I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 153: The Scatter for Power (2) Epilogue

Chapter 153: The Scatter for Power (2) Epilogue

Still in Green Knight's Point of View


Much to my surprise, crimson paint covered his shirt as the butler looked at me in the eye. The man nearly fell on the ground as I pressed my hand on his wounds.

"Who did this to you? That enemy is a bold one if he thinks he could leave this premises alive!" I yelled, while clicking my tongue.

"The traitor.has already escaped.There's a traitor among us..He said.to give this note to you.."

After saying his fill, the butler lost his blood and died in my hands. His crimson fluid drenched my fingers, which eventually took the servant's life. The butler's eyes stared at my face, as if begging to see the light in this kingdom.

I slowly covered the man's eyes and gingerly rested him on the floor. "Don't worry..As long as I'm alive, nobody will harm the kingdom. I will protect it with my life."

Within a few seconds, the guards appeared inside my office and looked around. The chimes of bells also reverberated outside the castle, alerting everyone inside the city. 

While that happened, a knight boldly went to me and asked me some questions. "Your highness, the army is yours to command. What do you need, and the militia will service you with everything we have!"

"Where did the butler die? What time? And who was there with him? I want every answer immediately after asking some witnesses! Call every soldier in the area and search the culprit inside the kingdom.That person will pay," I growled, and clicked my tongue. 

Thanks to the system Arthur had given me, I revealed my maddened aura to my surroundings. The knights who were beside me all performed a defensive stance after sensing my violent aura. But upon gazing at my figure, the soldiers all unsheathed their swords and lowered their heads. Each of the soldiers expressed their apologies to me as soon as they noticed what they did. 

However, I paid little attention to them and walked out of the room. Some soldiers followed my behind and guarded my flank, knowing that there was a killer on the loose. We didn't know if the murderer worked alone or a team, since nobody saw the individual's face.

While walking in the hallway, I opened the note clipped in my hands. It was the letter that my butler received from the killer who stabbed him in the chest. 

The words written on the paper vibrated my body, forcing me to stop on my tracks.

"Please help me...Meet me at the White Mountain, near the Kingdom of Camelot. There's a village there where my sister resides.I don't know if she's going to make it. The Camelot Kingdom brought some guards. Bring everyone, except for the soldiers of Caerleon. So you won't leave the kingdom undefended."


The note that the butler sent to me came from Lara, our mercenary who went missing after the battle. But Lara's letter went to me in an odd fashion, which cost the lives of my people. I didn't know how many people affected by the murderer. But I hope those traitors weren't related to Lara.

Since Lara said she needed our help, it only meant that there was someone behind this attack. And that someone came from Camelot Kingdom.

Upon arriving outside, the scout I ordered earlier came running in my direction. The knight announced his arrival and explained everything he had found when he committed to his rounds.

"The killer that attacked the butler was a spy hired from Camelot and the nearby kingdoms. We verified it using his uniforms and weapons he had used.Unfortunately, as soon as we caught him, the man suddenly died. The doctors thought someone poisoned the pawn and controlled him using illusions or mind spells," the scout confessed, while maintaining a blank face. "We have three casualties and five injured soldiers, your highness. The killer went alone. And our intelligence thinks there are more of them outside our kingdoms. Our forces are on our way to search the area.But because of our current environment, it would be difficult for us to."

"Stop patrolling when it's evening. We would just waste our time chasing an insect galloping around. Instead, order every soldier in the area and tell the commander to prepare for war ...." I directed, and yelled at another soldier. "And, you! Call the nobles and the generals at the front gate once they're finished! I have something important to say!"

After our exchange, the messenger sprinted towards the barracks and informed the general. When the man in charge heard my words, the commander revealed himself from the tent and issued a meeting. Those soldiers rallied around him as the general gave them the schedule of protecting the kingdom.

I believed in Lara's words and obeyed the warnings coming from the letter.

As soon as I finished that part, I raced towards the hallway and found the seven mercenaries. All of them had already equipped themselves with their weapons, preparing to leave the kingdom. When I arrived at the scene, my comrades waved their hands and invited me into their circle.

"I know you plan on searching for this mother-fucker. So I called out to everyone to go on a journey."

"It's a good thing we slept the entire day so we could fight some bandits or whatnot!"

Despite the commotion happening surrounding the kingdom, these mercenaries had a blank face. We came prepared that we would lose some people in this war. And it was our job to protect the kingdom within our hands. 

I had become the crowned ruler of this kingdom. But there was a mercenary that we needed to save. And that someone was still our comrade who helped free the people from the oppressive king.

"You bet we would.And I found a letter written by Lara...Come on. Read that note outside as we head out. We should also inform the generals and nobles about our absence. And make sure that we arrive back here within a few days," I explained, as the seven of us headed out of the palace.

"How long does it take to arrive at the White Mountains in a caravan?" I asked, as the seven of us walked towards the buzzing hallway.

"We should arrive there around four hours, Green. But if there is trouble along the way, we could arrive there in around six hours," my comrade replied, as we glanced at the door guarded by two soldiers.

Upon reaching the castle's latter part, the general and the nobles finally arrived at the front gate. All of them had a worried look on their faces, since they witnessed such a sudden event. But despite these circumstances, they maintained their posture as they conversed with me.

"Did you call, your highness?"

"Sir, as you command, sir!"

The nobles and commanders greeted me with awe as soon as they witnessed my presence. I returned the gesture and explained everything that they needed to know.

"We received some information regarding this assault. We, the mercenaries, are on our way to stop them from further attacking our kingdom. I want you, nobles, to be in charge while I'm gone. And if I don't come back, someone else from my mercenary group would be the king or queen. If I heard someone stole the people's taxes, I will behead you myself!" I yelled, as I stared at the general's eyes. "Order the soldiers to defend the borders around the clock. The letter also mentioned that the kingdom of Camelot could arrive and announce a war against us. SInce all seven of us would travel to the White Mountains, the soldiers would be the only one who could defend this place. But I put my word that I or my friends would return to this kingdom within two days. If we don't return within two days.Order an immediate evacuation for the people. There's an underground path you all should take.Save the children and mothers, while the rest of you.protect them."

"Why would the king and his subordinates be the one to take those out when you could order your soldiers?!" the nobles asked, as he voiced his concerns. 

"I would if it weren't for my friend kidnapped by those Camelot Knights. Don't worry. We would be back within two days. And besides, Arthur granted us power beyond our measure. We were the only few ones who have this arcane that nobody else has," I answered.

Upon hearing my words, the general and nobles nodded and went to their areas. Since we had eradicated all greedy merchants and nobles, all these officials would do anything to protect these people. And I personally appointed new royalties that came from the people's choices, which was also a suggestion coming from Arthur. He told me that selecting some officials coming from the people would grant their trust to the king, which eventually became effective.

When we finally told everything the nobles and generals needed to know, all seven mercenaries hopped inside the caravan. One of us was a coachman as we headed out towards the charted road, passing by numerous soldiers along the way. They all gave us their salutes as they watched us leave the kingdom. 


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