I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 54: Merleen, Fenrir, and Arthur (4)

Chapter 54: Merleen, Fenrir, and Arthur (4)

"So, you're finally awake?" A chilling voice echoed from the other side of the room, calling out for the two of us.

The creature, who I assumed was the one who spoke to us, emerged from the shadows, revealing its massive body. I instinctively raised my hands to protect Merleen and nudged her behind me. If this situation breaks into a fight, protecting this girl would be my utmost priority.

It all mattered to the wolf standing before me.

"You I like your eyes. It almost feels like you want to kill me," the wolf growled at me with disdain, as it crept closer to me.

That wolf stood around twenty feet tall and continued gazing down at me like an ant. The hound bared its fangs and crushed the ground with its razor-sharp nails. Those dark energies spiralled the wolf, sending warning signals inside my brain. If I would fight this creature, I knew I would lose.

I finally dared to step my foot forward and asked the feral beast. "What do you want from me?"

"Hmm.," the wolf mumbled. "The fear instantly changed. You're no fun at all."

Despite the nonchalant answer, the wolf continued sending me death signals all over my system. I could barely even move from where I sat. The only thing that kept me from fainting was the girl beside me. A guy like me-who got reincarnated to another world as my main character, witnessing something this scary would scar me for life. This wolf was even more frightening than ten Uruk-hai fightings all at once in front of me.

But if I collapsed right now, Merleen would surely die before I could even confess my interest to her.

I moved my foot to the right and prepared to jump from the ground. However, before I could even attempt such a dangerous stunt, the wolf growled at me and gritted its teeth.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Arthur."

With that sentence, my body froze like a statue. I could even feel something warm touching my pants and flowed through my thighs. I just hoped that none of the creatures present inside this place knew what happened with my groin.

"You reek of foul stench," the wolf exclaimed, and shook its head. "Nevermind that Arthur, I would like to strike a deal with you."

"And what if I don't agree?" I asked.

"I will kill you and the girl."

The wolf tried to bargain against me. But the two of us knew this wolf had the upper hands containing us hostage on the tip of its palm. However, I had no choice but to hear out the wolf's offer, knowing that was the only way to get out of this situation.

I did not want Merleen to die because of me. Since she claimed this wolf saved our lives, I might as well listen to what this wolf has to say.

"Okay what do you want from me?" I repeated the question from before.

The wolf never gave me an instant answer and carried on with its stroll. After circling our figures once, the wolf stood in front of me, with its face close to mine. With every breath that the wild animal did, the surrounding air changed into a sinister arcane.

I could only guess that this was also a spell cast by the hound. Although this scene did not feel like it was from the game, I knew a magic circle when I saw one!

"When you were out cold and exhausted after the battle, I sheltered Merleen and you. When you lost your arm and bled to death, I added my dark magic to regrow your lost limb back again. Upon returning to the battlefield, I witnessed this young girl crying at the petty sight of you. And yet, here you are, calling yourself a hero," the wolf narrated, with its eyes still locked on mine.

I could already sense the overflowing killing intent of this mother wolf doing nothing at all.

"But I saved you! I tried saving you from those mercenaries. If I hadn't, you might have," I said, but stopped halfway through my sentence.

I did not want to dig up the buried truth, even though it was the correct response in this conversation. If I angered the wolf, Merleen and I could lose our lives. And besides, saying those excuses would never shape me as a hero.

I knew, since no superhero did that in the comics or the television shows.

"I know That's why I am offering you a deal. A deal with the great Fenrir," the wolf claimed.

Within a few seconds, magic circles appeared out of nowhere and covered the wolf's body. Those round runes also summoned a dusk cloud, enveloping everything surrounding the hound. Those spells did not look like someone ambushed us with their abilities. I could only guess that these arcane also came from the wolf in front of us.

After some time, the fog disappeared, revealing an outline of a girl with pointed ears and a pointed tail. As the smoke vanished, the woman became crystal in our eyes.

The frightening wolf, which looked like it would devour me into bits of pieces, became an adorable wolf. I could confess that the people in my world would call her a "furry" because of her appearance.

That wolf girl had everything she needed; two melons that jiggled every time she moved, a curved body that almost looked like an hourglass, and heterochromia eyes. Her right eye had the colour blue like the evening sky. The girl's right eye had the colour of the sun-a yellowish tint that glowed during the night.

"You're?" I asked, since I did not know what to believe anymore.

"Fenrir. The wolf just now Shut your crap before I pulverise you into pieces," the girl, who called herself Fenrir, answered with a hint of annoyance.

Fenrir crossed her arms and looked behind me. Merleen, who also saw her gaze, cowered backwards in fear. I had to reach out to her and calm her down before starting this conversation.

"Thank you for rescuing my kind. Despite losing to those mercenaries, your friend here cleaned up the job," Fenrir said, and pointed her forefinger at the shivering Merleen.

"M-Me?" Merleen answered.

But before we could continue, a question mark emerged above my face upon hearing Merleen's words. It was as if she suddenly changed. Did she ever think that I would miss that slight change?

"Merleen, what happened to you?" I asked, and went closer to her. "D-Did something happen?"

Despite her dreadful expression, Merleen answered me with her shaking voice and burning red face. "Y-Yes? I mean, no. W-What's wrong with me?"

"You sound so different. You changed the way you speak. Haven't you noticed?" I asked.

"Noticed what?"

I gazed at Merleen for countless seconds before telling her. "You used to say 'Merleen this' and 'Merleen that' from a third-person point of view. I don't mind the sudden change, but you act differently too it's like you boost your confidence or some sort."

However, I couldn't continue my sentence after hearing someone clearing her throat. Upon turning around, an icy glare welcomed my eyes.

"Can we save that conversation for later, humans?" Fenrir shouted, whilst stomping her feet.

That wolf girl did not have patience at all. All my hair follicles surrounding my body rose like rods, electrocuted by the thunderstorm. Now that I knew her personality, my mind placed a note at the side, saying, "do not mess with Fenrir."

"Y-Yes, of course," I answered.

Even though I did not mean what I just said, I knew retorting right now would make me end up in a different world. I would have been isekai'd twice without living in this world for a year.

"So, what's your deal?" I asked, pressing some more for the devil's deal.

Fenrir gave out a sinister smirk upon hearing my question. She went in front of me in the blink of an eye while revealing her sharp claws. I could only deduce that those pointed nails were Fenrir's weapon. That girl was like the popular superhero back on my girl, but a girl and a wolf.

But I knew this creature wanted to flex the power she contained inside her body. Among the opponents I battled during my stay, Fenrir was the one that brought boss-like vibes. I did not want to anger such a lovely lady, let alone a strong one, too.

"I need you to escort me towards the demon kingdom. I have some business to do with the current demon lord right now. Since you're not someone from this world, I believe task would not hinder you from achieving your goal Actually, it coincides with our interests. Don't you think, Arthur Wyllt?"

My body got the best of me and reacted within a split second. I even accidentally activated my Clarent and absorbed the boost of power from my sword.

"W-Who are you, Fenrir?"

Nobody should know my identity Nobody except for Merleen.


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