I Returned as a High School Girl

Chapter 251: Divulgence (1)

Chapter 251: Divulgence (1)

The stage event to celebrate Spokesperson surpassing ten million in total attendance would be held today. As if the heavens also wanted to celebrate, the rain that had been pouring for the past three days had lifted and nothing but clear skies could be seen. Kang Ra-Eun got out of the car and headed to the waiting room where everyone was waiting.

“Good afternoon,” she greeted affectionately.

The male actors that had been in the waiting room greeted her back with smiles as bright as today’s weather.

“Welcome, Ra-Eun.”

“You’ve dressed up so nicely today.”

“You’re as beautiful as a flower.”

Ji Han-Seok, Min Se-Min and Hwang Je-Woong complimented her looks in order. They had seen her in almost nothing but formal wear during their film shoots, so they couldn’t take their eyes off of her dressed so femininely.

Ra-Eun giggled in embarrassment and sat down on a chair. She rarely wore earrings, but the fact that she did proved how happy she was that Spokesperson had surpassed ten million in total attendance. She had wished for the film’s success more than anyone else, so she was also happier than anyone else today. Although the thoughts about what she would do after her revenge were still roaming her mind...

‘I can think about that later.’

Ra-Eun did not feel the need to get stressed over something that was in the future. She decided to take care of what was in front of her first. Right now, she needed to focus on the stage event, and then successfully fulfill her revenge. Until then, Ra-Eun would not look back.


People cheered loudly as Kang Han-Do climbed up to the stage. Han-Do was considerably famous, and his appearance also meant that the stage event would be beginning soon. The audience’s eyes were glittering with expectation and excitement.

“Good afternoon. I am Kang Han-Do, the host of this event. We sure have a lot of people gathered here today.”

There was an endless wave of people. Not even the staff members that had planned the event had not expected this many people to attend. Traffic around the area had been congested beyond belief; even police had to be mobilized to control the massive wave of people.

“Without further ado, let’s have our guests come up to the stage. Please give them a warm round of applause!”

The audience clapped fervently like Han-Do asked. Ra-Eun climbed the stairs first as the protagonist of the film. The strong wind made her skirt flutter. The stage was considerably high up, so Ra-Eun made sure to pull her skirt down with one hand so that the inside wouldn’t be seen, with her other hand holding a mic. She used to get extremely flustered just from a slight breeze whenever she wore a skirt, but she was now able to handle it perfectly.

The other actors climbed up to the stage one by one after Ra-Eun. They had also dressed up in a tuxedo. A beautiful girl was surrounded by several handsome men. The audience members couldn’t help but feel happy from seeing such beautiful people lined up horizontally.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself first, Ra-Eun?” the host asked.


This was the privilege given to the protagonist. Whether it be interviews or any official event, they were always given attention first. However, Ra-Eun was still unsure whether to consider this a privilege or not.

“Good afternoon. I am Kang Ra-Eun, and I played Na Ji-Yang. I thank you all for gathering here today to celebrate the ten million in total attendance of Spokesperson with all of us.”

The audience cheered again as she fluidly introduced herself. A bunch of Club Allegiance members were cheering for her while holding a huge banner with her picture on it. Seeing that, Han-Do softly laughed.

“Your popularity is idol-level, Ra-Eun,” he remarked.

He was not wrong, but Ra-Eun found this situation rather embarrassing. She had thought that she had already gotten used to everything that could happen to a celebrity, but...

‘I can’t seem to get used to this...’

She did not feel like she could ever get used to it.


The stage event did not consist of anything particularly special. They would just have a short talk show and take some time to give autographs to the fans that had come to see them today.

Ra-Eun sat down on the seat provided to her for the autograph signing. The fans would be lining up in front of the celebrity that they wanted an autograph from. It was no problem for people to get autographs from all four celebrities, but it was best to just choose one of them since time was limited. If they were too greedy, they might have to leave empty handed.

Han-Seok, who was seated at the table next to Ra-Eun, quickly scanned the four lines of people.

“Your line is the longest by far, Ra-Eun,” he said.


Ra-Eun had been getting autograph papers and a ballpoint pen from a staff member, so she had not gotten the chance to check her line. She was finally able to see the endless line of people patiently waiting to get the chance to meet her in person. The lines of the other three men were long in their own right, but they did not compare to Ra-Eun’s line.

An overwhelming number of male fans obviously chose Ra-Eun, but it was not like there weren’t any women in her line either; everything about Ra-Eun’s line completely outclassed the lines of the other three male celebrities. Ra-Eun was able to get a feel for her popularity through her line.

‘Will I really be able to give every single one of these people an autograph?’

