I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 106: Demonic Beast (1)

Chapter 106: Demonic Beast (1)

We had learned that the bard had a tragic life he had been through before meeting us on this road. Meliodas mentioned his father got killed by a knight from the round table. Originally, there were six of them. But the game developers reduced the numbers, which halved the rest of those knights.

I did not tell Meliodas about the game developers or this world being similar to a game. Only Merleen knew this secret, with Fenrir being an exception.

"So there are only six of them remaining? It's unfortunate that I cannot kill the other half. It's a shame," Meliodas mumbled to himself, while running down his fingers on the harp. "How about you? Who are you guys anyway, especially you?"

Meliodas pointed his fingers at me and continued, "Knights are all loyal to the king. They follow no one but the king's orders, even if they need to kill their wives and children. I've seen them with my own eyes. And I've killed most of them already. But when I sense you wish to protect these people surrounding you, you are no knight to these kingdoms... which they call Albion. Because if you're one of them, you would have let me kill these two girls."

When Meliodas confessed those words, his eyes glared into mine. He did not even avert them to a different site, considering the weight of our conversation. I needed to choose my words since this bard did not kid around.

And if I were in Meliodas' position, I would have probably done the same thing, too.

"Well, these two are my trusted comrades. I would sacrifice my life to save them from a dangerous incident," I answered, unsure what Meliodas would make out of that. "Because they're my friends. And even though they're not my friends, I would save them with my life. We only take out those who disregard life as things."

"If there's the quickest way to resolve any conflict, that would kill someone off before ending the argument. But every one of us has the chance to change. However, that chance can also be limited to psychos and maniacs killing other people. Now those are the groups we kill if we could. At least, from what I believe in," I continued.

All I explained to Meliodas was my critical thinking, which my team always applied throughout our battle. Although Fenrir had an original concept before this, she might have seen the situation when those injured people would die in the shelter. I could only hope that one day Fenrir would refuse to kill people immediately without prying into their behaviour.

The bard rested his chin on his head, thinking about the phrase I mentioned. If I had to guess him right, Meliodas probably remembered something from his childhood that's miles apart from what I said.

"Are you indicating that I am part of your radar since I killed dozens. hundreds of soldiers? Even if you tell me your answer, my ideals will never change, Arthur," Meliodas expressed, as he crossed his arms.

"I do not plan on changing your ideals. If killing those knights, like you've said would bring more peace than chaos, you're allowed to do it. As long as you weigh the circumstances, everything should be good. And I will only allow it if you're protecting someone dear to you," I said, before answering Meliodas' former question. "So, no. You are not on my radar. You're nothing but a stranger to me."

"If that's all, I'd like to end the conversation here."

Just before Meliodas said those words, an inhumane sound echoed through the road. It came to the north where the road would lead us. That sound came not from a human shouting for help.

"What is that?" I asked, while gazing at the road.

"Probably a demonic beast. When a demon is nearby, the animals roaming around the forest catch that aura. And if they were exposed to that, those animals... or beasts would turn into something demonic. It doesn't happen a lot. But that sound tells me otherwise."

Fenrir was the one who explained the voice's description up ahead. Merleen shivered after listening to those words and went behind me.

"Arthur, are you sure we're going towards that place?" Merleen asked, with her hands still wrapped around my hips.

The sensation had an impeccable feeling of delight, considering that a girl hugged me from behind. But I had no time to kid around, considering the dire situation we would face soon.

"We are, Merleen. We can't let that demonic beast wreak havoc around the villages," I answered, while holding Merleen's hand.

While that happened, I turned around and faced the bard. Meliodas also stared at the sound's origin, whilst squeezing his harp in his hands. As I approached the man, Meliodas got startled from my figure and moved a few steps backward.

When he recognized my face, he immediately shook his head and reacted, "Sorry. I spaced out."

"Don't be," I answered, while looking at the road. "So, what's your plan. It seems like you're interested in the sound we've all heard."

"Certainly," Meliodas replied. "My uncle. father had a farm. And that farm was the only source of income he had during that time. But those demons attacked that lot, which ruined his fortune. My father ended up swimming in piles of debts and finally moved from a different town. That's why I hate those demons."

Upon listening to Meliodas' story, my mouth curled up a smile as I seized the opportunity, "This is the perfect moment to ask... So, are you fine teaming up with us while fighting that beast?.... If our enemy is a demon, that is."

"Are you sure of what you're saying, Arthur? I literally killed you moments before we heard that sound. Aren't you a little optimistic about me?" Meliodas expressed his concerns, while looking at my eyes.

I simply nodded my head and replied, "Yeah. We need a pair of hands. or a harp. We really hate demons, and we wish to save the neighbouring villagers, right? The more the merrier."

"If you say so, Arthur. Please let me be a part of your team. I shall try not to press you down with my harp skill," Meliodas answered, while lowering his head. "I cannot attack or defend myself. So I will just stay on the back and do my thing while you fight the demonic beast."

"That's fine by me. Hop inside our carriage. We would arrive quicker if we use the cart rather than on foot."

After our exchange, Meliodas heeded my instructions and went along with my team. Fenrir and Merleen said nothing about the situation, since they knew the weight of this situation. It was a dire problem we needed to take care of, considering that we were up against a demonic being.

"Fenrir, can you brief us with demonic beasts?" I suggested.

Fenrir cleared her throat and explained, "As I've said before, when demons are nearby, they release negative energies, which enter the arcanic vein of life forms. We consider that as a curse passed by the aura of the demons. That process differed from possession, since the demon isn't present at the scene. When the demonic aura enters someone. or a living creature, that being would rabid and kill anyone who stands in their way, regardless of anything."

"But they can be saved," Fenrir continued. "There are different curses, with unique powers from those demonic auras. However, nobody told me about the entire process. And I didn't care about that when I was still with my pack."

If I had to guess Fenrir's missing statements, knocking that demonic beast or human would do the trick. Every curse or spell had its own limitation, including this demonic aura.

When I was still a player, this news spread like wildfire. But I did not know about this, since I cared only about getting the sword. This demonic aura only affected nearby villages, which did not concern me. I was a high-level player who had an S. class job in my hands. Saving a town at that time was not my utmost priority. unlike now.

"Arthur, what would happen if a person got infected by the demonic aura? What will we do? Should we. kill them? Or.?" Merleen asked, with her eyes filled with worry. "But what if we can't?"

Merleen had a point when she said those words. It was also something that had been going through my mind.

"If that happens, we would spare them. As long as we have some hope, we would save those people. or creatures we need," I answered.

After traveling for a few minutes, we arrived at the site. As soon as we got off the carriage, we prepared our magic abilities and studied the scene. We were up against a demonic aura, which would be a pain in the ass.

As we gazed ahead, a little girl was running for her life, away from the two demonic beasts.


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