I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 158: Primitive Technology

Chapter 158: Primitive Technology

A few minutes had already passed since Aurus’ clone, Argentum was fully formed. At this point in time, the two of them had their senses of vision closed, attuning to each other’s various senses in order for each other to get a better grasp of the limits of the other. Of course, in actuality, this was just Aurus trying to get a grasp of the limits of the clone before the war happens. Although he had split off half of his soul to his clone, which allowed him to perceive the world through his clone’s senses at any time, that did not mean that the clone had a mind of its own…though he could make that happen.

“Hmm…I wonder how high this clone’s stats are,” Aurus muttered to himself, knowing very well that he had allocated a lot of FP in the creation of the clone in front of him. Using the [Species Analysis] skill he had on his original body, he was able to take a glance at the stats and skills Argentum, which somewhat surprised him.

“All of the skills he has are more or related to me, as well as the element I’m inclined towards,” Aurus could not help but mutter while being surprised as to how strong his clone was at the first level.



Argentum (Level 1/10)

Experience: 0/100

Species: Nature’s Blessed Child

Existence Level: Animate

Grade: Rank 0

Class: None

Tempering Skill: None


[HP]: 25/25

[MP]: 10/10



Vitality – 13

Strength – 12

Agility – 13

Intelligence – 11

Defense – 11



[Nature’s Blessing], [Spirit Resonance], [Wind Affinity], [Innate Tempered Body], [Natural Mana Affinity]


Although the stats his clone had was pitifully low when compared to the stats his original body has, in actuality, the stats of his original body was the one that was pitifully low when compared to the clone.

“If I were to evolve as an Animate through this original body of mine, I’m definitely sure I could achieve twice as much as stats as this clone in front of me,” Aurus muttered to himself as he recalled a memory from his previous life. “Nonetheless, these stats are still great when compared to the other players who evolve into Animates, only having about 5 to 7 points in each stat.”

“With each point as an Animate being equivalent to 100,000 points in Inanimate stats, it’s a given that even a thousand Inanimates at the X-grade wouldn’t be able to critically damage a Rank 0 Animate in one shot.” Aurus let out a sigh, reminiscing of the past where he would trample on tons of Inanimates and Pseudo-Inanimates with his stats alone.

“Ah, I just remembered,” Aurus said not long after, a memory from a while ago popping up into his mind. It was a memory wherein he was testing the amount of damage his skills dealt, where the damage counter would show points equivalent to thousands of HP as an Inanimate. “Although I don’t know how the alliance obtained it, that was actually a damage counter meant for Pseudo-Inanimates. Now that I think about it, the same went for their stats as well. The only reason why Pseudo-Inanimates are like the Animates’ limbs is because of their power tribulations.”

“But I don’t have any plans of making a Pseudo-Inanimate yet,” Aurus continued to talk to himself, before looking at the decently large drill his clone had. Whenever he looked at it, he could not help but feel a bit happy. It was then that he realized something.

While he was looking at his clone’s large member, an aura of embarassment radiated from original body, muttering to himself, “Wait a second…aren’t I naked right now?”

At that instant, Argentum’s eyes opened, standing up without hesitation as he looked at his original body, saying, “If I were to be discovered by a person, especially if they were female, where would my dignity go?”

Although he was in a place filled to the brim with Inanimates, he still could not help but think about the possibility that an Animate might cross through the Tempest Cliff and possibly discover him. Looking out through the entrance of the main hall, it was then and there that Aurus…well, Argentum decided that he was going to have to make some clothing for himself.

Of course, Argentum was still Aurus, but he decided to give him a name for less confusion. Not only that, he also gave him a name for the reason that when the war came, Argentum could not be connected to Aurus at all. Although it was Aurus’ trump card, he wanted to tell the other members in his alliance that he had just forged a friendship with Argentum.

