I Returned as a High School Girl

Chapter 250: Fall (2)

Chapter 250: Fall (2)

The news of Kim Han-Gyo in danger of being expelled from his party really hit home, especially to Ra-Eun. It shocked her even more than his crushing defeat in the general election.

Expulsion was nothing less than massively impactful, considering Han-Gyo’s position and influence in his party. He had been in the party ever since he was newly elected, climbing the ranks up to the representative position that he held now. He had been an indispensable pillar to his party, but had now become a nuisance that only held the other congresspersons of his party back.

“I’ve heard that this is being discussed by the newly-elected congresspersons. As for the details, like I had just mentioned, it involves expelling Congressman Kim from the party, and then bringing every single injustice that he had committed to light. One of the congresspersons has even suggested they take measures so that the money that Congressman Kim had extorted is returned to the national treasury,” Congresswoman Hong Oh-Yeon said.

“The congressman must really have gotten on their bad sides.”

“Yes, I can’t really blame them.”

The entire party’s approval rating had fallen by thirty percent just because Congressman Kim Han-Gyo was a member. This could not only cause the members to lose in future general elections, but even affect a future presidential election. Taking the future into account, it was likely the better choice to expel Han-Gyo from the party; no, it was definitely better. The party members had made the right choice.

“They’ll likely put out an official statement in the near future. Once they do, the party won’t be able to just ignore it.”

It was not the case for newly-elected congresspersons, but the senior congresspersons would be extremely conscious of Han-Gyo. Just then, a fantastic idea popped up in Ra-Eun’s head.

‘How about I just ruin the senior congresspersons one by one?’

If the tower refused to crumble by itself, she just needed to destroy its pillars one by one.

“Thank you very much for the information, Congresswoman.”

Ra-Eun had only planned on simply congratulating Oh-Yeon and having a meal with her, but she had ended up earning an unexpected profit.


Ra-Eun had acquired a list of senior congresspersons that Han-Gyo was close to, without needing to go out of her way to find out herself. It was all already inside her head.

‘Especially among them, Kim Han-Gyo’s right and left hands were Congressman Jo Su-Hwang and Jin Pil-Oh.’

The two of them had been recruited to the party by Han-Gyo himself. Due to that, their loyalty toward Han-Gyo was undoubtedly high. Ra-Eun decided to make those two her targets during the lull that came after the election.

Ra-Eun summoned Ma Yeong-Jun to her office since background checks were his specialty.

“I need information, mister. Could you investigate these two people?”

Yeong-Jun unintentionally clicked his tongue the moment that he saw the names of his targets.

“They’re both bigshot congresspersons.”

“Yeah. They’re Kim Han-Gyo’s closest subordinates.”

Ra-Eun was planning on helping the newly-elected congresspersons so that their influence would spread further throughout the party.

“Even the tiniest things are fine, so just dig up everything you can on them. If they have weaknesses, then all the better,” Ra-Eun remarked.

“Got it.”

“I’m counting on you. We’re almost at the end.”

The day of Han-Gyo’s complete downfall was right around the corner. Ra-Eun felt delight the closer that she got to her ultimate goal, revenge. However, Yeong-Jun had a question regarding her revenge plan.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What? Is it a hard question?”

“It might be, depending on how you take it.”


Ra-Eun decided to judge after hearing the question.

“What are you going to do after ruining Congressman Kim Han-Gyo?” Yeong-Jun asked.


Ra-Eun couldn’t give an immediate answer to his question. Ra-Eun had pursued nothing in life except her revenge against Han-Gyo. She had even endured returning to the past as a high school girl for that sole purpose. However, what would happen to her after her revenge was fulfilled?

“...I’ve never thought about it,” Ra-Eun answered in difficulty.

Yeong-Jun softly nodded. “I see.”

He left her office after that short response. A suffocating silence engulfed Ra-Eun. She had never once thought about what she would do after her revenge was fulfilled. Revenge was her entire life as well as her reason for existence. She had no idea what sort of life to live after her reason for existence disappeared.

Ra-Eun put her hands on her forehead and said to herself, “It was a hard question, dammit.”

She directed her anger at Yeong-Jun in vain.


The peace in Ra-Eun’s mind was greatly disturbed due to Yeong-Jun’s simple question. However, some good news arrived as her head was in jumbles.

Shin Yu-Bin, who had come to pick Ra-Eun up for today’s schedule, said while driving, “Did you read the article, Ra-Eun? Spokesperson surpassed ten million in total viewership.”


Ra-Eun had so much to think about that she had completely missed the news.

“It just barely managed to reach it yesterday. There’s still time until it’s taken down from cinemas and it now has the reputation of a film that has reached ten million in total attendance, so I bet it’s gonna go even higher!”

Yu-Bin barraged Ra-Eun with good news, but Ra-Eun herself couldn’t be fully happy due to her kiss scene pledge, which had also been on Yu-Bin’s mind.

