I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 55: Journey

Chapter 55: Journey

My worries went on an extreme curve as I heard the magic words coming from Fenrir's mouth. That wolf girl told me she knew I was not from this world, which sent billions of alarming signs all over my mind.

I took a step back and gripped my Clarent sword once again. I knew that fighting against this powerful beast would be suicide, but I wanted to squeeze some answers.

"Arthur, don't!" Merleen shouted, as she wrapped her arms around mine, prohibiting me from doing anything rash.

Despite my instinctive attempts, I was still thankful to have Merleen at my side. If I were alone in this situation, I would have swung my blade without thinking twice. By the time that I would attack this furry woman, I would have already forfeited my life.

"You have the guts to point that sword at me. Arthur, you need to thank Merleen here for stopping you. I wouldn't mind killing you and stealing your powerful sword," Fenrir declared, with her eyes glued to the blade in my hand.

I knew my sword was something special. But upon hearing the words of this fiendish wolf, there must be an unlockable story I had yet known, despite being a veteran player of this game. Since I got this sword recently, I had little knowledge about my weapon.

But that was not the important part of this topic.

"How do you know my past?" I asked.

"I went inside your memory when I offered my arcane to you, Merleen. My magic healed you. And yet, here you are, ungrateful to your saviour," Fenrir exclaimed, as she leered at me, which almost melted my body.

"However, when I went inside and viewed your memories, your sword blocked my entry. I couldn't grasp everything about you. But I know you're not from this world. If word got out, the kingdom would place a bounty on your head. And I wouldn't mind taking that sum of gold for myself," Fenrir continued, as she went to my side, circling me with her glued eyes.

All the wolf girls mentioned had truth inside each word. If I remember it correctly, the game's plot rode along that line, hunting down every adventurer who kept playing the game. There was a mage who hunted otherworlders, or the players, and studied them inside a dungeon.

According to the community playing this game, that overpowered mage was also the final boss of Magique. I had never touched that storyline since I got reincarnated in this world.

And yet she kept my identity hidden. No matter how difficult it was for me to admit it, I still owed this girl twice. She also helped Merleen escape the mercenaries, leading us to this shelter.

I lowered my guard and sheathed my sword back in its scabbard. There was no point fighting against someone that I knew I would lose, especially to Fenrir. If I would have levelled up quicker, I could stand my ground.

However, that was not the case.

"Good boy. I know you'd listen, Arthur."

After our exchange, Fenrir flashed me a smirk and gave me a wink. Within a few seconds, the ground quaked, accompanied by howls coming inside the forest. Those sounds came from wolves, since it was the same tone I remembered when playing this game.

"When the moon shines the highest, the wolves would fill the wind with despair," I murmured, and looked at Fenrir's fore.

The wolf girl followed and gave out a blaring cry. Since Fenrir was the pack's leader, all the wolves lined up behind her followed her lead. Merleen and I could only watch from afar, wondering what to do in this situation.

Merleen went to my side and held my hand. Her pupils dilated, and sweat flowed down to her cheeks, wetting her face. Even if she did not say it, I knew she could not handle the events occurring before us.

I needed to be strong, considering the mess we had placed ourselves in. I grasped Merleen's hand tighter and gave her a nod, telling her that everything would be okay.

And soon enough, the wolves stopped their choir. After the alarming yelps of the hounds, they filled the air with utter silence. Not a sound escaped from the atmosphere as all the animals looked at us with narrowed eyebrows.

It only told us that these wolves never welcomed our stay. Fenrir only protected our presence, considering she found us interesting to her taste. If we were random strangers waltzing near a pack, we would have died from that spot without filling out our bucket list.

"We can go now, Arthur. Lead me the way towards the demon lord's kingdom," Fenrir instructed, while ordering her troops of wolves to fall back to their den.

I did not want to ask about everything we saw, considering I had no position to voice my concerns. Merleen and I were only alive because of this girl. If I angered Fenrir, it would be the end of our lives.

"It's all written on your face, Arthur," Fenrir remarked. "I told my wolf clan that I would go on an adventure with you, humans. Those howls you heard were signs of disrespecting Merleen and you. However, when I told them you have the Clarent sword, those wolves agreed to let me go for now."

Regardless of what I did, Fenrir gave me her answer. I nodded my head at every word she spoke, showing that I listened to her sentence.

After our pleasantries, we got out from the ruins and went to the borders of this place. If we wanted to visit the demon kingdom, we would circle the Kingdom of Caerleon. After taking the straight road parallel to that place, the demon kingdom would reveal itself from afar.

Although the game pointed out that place, nobody had visited that realm for a long time. I paid a visit to that kingdom before, when I was still in my prime. But every time I got the chance, the demons outnumbered me.

I did not know if the situation would happen the same, but we had Fenrir with us. If a fight could break out, this wolf girl would be the one chowing down those pesky two horned creatures.

"We need a carriage," I announced, while hopping my way over the narrowed lane.

Since we came from a hidden village of wolves, we had to exit for the longer route. And even if we took the shortcut, the waterfalls would devour our bodies, instantly killing us by the time we could arrive at the shore.

"Then our first stop would be the Kingdom of Caerleon. Any objections?" Fenrir asked.

Merleen and I shook our heads as a response.

Another set of minutes passed by, but we were only halfway through our journey. Fenrir also professed that we needed to explore another twenty miles before reaching the place she found us. If I had to crunch down the numbers, I would deduce that we had five hours more to travel outside of this place.

And the worst part was, we needed to travel on foot. We could only use the carriage once we were inside the kingdom.

But along our way, I went to Merleen and opened up a conversation. I could never find another chance to bring this until now.

"Merleen, I noticed you changed the way you speak Did something happen?" I asked, while monitoring her facial reaction.

Merleen went from pale face to bright red painted on her body upon hearing my statement. She turned around and avoided my gaze, as if wishing me to look at the opposite side as well. If this was a hint of some sort, I did not know what to say, but asked once again.

"Did something happen, Merleen?"

"Nothing!" Merleen reacted.

But as the moment went by, Merleen finally opened up to me about the events which happened before.

"I'm sorry if my mannerism of speaking embarrassed you. I was just insecure about myself and the magic I possess. Since I was the one who killed my parents, I couldn't bring myself into our conversation. In short, I portrayed Merleen as someone that wasn't me but also me. It's very confusing, right?" Merleen asked, as if wanting to know my insights about her problems.

I shook my head and answered, "Of course not! What made you say that? I would never hate you by the way you speak, Merleen!" I shouted.

I could not help myself but increase the volume of my words. I wanted Merleen to hear what I wanted to say, since she always blames herself for everything terrible that happened to her.

"And what did I tell you about you being useless?" I asked.

"But I said nothing!" Merleen retorted.

"I know. But you were thinking about it. Look, Merleen. You saved me... twice. I owe you my life and this wolf girl-,"

"I can hear you!" Fenrir replied, while heaving out a sigh.

"Anyway, you saved me, Merleen. Your powers saved me. I'm glad you found the confidence you were looking for I know it's hard, and your powers may have yet returned. But I assure you I will be here by your side when that happens, okay?"


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