I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

There was an accident, but Dokyun was able to finish the shower safely.

Leaving everything else behind, he was very happy to be able to wash his sweaty body.

The rough breathing and the sound of the water and skin colliding with each other were dangerous, but the pure white naked body that drew attention even after finishing the shower was even more dangerous.

Somehow Dokyun was able to ignore her and come out safely to the living room.

He glared at Eun-ah, who was sitting next to him with her arms crossed.

A lustful bitch.

Since coming out of the shower and sitting on the living room sofa, that womans gaze had periodically scanned his lower body. His hands, which were bound by handcuffs, automatically moved to cover his lower body from her view.


As Dokyun moved his body, the chain necklace around his neck made a frictional sound, causing his eyes to narrow slightly.

A real chain

It was a necklace made of real steel, not a play chain seen in porn. It was thin, so the weight was not burdensome, but the durability did not seem weak enough to be easily broken without any tools.

Where did she get something like this?

It was a thorough preparation that was beyond comprehension. As far as he knew, chain collars using real steel and collars worn around the necks of people other than dogs were not circulating on the market.

Is this made on a request?

Just looking at the things that filled this space, each one exuded a valuable aura, so when it came to wealth, it seemed possible enough that she had commissioned the production of a real steel chain necklace to put around his neck.

Dokyuns pupils were busy scanning the surroundings, closely examining the living room.

Even at first glance, there were decorations and artworks that strongly revealed the feeling of being antique.

Its not like this woman likes it.

If Dokyun had to compare it, it was close to the chaebol house scenery which he only saw in old dramas. In other words, it was quite old-fashioned and elegant, and it couldnt be matched with the woman next to him who was laughing heartily.

The only thing that comes to my mind right now is

Her parents

Dokyuns gaze scanned the room once more.

Of course, there are no devices connected to the outside.

There were no intercoms, extension phones, or TVs in sight. A house that was completely closed from the outside world with a clear purpose in itself.

Dokyun felt his head throb.

Even if he tried to speculate, he knew too little about this woman right now.

Web novel author Goni. A psychopath She had an incomprehensible obsession with him. And she was suspiciously rich.

His thoughts, which had been going on for a long time, bounced in the wrong direction.

Isnt she like the real 3rd generation conglomerate?

The self-restraint of a chaebol family couldnt be presented externally due to mental illness. A daughter hidden for maintaining the corporate image.

By the time his swollen imagination was writing a morning drama in his head. Eun-ah, who was leaning on his left side with her arms crossed, opened her mouth.

Hey, Mr. bee


Dokyun dismissed all his thoughts at the sound of her voice and looked at her. Her cheeks were still red. Eyes that faced him, rolled around.

Dokyun, who was staring at her, felt surprised.

Hmm You also know what shame is?

It was a feeling he never imagined she would have. While he was immersed in such feelings. Eun-ahs words continued, turning her face even more red.

Im sorry I made a miss, miss, mistake

No, well everyone makes mistakes yes, making mistakes is just part of life.

But, but!

Dokyun smiled and responded to Eun-ahs words. She, who had been avoiding his eyes until then, tightened her eyes and looked at him.

Yes, next time More Ill, properly Ha, Ill do it better!

Dokyun, facing her sparkling eyes and determined expression, momentarily struggled to understand the meaning of her words.

Immediately after

Chills ran down his spine.

What the crazy bitch is talking about!

He felt goosebumps all over his body as he watched her naturally asking for aftercare. That woman was making a declaration that she would do it to the end now.

So, she wasnt apologizing for touching his body, but she was apologizing for not being able to finish it. Dokyun couldnt imagine how such a conclusion could emerge.

He wanted to express his intention of refusal right away, but he was afraid that her face would show a sinister light again. He just raised the corners of his mouth and spat out positive words.

Haha I look forward to it.


She nodded her head like a puppy and smiled. At her enthusiastic reaction, Dokyun was afraid. The sight of her was fierce and tension made his mouth dry.

Eh, if I cant stop that

In an instant, his terrible imagination began to draw a picture in his head; A background full of flesh, heat flowing and intertwining, and moaning sounds echoing.

As the silhouette in the vague picture became clearer, the situation in the shower that had been playing in his mind began to take shape. The soft pressure on his arm, and the realization that she was not wearing panties under her dress, all culminated in a burst of desire.


It was difficult. His lower body started acting out of his control again. Dokyun knew he shouldnt fantasize more, but his mind was out of control. He needed something another way to dissipate his imagination.

Something, something

The conflict between reason and instinct started. He wanted to find a breakthrough by spinning his head tightly. Soon, he came up with the most appropriate excuse for the situation.



Dokyun shouted out loud.

After turning his head toward Eun-ah and making eye contact, Dokyun, who made an effort to smile, continued to spit out the prepared remarks to Eun-ah, who looked up at him.

Shall I read?