And so, with Aurus controlling both bodies, he willed his original body to head towards the Tower of Seclusion and wait for the time when everyone in the alliance congregated in the alliance hall. Soon after that, he disabled the [Sense Sharing] skill, allowing Argentum to look at everything around him from his own field of vision. After that, he started to slowly walk out of the entrance hall, making sure that his hands covered every inch of his drill.

At first, Argentum wasn’t used to manipulating the body since he had been a stick for most of his current life. But of course, after a few minutes or so, relying on the memory he had as a human back in his previous life, he was able to control the body like a human would, running in a slightly leisurely pace with both hands covering his drill. In his mind, the first thing he was going to do was to obtain a large enough leaf as well as some item that could be turned into rope to create clothing that would cover his private parts.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Then again, since Argentum was not an athletic person in his previous life, the feeling of power coursing throughout all of his body could not help but make him feel quite content with his current life. Of course, that did not mean that he was giving up on his dreams of becoming a God, even if that meant that he was going to become a God with two bodies. He was going to make sure that he would reach the pinnacle of power.

Eventually, a few minutes after leaving the alliance’s main hall, Argentum had made his way towards a nearby tree. Not only did he stop by this tree in order for him to catch his breath, but he also stopped by this tree due to the fact that its leaves were large and flexible. Since the tree was a few meters in height, plus the fact that he did not have enough strength to jump such a height, he decided to climb up the tree’s trunk.

Since he was in the Tempest Cliff, a place known for its harsh winds, it was inevitable that a strong breeze would touch his body, making him shiver as he gradually climbed up the tree’s trunk. Nonetheless, while climbing up the trunk, he could not help but notice that the amount of cold he felt from the breezes flowing through his body was less than what a normal person could perceive. To be honest, what he felt was more of a loving embrace from their mother as the wind caressed his body.

It was then that the [Wind Affinity] skill his body had came to mind, muttering to himself, “Hmm…should I base my class around this skill? It’s not a bad choice though.”

And so, with a bit of elbow grease and a bit of time, Argentum was able to reach the top of the tree, plucking off two leaves from the tree before jumping off of it and using one of the leaves as a parachute on the way down.

Step. Step.

After that, he removed the midrib off of one of the leaves he plucked off, splitting it into two flexible sheets. He then looked around the area he was in and muttered to himself, “I wonder if there’s anything I could use as rope to hold the two halves around my waist.”

With him now holding a flexible sheet of leaf around his waist, Argentum traversed the Tempest Cliff in search of a natural rope to hold the flexible sheets up. Of course, he knew that he couldn’t go that far since he could be discovered by Chonk and his army.

Fortunately, it didn’t take him that long to find an item that he could use as rope, discovering a few long vines that were hanging down from the branch of a tree. He tugged on it with a bit of force, and noticed that it did not break at the first tug, which made him more happy than irritated since a sturdier type of rope meant that would it last longer.

Climbing up a tree’s trunk again, he yanked the vines off of the branch, before jumping down and entwining them to make the vines into a sturdy rope. He then looked for a sharp and pointy stone around the vicinity and used it to poke two holes on each end of the two flexible sheets.

He then tied the rope made out of vines around the holes as he affixed the two flexible sheets around his waist. Eventually, he had successfully affixed the two flexible sheets around his waist with the vine rope, with one sheet covering his back and the other covering his back.

At this point in time, he could not help but become proud of what he done, though it took him quite around 30 minutes of time, reducing the amount of time left he could use the clone before he would need to be at the alliance’s main hall.

“Hmm…what should I do next?” Knowing the deadline at hand, he thought about the thing he could do next to make Argentum look more human than a subservient clone that did not need to eat or sleep.


It was then that a strong breeze blew over his body again, making him shiver yet again. At this point in time, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind as a smile appeared on his face. With that thought in mind, he started to dash towards a random direction, making sure to stay as close to the alliance base as possible.

“Since I’m feeling cold, I should make a fire!”

“I’ve watched a ton of videos where people used technology from the past. It wouldn’t be that hard to emulate them, right?”


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