps, then bowing slightly.

Thank you for indulging my whims, Senior. It seems like others will be returning soon, so Ill take my leave now.


I found some comfort in the fact that it was the good-natured Minato Nao who had stumbled upon my secret.

After all, someone else might have demanded money.

Considering that, it was better to be able to settle things physically.

Then, have a good rest!

Minato said, offering me a bright smile, then carefully opened the container door and stepped outside.

After she left, finally alone, I dragged my weary body to the sofa and glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was 5 PM.

It had been 12 hours since I had left home early in the morning.


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