I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 154: The Scatter for Power (3) Epilogue

Chapter 154: The Scatter for Power (3) Epilogue

We finally told everything the nobles and generals needed to know. After explaining those details, all seven mercenaries hopped inside the caravan. Caerleon people didn't need me for anything, since I had already told them the preparations they must take for the upcoming war. 

One of us was a coachman as we headed out towards the charted road, passing by numerous soldiers along the way. We also took turns who would be the next rider, since some of us needed to take some rest in between trips. I excluded myself from them. rotation, considering that I was one of those people who needed some shut eye. 

Those soldiers gave us their salutes as they watched us leave the kingdom. Cheers echoed behind our back, but we didn't have any time to look back. All of us focused our sight up ahead, where we could meet our distant friend.

When we passed by the kingdom's borders, we saw nothing but the darkened clouds and the peaceful forest. There were no animals that obstructed our way, besides the colony of bats swarming from above. 

Our caravan would pass by the Camelot's borders before we could arrive at the White Mountains. Just a couple of miles away was the Kingdom of Camelot, house of all the knights that despise us for ruining Albion's contract.

But my team of mercenaries didn't move because of Albion and Camelot knights. We journeyed through the uncharted road to see our comrade. And Lara sought our help, which she wrote on the note.. 

The only way to assist her was arriving at her presence when she would need us the most. And since our group watched each other's backs, we didn't want Lara to fight this battle alone. If there was someone who she could trust, it was our team.

"This is Lara's handwriting," said my comrade, who was beside me. "But I have an inkling that a trap would greet us once we arrive at the White Mountains. That place was known to be a notorious place for bandits. According to other knights, it was the home of bandits and other vigilantes running away from the law."

"Lara needs our help! But why would she ask us to go towards the White Mountains? She could ask us before she could even accept that mission?" another mercenary exclaimed, while leaning his head near the note.

"Regardless if it's a trap, we will help our comrades. That has always been our life since the day we grouped together, okay? Nobody gets left behind, not even the crown would stop me. If this happens to any one of you, I would do the same."

After hearing my response, we continued exploring the new terrain. But our expectations plummeted to the ground as we spotted nothing but some bronze field. Nothing appeared with crystal colour, despite the White Mountain's name. Only a few circular tumbleweeds were the only one that accompanied us on our adventure. 

It had been three hours since we roamed around this field full of nothing but sand. Not even bandits or other creatures emerged on our sight as we traversed the open field. We almost suspected that we had looped around for several times, which would be the case. 

But fortunately, we had our systems with us to guide our carriage towards our destination. If there was one thing our time prided about, it was our experience and the system. People knew us for being ruthless shadows who fixed the government. And with this added power, we could take anyone, except demons.

"It says here we are on the right track.But why can't we see anything? Lara mentioned that there's a village nearby." I mumbled. "We have been travelling for three hours, but 

"Maybe it's far beyond the White Mountains' terrain? We can never know unless we run into them," my comrade replied, as we carried onwards to the dull road.

Within a few minutes, our surroundings had changed, specifically the arcane. Our system didn't catch any mana in our vicinity, except for a congested place up ahead. 

Despite our unchallenged travel for four hours, no white mountains greeted our eyes. But that changed when our caravan stopped without warning.

"What happened? Why did we stop?" the other mercenaries asked like a choir.

But the coachman raised his hand and explained, "There's something out there. And if I continue further, we will all die."

Since our comrade was the one who said those words, we believed him. There was not a hint of doubt in our eyes as we heard our comrade.

Our friend didn't deceive us when a circular runner thistle rolled onwards and hit the invisible wall. As soon as it passed by our length, the plant disappeared into the void.

"What in the name of Caerleon happened?" I mumbled, and got out of the carriage.

All my five mercenaries all settled on the floor and went to check the unseeable barrier. We made sure to maintain a distance between the line, hoping that it wouldn't eat us alive.

Even though we witnessed the plant's disappearance, our system never notified us of anything. It didn't explain the phenomenon in front of us and remained a mystery to our eyes. And since we valued our lives, nobody dared to be the sacrificial lamb for the occasion. 

I wouldn't let my friends take the risk, considering that they could die before checking the other side.

"As far as I remembered, the White Mountains should be visible around this place. It's like what I've told you before. Around four hours of uninterrupted journey, we would arrive at our destination," my friend uttered, as he crossed his arms. 

"But we didn't. And this is a problem," I murmured back, while unsheathing my sword.

"H-Hey, hey! What are you trying to do here?!" asked my mercenary friends, as they witnessed my actions. "That's the only weapon you have! If you do that, you'd be-,."

"I know what I'm doing."

After giving them my reply, I pointed my blade at my fore and pushed it through the wall. It was what we had expected. The barrier ate my blade and sent it on the other side. 

Despite this action, my weapon didn't weigh less or more. If it did, this blade would have disappeared.

I retracted my weapon while asking everyone to stay back. And as soon as I pulled my blade back to my arms, nothing had happened. My sword remained the same, even after inserting it on the other side.

"This barrier just conceals them from the other side. It is nothing more but a sheet," I confirmed, and bravely marched onwards.

The six mercenaries gave me a nod and followed my footsteps, only to witness the White Mountains in front. Those mountains lived up to its name, as the landforms painted itself with white powder. Even though white stuff addressed our eyes, the temperature never decreased. Our skin remained warmed, not cold, as we walked forward.

[Congratulations! You have found The Hidden White Mountains!] 

Our system notified us as we entered the uncharted realm. It took the system a few minutes before it could even send us this notification. 

I turned around and asked the comrade about what he had said about this place. I didn't mean to doubt my friend's words. But he needed to make sure everything he would say was real. 

"Look, that's what I remembered the first time I roamed around this place!"

"And how long was that exactly?" I asked.

"A few dozen years when I was a little lad."

Silence filled the conversation as our team hiked the rocky road. We didn't dig deep in the topic as we finally caught sight of those villages Lara had spoken.

But despite meeting our goal, there were no villagers who greeted our existence. Albeit there were countless cabins and huts in the area, we found no signs of life.

"Split up and search the area. I want you back before five minutes," I commanded, and motioned my hand.

My five mercenaries heeded my call and scattered inside the village, hoping to find anything.

As we inspected each house, all the furniture remained intact. It didn't show any signs of war or damage from a battle, unlike other villages we knew. 

I entered one hut and inspected every corner for any clues. There was a hot pot boiling with its soup inside, telling me that someone prepared this beforehand. But besides that, there was nothing out of the ordinary that could alert us. 

"It would be nice if we could find something out of this village. But it appears that the people living in this place retreated with haste," my cormade said, as he entered the house.

"But that's the problem. Who would do such a thing and leave their valuables behind?" I answered, and told my friend to follow me. "It feels like we stumbled upon a trap...But Lara sent us here?"

Before I could even process my thoughts, a shout echoed from a distance.


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