It was the same excuse he had made in the shower earlier. It was the most effective way to divert her attention and hide his condition.

At least, while reading, this terrible imagination would do its best to draw the scene in the novel. His gaze would be fixed on the manuscript. That way, situations like the one in the shower would be avoided.

While his mind was creating a series of logic, Eun-ah vigorously nodded her head as she heard his words.

Ah! Yes yes!

After that, Eun-ah, who had been clinging to him, released her clasped arms and stood up to speak.

I-Ill bring it right away!

Yes, take your time.

When he responded in a kind tone, she smiled and nodded, then quickly disappeared from his sight. Dokyun let out a sigh of relief at the thought that he had passed the crisis.

A little later, the sound of footsteps grew farther away.


The sound of a door opening and closing could be heard. Dokyun opened his ears and focused on the sound he heard.

The back of the hallway.

The space that didnt come into his field of vision. There was a high probability that the space she entered to pick up the manuscript was her workroom.

Her studio seemed to be in the back. After confirming it, his thoughts began to spin rapidly.

If there is something, it must be over there

Usually, wasnt it the law to hide important things in the most private space? It was reasonable to assume that his clues to escape, the clues to this house and her, were probably there.

But now the question is, how do I get there

The biggest problem was the limited radius of action. In the room where he first woke up, a rope was tied around his waist, and after he came out to the living room, a chain necklace connected to every piece of furniture restricted his actions.

His hand went to the chain necklace tied around his neck.


The sound of chains rattling continued. The feeling of the cold metal in his hand caught his breath.


I have to solve this

A sigh escaped from his mouth. The necklace, which was tightly bound around his neck, was fixed with a small lock. Like the chain, it was made of a sturdy structure that looked quite durable, so it seemed difficult to tear it off with brute force.

Dokyun recalled the time she had taken off his handcuffs in the shower and the time she had put on this necklace a little while ago.

The key to the handcuffs and the key to this necklace are in that womans pocket

He tried to think of a way to somehow get the keys away from her, without her knowledge, but he couldnt come up with a decent plan. The thoughts dragged on for a long while.

How how

How to steal the key. Make contact secretly without the woman noticing.

A small pocket on the waist of her one-piece dress.

The key was hidden underneath.

The way to take it out was to make contact.

Put my hand on that womans body.

Put my hands on her waist.

But there are no panties under her waist.



Damn it!

A short curse word came out of Dokyuns mouth as he continued his thoughts. He began to scold himself for the image that entered his head. With a frustrated heart, he put his hand on his head and messed up his hair.

Dokyun, Chae Dokyun! What are you even thinking!

Continuing his thoughts, he involuntarily remembered the womans bare skin. An absurdly swaying flesh-colored lump filled his head. He tousled his hair, trying to erase the thoughts that continued to reflect the color of her flesh.

Get a hold of yourself!

If he gave in to his impulses here, it would truly be the end. He would never be able to leave this house and would have to live according to the womans whims forever.

Ah, fuck the confinement ending!

Absolutely, I cannot live like this. There is no freedom here. I have no will.

I cannot eat, wear, or go out as I please.

More than anything.

There are no other good novels that need to be popular!

There was no joy in life.

If he was trapped here for the rest of his life, the only writing he could see was that womans writing, which had already become popular.

I need clean pure writing

Tears moistened his eyes. He had a mission. He had to give the pleasure of a best-seller to those fluffy novels floundering in the deep sea of web novels. He had to give them hope so that they could continue writing tomorrow. He had to put a high-quality cover on the main page that had not yet been properly placed and fill the donation box with his nickname.

Im sorry, guys Oppa will definitely come back!

Dokyuns eyes closed tightly and his fists clenched. A small spark ignited in his heart. It had been a long-standing mission and resolution that had driven him.

Just like that, as he was controlling his mind and solidifying his will, the sound of a door opening echoed across the hallway.


Dokyun raised his head.

Shes coming.

Light footsteps could be heard over the sound of the door locking. Then came the voice.

I-Im here

Oh, are you here?

He turned his head and greeted Eun-ah, who was holding a thick manuscript in her arms. After meeting his eyes, Eun-ah hesitated for a moment, then her face burned bright red. She lowered her head, and took a step to his side.

Here, heres the manuscript!

Ah, thank you.

Dokyun held out his handcuffed hands, received the manuscript from her, and put it on his lap while speaking in a soft tone.

Then shall we read it now?

Yes, yes

Her voice trembled slightly. Then Eun-ahs arm wrapped around his left arm, pulling him close.


Her chest, which was wrapped around his arm, pressed softly against his biceps as she tightened her arm. As the fleshy parts of her body gradually touched and pressed against him, his eyes closed tightly, and his reason began to slip away.

Dont give up!

It was a very disturbing situation.

[ TN: Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to the 3 chapters ahead of the release: /YandereLover232]


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