I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Dokyuns toes curled up without his realization, it was a response to the seductive flash that touched his body. He kept repeating to himself, must endure, and must be hidden, as he straightened his tightly curled toes and started reading the manuscript.

Hannas life could be described as that of a lonely person.

Everyone except Hanna didnt want to know what they were.

Hanna was the only human in a world of monkeys.

Reading out loud from the manuscript was embarrassing, but the stronger thought was that he had to hide his lower half, where the blood had rushed to. His lips moved as he thought that.

Do they even hope for salvation?

Was I wrong, and was it all my self-righteousness and arrogance?

It was fortunate that the womans novel had a captivating power that drew people in even in the midst of such moments. As he read on, the self-consciousness that had been building up dissipated and was replaced with admiration.

If only I werent here, this world would be complete as one order.

I was just a foreign object in this world.

As he regained his composure, he noticed his lips were still trembling. It dawned on him that he had been so engrossed in the text that he had lost track of the physical sensations of her arms and skin embracing him.

As he continued to read, the manuscript began to show its end.

Nevertheless, because she was human, because she embraced love, she did not know how to stop.

As she turned the last page, he noticed that her weight was resting on his thigh, and he could feel her through the manuscript. He turned his head to Eun-ah, who seemed lost in thought, and said, That was quite an interesting read. The inner portrayal was particularly immersive.

The words reached her, causing a flush to rise to her pale face. Eun-ah, with a red face, let out a helpless laugh and said, Thank you.

Hehe Thank goodness

Eun-ah, who spoke those words, raised her head and made eye contact with Dokyun before continuing to speak.

Also? What else did you like?

The character relationships and the foreshadowing sprinkled throughout made me curious about the back story.

He spoke without hesitation. If he didnt know that this woman had written it, he would have quite liked the writing itself.

Hehe and?


His mouth paused for a moment. Her eyes were full of expectation. If he hesitated to speak here, her face would change in an instant. He had to come up with an answer quickly. His mind spun quickly as he strung together the next words.

I liked the battle scene. It was good to read, and I could picture the scene in my head as I read.

Hehe t-thank you

Eun-ah, whose face had turned red as if it might burst on touch, began to speak, tapping her cheek against his forearm.



A startled voice came out of his mouth. What did she mean by faster? The sentence was difficult to understand because the subject was missing. Eun-ahs squeaky voice echoed in his ears once again.

That, that do it, do it

Ah that, that

What the hell are you talking about, idiot?

Cold sweat started to run down his back. What was she talking about? Although his mind was spinning tightly as he tried to analyze the meaning of her words, Dokyun could not come up with an appropriate answer.

And so, a silence fell between the two. Eun-ahs pupils narrowed slightly, freezing the atmosphere. Then, from her uncomfortable heart, the words came out.

I-I need you to, to, stroke my head

Your head?

What is she saying?

Dokyun was surprised by Eun-ahs words, which had no context. As he looked at her with a puzzled expression, Eun-ah raised her head and looked back at him.

When you praise someone, its natural to stroke their head. Dont you know that?

Fuck, She went so far as to defy common sense!

Dokyun didnt know what was natural about it, but contrary to his thoughts, his body moved honestly as he started to stroke her head.

Ah, aha! Sorry, I keep forgetting.


The hair that flowed around his hand was very soft. The moment when a satisfied laugh escaped from her mouth, and he was relieved to think that it was over-

Again What else was good?


What kind of weird appreciation fetish does she have?

He had to think. What had he not said yet? What could he say to make this crazy girl feel good?

Thoughts quickly came to him, and he opened his mouth as sentences spilled out.

Well, your writing style is really good. Its my favorite style.


As Eun-ah, who was listening to his hastily spoken words, lowered her head and muttered the words he had just said to her, she lifted her head again and started looking at him with moist eyes.

I, I like you too


Your style, not you!

Dokyun felt a chill running down his spine looking at her, who was substituting his words as she pleased. Despite having just taken a shower, he felt cold sweat on his back and a sense of discomfort throughout his body.

Theres no time to relax!

He couldnt let his guard down even for a moment, or she would take advantage of that. He forcibly lifted the corners of his mouth and spoke to Eun-ah.

But now, dont you have to write the next chapter? The readers must be waiting

Umits, its okay. Ive finished everything

What? The manuscript? Or the readers?

The red image flashed through Dokyuns mind, but he quickly erased it and responded to her words with a smile.

Thats great. Youre veryyes, well-prepared.

It was great preparation in many ways. Both the manuscript and the confinement. As he stroked Eun-ahs head while thinking that, Eun-ah, who had been enjoying his touch for a while with her eyes closed, suddenly remembered something and sat up, opening her mouth.

Oh, rightwe have to eat dinner now!



Had time passed so quickly? There was nothing in the house to indicate the passage of time, so he couldnt sense the flow of time well.

