I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 107: Demonic Beast (2)

Chapter 107: Demonic Beast (2)

Before we could arrive at the sound's origin, a window popped up before me. The contents written on the box told me I learned a new passive ability after fighting Meliodas. As I flipped the page, the skill told me that my team would be invulnerable from hypnotic attacks and other forms of manipulation, except if I ordered it. If I did not mention it to someone, that spell would not activate on my comrades.

If I had to guess it right, this passive spell worked perfectly with Meliodas. Since we fought against a bard that could control someone, my system recognized it as a threat. Thanks to my class as a knight, my system granted me this advantage. It gave me the passive skill, preparing me from my enemies that could do the same thing.

I still had no idea when I could use the spell's latter effect. But from what I observed, I might have to use that ability for this fight.

After I acknowledged those thoughts, I proceeded towards the site and prepared ourselves for a battle.

In front of us was a girl running away from two demonic beasts. The nearest demon to the girl had a child's figure, while the other had an image of a dog. That pair harassed the title lass while baring their pointed teeth.

Without a second thought, all four of us went towards the scene to protect the girl. Merleen did not want to use her spell offensively, especially in a fight. So she used her light abilities and formed a shield surrounding the girl. Merleen's job was to defend the civilians away from the fight.

When the demonic beasts attempted to attack the girl, it was time for us to make our entrance. Fenrir and I fended off the attacks coming from the demons and pushed them away. Fortunately, even before I could say anything, Fenrir made sure to limit the damage from her attacks. She knew that the demonic aura continued manipulating those beings trapped behind that cover.

And the only way to stop them was for us to knock them out cold without killing them. Our team could hurt them, but we needed to avoid amputating their limbs as necessary.

"Fenrir, I think you realised it, but those two are."

"Yeah." Fenrir replied, and stole glimpses at the little girl. "Tell me, tiny human. Who are these two individuals that turned into demons?"

The girl quivered her hands while answering Fenrir's question. "That one is my brother. And that one is our pet, Silver. he's a dog."

"We were just getting berries to mother. but then, my brother screamed and. and.. he became like that. my dog too," the girl continued, as she hid behind me.

When the girl pointed her fingers at the two, it all made sense to us now. That demonic beast standing upright was the girl's brother, while the other was their pet dog. I could deduce that these two were important individuals to the frightened girl, since she stayed here in the forest instead of running away.

"You did well, fella. We're here to save them, okay? Can you go stay with this lovely sister for me?" I asked, while caressing the little girl's hair.

"Okay.. Thank you.," the girl answered, as she wiped the beads of tears dripping from her eyes.

After talking with the little girl, I turned my attention to Merleen and asked, "Take good care of the little girl, okay? I know I'm asking too much, but can you help us fight the demonic beast? Can you do that, Merleen?"

Merleen nodded after hearing my words and replied, "I know. And it's okay, Arthur. I will protect her with my life."

When Merleen gave me her answer, I went towards Bard and gave him my instructions. He also expressed his concerns about this fight.

"Arthur, I cannot fight with the two of you. I only have a harp that controls the movements of each individual. However, my ability won't work against demons or overpowered beings. But I will try my best to aid you in battle," Meliodas expressed his thoughts, while clipping his hands to the harp's strings.

"I know from miles away, Meliodas. I want you to be our eyes and ears from this fight. If you think we would be in a pinch, use your song to drag our bodies away from danger. That's what you're going to say, right?" I asked. "And leave the fighting to us. Do not try to control our bodies fighting against these zombies, especially Fenrir and Merleen."

"You still do not trust me?" Meliodas asked. "I am not saying that to ruin our formation... or our relationship. But I just want to make sure that-."

Before Meliodas could finish his sentence, I butted in and answered his concerns, "Don't worry. I trust you because you're a part of our team. The latter part of my sentence was just a reminder for you."

I turned my focus to Fenrir and instructed, "Fenrir, you take the demonic dog, and I will take the kid."

"Why? Because I'm also a dog?" Fenrir growled.

"No. Well, now that you've mentioned it, I see some resemblance."

"I hate you."

After our exchange, the fight finally began. Fenrir and I rushed towards the scene and battled against the two demonic entities. However, the two of us had separated battles.

I would focus on fighting against the demonic kid, while Fenrir would fight against the dog. We would keep the two busy, brawl against each other, and knock them out. We could also wait until the demonic energy would pass out from those two. But that play would involve some risks that could prove fatal in our fight. If we did that, there might be a chance that the kid would suffer physical damage from the demonic aura. Hence, the dangers tangled with that plan.

We ought to finish this fight and stun the two demonic beings. If we could do just that, the fight would be over.

I immediately took the one on the right and dashed straight into battle. Fenrir also went to the other side and fought against the demonic dog. Now that we were in position, we would face these demons on our own, with the help of Merleen and Meliodas at the back. This fight would differ from the tyrant king, since we only need to knock them out, not kill them.

I clipped my hands around Clarent and bashed the kid using my blade. If I used the pommel of my sword, the attack would do nothing against that demon. Thanks to Clarent's ability, I could move faster than before, which would help me in this battle.

But the demonic being had remarkable speed and eluded my attack. It went to the side and punched my abdomen as a counterattack. As the demonic kid's fist landed on my stomach, I flung backwards. After rolling seven times, my speed finally stopped, but the throbbing pain never left my body.

"Oh, that's gotta leave a mark," I growled in pain, while caressing the site where I got jabbed.

Fortunately, my body withstood the attack, together with my passives coming into play. My body regenerated after receiving the attack, which also helped me recover from this fight. I also had an ability that granted me more defence the more the enemy beat my ass.

I tried again and approached the demonic kid with precaution. Since charging straight into battle did not work, I now had to wait patiently. If I wanted to attack, I needed to find an opening and strike my enemy from there.

But the demonic entity never gave its guard down as it finally tackled me. Luckily for me, Merleen's shield blocked the demon's attack. However, the demonic kid averted his focus to me and zoomed straight towards Merleen.

I tried catching up on the demonic boy, but I could not outrun him. My body was not strong enough to catch up against this demon, which made it impossible for me to defeat it.

But when I finally lost hope, my feet moved on their own and increased their pace. Both my muscles and magic coated my lower limbs, which made me catch up with the demon.

As I went to my enemy's side, I smacked the demonic kid using my blade once again, hoping that would deal some damage. Much to my surprise, the demon finally felt my attack as it changed its focus back to me.

"Yeah, that's more like it. I'm your enemy here, kid!" I shouted, grabbing the attention of my opponent.

The ability that helped me overcome struggle came from Meliodas, who controlled my feet. Since he had the power to increase my body's effort while amplifying my pace, he stroked his harp and helped me with my fight. If he had not used his harp I doubt I would be there to stop the demon's attack.

I stole a glance at my behind and nodded my head, thanking the two for saving me.


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