For now, she decided to sign as quickly as she possibly could. Her first fan was a young woman seemingly around the same age as her.

“Please sign here!” the fan said as she pointed at her white shirt.

There were occasionally fans like this who asked to be given an autograph elsewhere besides the provided autograph paper, mainly on clothes or a film poster of Ra-Eun on it. Ra-Eun stood up and signed the area that the female fan wanted her autograph on. The second fan was obviously a much younger girl, seemingly in middle school from just a glance.

“U-Unnie! Could I... Hug you just once?”

Ra-Eun smiled as the middle school girl mustered up the courage to ask. She found the girl rather commendable and cute.

“Sure thing,” Ra-Eun replied as she extended her arms out to welcome her.

The middle school girl happily jumped into Ra-Eun’s arms on the verge of tears, and left the line while getting gazes of envy from the other fans. Ra-Eun continued to get requests such as this, but she did not show any signs of fatigue. She was still going strong even while Han-Seok was almost at his limit.

The autograph signing session finally came to an end. To Ra-Eun’s right were gifts that fans had brought for her. Ra-Eun finally stretched to relieve some of her fatigue and congratulated the other actors and staff members for their hard work. Han-Seok marveled at the sight.

“I always think this whenever I see you, but you have an ungodly amount of stamina, Ra-Eun.”

“This is nothing.”

Ra-Eun had followed the principle of survival of the fittest ever since her past life.


Before heading back home after the stage event had finished, Ra-Eun changed in the changing room. She was at last enveloped by the comfort of pants despite only a few hours having passed.

‘The dress was really cute, but I wouldn’t want to wear it for too long.’

Ra-Eun felt like she had sprouted wings just from having changed into sneakers from high heels.

“Are you finished changing?” Ryu Ha-Yeon asked.

“Yes. Here you go.”

Ra-Eun handed her the clothes that she had worn.

Ha-Yeon said while putting the clothes away, “Yu-Bin unnie went to get the car, so you can just wait here for a bit and then go with me.”

“In that case, I’ll go to the bathroom real quick.”

“Okay, sure.”

Ra-Eun quickly walked to the bathroom. She was now far past the stage of making sure that she was entering the women’s bathroom instead of the men’s. As she entered, she saw someone that she felt like she had seen many times before.

‘That lady... Looks familiar.’

Ra-Eun unintentionally stared at the woman who seemed to be in her late thirties. Having felt Ra-Eun’s gaze, the woman turned around and then smiled.

“Miss Kang Ra-Eun, correct?”

“Oh, yes.”

“I’d heard that you had a stage event here with my nephew. I unfortunately arrived too late to see it because something came up, but I’m glad that I at least managed to meet you.”


“Oh my, I’m sorry. I was late to introduce myself,” the woman said as she handed Ra-Eun her card. “I’m Han-Seok’s aunt, Joo Yeon-Ha.”

Ra-Eun finally managed to recall who the woman was once she heard her name. Joo Yeon-Ha was one of the top chefs of Korea. Many star chefs would become known to the public when the cooking craze took over the entertainment industry in the near future, and Chef Joo Yeon-Ha was one of the chefs who would reap the benefits.

‘I had no idea that she was related to Han-Seok sunbae.’

It was no wonder since Han-Seok hid his familial ties as much as possible on TV; there was no way that he would go around telling everyone that he was related to Yeon-Ha. Not just that, Yeon-Ha had not yet risen to become a star chef yet.

‘There’s no harm at all in getting to know her.’

Ra-Eun replied with a smile after receiving her card, “I had no idea that you were Han-Seok sunbae’s aunt.”

“Well, he never talks about his family to others. Oh, please keep what I just said a secret from him.”

“Sure, no problem.”

It was not a difficult request at all for Ra-Eun to accept.


The title of ten million in total attendance brought a new wave of people into cinemas to watch Spokesperson. Ra-Eun smiled as she watched the film’s attendance record getting higher and higher, because she felt like she could see Kim Han-Gyo getting more and more anxious as the film got more popular.

‘I heard that he’s staying cooped up in his house again.’

Han-Gyo had not shown himself in any public event; he had not even attended the campaign disbandment ceremony. Meanwhile, Ma Yeong-Jun brought her some great news.

“I’m more or less done with what you’d asked me to do.”

“What did I ask you to do again?”

“You asked me to investigate Congressman Jo Su-Hwang and Jin Pil-Oh.”

“Oh, that’s right. Let’s see it.”

As Ra-Eun was going through the report that Yeong-Jun had written up, her gaze fixed itself on a certain part. The corners of her mouth unconsciously rose.

“Korea sure is a small country, huh?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.

Yeong-Jun couldn’t understand what Ra-Eun was talking about.


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