As he looked surprised, Eun-ah nodded her head vigorously and spoke.

Yes, yes! Now, its time for dinner

Saying that Eun-ah walked towards the kitchen, still speaking to him.

Ill prepare it soon Please wait!

Haha take your time.

Dokyun smiled as he watched Eun-ah heading toward the kitchen. Then he relaxed his body, which had been tense until that moment, and leaned back on the sofa.

The mental stress was no joke. Was it because its only been two days? He was wondering if he would get used to it after a few days.

Wait, are you sure its been only two days?

His only way of perceiving the passage of time was through the womans instructions. Apart from that, he was vaguely estimating how much time had passed only through eating, washing, and sleeping.

What if it wasnt two days? What if the woman was artificially trying to change his daily routine? What if it hadnt even been a day yet? On the other hand, what if its been three days?

He raised his hand and held his face.

Im going crazy

As he couldnt calm down, he started to check his current condition.

Dokyuns mind was slowly deteriorating. Whenever the woman was watching him, he felt like his rationality was paralyzed. The stress of dealing with someone who defied common sense and logic was much greater than he had anticipated.

All day, at her own discretion, the only person he could talk to for two days was that woman, so he felt like he was being pulled by her emotions. Thinking driven by momentary instincts took precedence over long-term and logical thinking, and the emotions that always moved within his control were stirred and tried to get out of control.

It felt like his head was going crazy. Considering that just a moment ago, all his nerves were being poured into the soft sensation that touched his body, and considering his current situation where he was unable to accurately perceive the flow of time, it was clear that his judgmental ability was having problems.

Dokyun saw the brightly lit living room with his head held up. It was much better than being in the dark all day like on the first day, but whenever he saw that light, he felt a melancholy sentiment in his heart.

I wonder if the light in front of me is the only light I would see for the rest of my life.

Like that fake lamp that imitated the sunlight, would he have to live with fake expressions and emotions in front of that woman for the rest of his life? If that happens he thought that he might also be deceived in the end and would begin to believe the lie as the truth.

But he couldnt continue to think any further. His reasoning wasnt functioning properly amid the events that had been sweeping him up since he opened his eyes. He tried to calm his restless heart and regain control to hold himself together.

Dokyun closed his eyes, scattered all the thoughts that were floating around, and created a void in its place. He took a breath in and exhaled, regulating his breathing into a steady rhythm. The thoughts, which had been expanding within him and making him feel hot all over, finally subsided.

As he continued to meditate, his chilled mind quickly collected the scattered thoughts that had been bouncing around uncontrollably.

Take it slow, one step at a time.

Dont rush and dont give up.

Dokyun opened his eyes, catching a whiff of the aroma of food being cooked.


Then the hunger pangs hit him. True to her words, it seemed like a considerable amount of time had passed while I was reading the manuscript, he thought as he saw the food being set out on the table one by one.

It looked like they would be eating at the table this time, not confined to the room like the first day.

Im becoming more certain of it.

There was something in the notebook and picture frame on the shelf behind the bed. And there must be other clues around the living room, kitchen, and other places that she hadnt hidden yet.

But even if the conclusion is the same. I have to figure out what to do with this collar first.

He had to steal the key from her pocket without her noticing, naturally, and without arousing suspicion that the key went missing.

There should be opportunities.

That woman wanted to stay close to him at all times. She wanted to be close enough to always have contact with skin-to-skin.

I need to take advantage of her impulsiveness.

When she was flustered, her work became sloppy. It was the same even during dinner on the first day, and in the shower when her mind was preoccupied with his body.

I have to find something that can distract and shake that woman.

Dokyun looked back on the past day. He already knew the answer.

My body.

The drooling woman glared at him, causing him to clench his fist and grit his teeth in misery.

Its not the time to think about this and that.

Dokyun needed to escape. He was already losing control of his emotions. Even at this moment, he was moving erratically with unsettling thoughts.

I have to get out. I have to survive.

He had to secretly take out the key when the woman was targeting his body.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions once again.

Lets do it.

As he made up his mind, Eun-ah, who had finished preparing the dinner table, suddenly spoke to him.

I, its all done!

Immediately after he heard her voice, she walked towards him. Soon, she took out the key from her pocket and unlocked the lock around his neck.

Sh, should we go now?

Dokyun felt his emotions shake at the sensation of flesh touching his body again, but he regained his composure, put on a smile, and answered in a gentle tone.


I am a knight of the Tenggun Order.

A novel he had read when he borrowed a book from the rental shop a long time ago.

He recalled the protagonist, the host.

The protagonist of a male-centric novel.

A genre that was popular in the past. He remembered the protagonists of the genre who were buzzed and stung by angry ladies. Finally, he remembered one protagonist who had touched his heart the most.

I am.

The ace of the legendary host bar who handles numerous crazy women.


[ TN: Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to the 3 chapters ahead of the release: /YandereLover232]


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