“I’ve been getting tons of calls from so many companies wanting to have you in their next production.”

Thanks to that, there was no moment in which Yu-Bin’s phone was not ringing. Ra-Eun had also ended up with a massive pile of scripts to read through. She had never thought that she would have to experience paperwork hell that only company employees experienced.

“Hadn’t I mentioned that I was going to be taking a break?” Ra-Eun said.

“That’s what I’ve been telling producers, but they kept begging for you to at least agree to star in their production since they can postpone it however long you’d like... Chief Jung and I almost feel sorry for them.”

They were desperate for Ra-Eun to star in their production to the point that they were willing to give her any form of compromise that they could possibly give. Film and drama producers alike did not want Ra-Eun to be given away to someone else, so they were doing whatever it took to get a definitive answer from her.

“Even so, don’t let that pressure you, and take your time to think about it. Okay?” Yu-Bin mentioned.

“Okay, I will.”

Ra-Eun was planning on doing so without Yu-Bin telling her.

“Oh, and you remember the stage event scheduled next Tuesday in celebration of Spokesperson breaking ten million in total attendance, right?”

“I thought that was TBD. Has it been made certain now?”

“Well, we didn’t know at the time whether or not it would reach ten million, but now it has.”

The massive success of Spokesperson had become the greatest moment in Director Seo Yong-Mun’s career, since it was his very first film that had reached ten million in total attendance.

“Han-Seok and Se-Min will also be there. And... Oh, so will sunbae,” Yu-Bin expressed.

“Hwang Je-Woong sunbae?”

Ra-Eun had not expected that. Je-Woong did not like attending things like stage events and autograph signings, so she found it rather surprising that he would be joining them.

“It’s scheduled for 2 PM, so let’s head out early to get your hair and makeup done.”


It was better to be busy since having more time to think would only mess with her head.


Ra-Eun had gotten rather accustomed to waking up early in the morning. She took a shower as soon as she went into the bathroom, dressed in casual clothing and left her home. Yu-Bin’s car arrived at her home as soon as she came out. Yu-Bin was in the driver seat, and Ra-Eun’s stylist Ryu Ha-Yeon was in the seat next to the one that Ra-Eun would be sitting in.

“We’re gonna dress you up as soon as your basic makeup is done. Is that fine with you?” Ha-Yeon asked.

“Yes, but what will I be wearing today?”

Ra-Eun only knew for sure that it wouldn’t be casual clothes, since she would obviously need to wear something extravagant for an official stage event.

Ha-Yeon smiled meaningfully and answered, “You find out soon enough. I’ve prepared a few, so you can choose which one you like best.”

“Got it.”

Ra-Eun was tired, so she decided to get the details later. She needed to take a short nap for now.


Ra-Eun headed to the changing room in the beauty salon with Ha-Yeon to change.

“Ta-dah!” Ha-Yeon exclaimed while displaying the clothes that she had hung up in the room in advance. “What do you think?”

Ra-Eun suppressed a bitter laugh as soon as she gazed upon the clothes.

‘Well... It’s not like I didn’t expect it.’

All she could see were dresses; not a single pair of jeans that Ra-Eun loved was in sight. Every single dress was eye-catching as if it was made of pure extravagance.

Ra-Eun turned her attention to the leftmost dress.

“I like the blue one.”

“It’s a pretty color, isn’t it?”


However, the skirt length was a bit shorter than the others and had a considerably low V-neck. It was the kind of outfit that Ra-Eun hated the most, but she changed into it anyway without complaints. She thoroughly checked her front, side and back appearances.

“What shoes should I wear?” Ra-Eun asked.

“White heels. They’re pretty high. Are you sure you’re okay with them?”

“It’s fine. I’ve gotten used to them.”

Ra-Eun also wore a shining diamond bracelet and earrings, as well as a thin silver necklace. Her complete look pulled the attention of every single beauty salon employee toward her. Even Yu-Bin’s mouth was agape from Ra-Eun’s beauty.

“That’s our Ra-Eun for you.”

“You’re so pretty.”

They felt proud even when they weren’t the ones being praised. Ra-Eun paid no mind to the gazes on her and left the beauty salon with her handbag and other personal belongings like a total natural, along with her manager and stylist.

Ha-Yeon stared at Ra-Eun covering her exposed legs with a lap blanket as soon as she sat down.

“Ra-Eun. I feel like you’ve gotten way more feminine lately.”

“I have?”

“Yeah. It might be natural since you’re a girl, but back then, you were... a lot rougher than you looked, wouldn’t you say? But I think that side of you has disappeared lately. You’ve become more refined.”


Ra-Eun had become more feminine before she had realized it. Yeong-Jun’s question popped up in her head. What would her life be like after fulfilling her revenge? The usual compliments of her being pretty, beautiful, and having become more feminine, hurt more than usual today.


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